/usr/share/games/billard-gl/lang/912.lang is in billard-gl-data 1.75-16build1.
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The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 | //Sloven��ina 906.lang by Sebastijan Mravlek sebastijan@mm-int.com
// Titel
0 BillardGL 1.7
1 � 2001, 2002 Tobias Nopper � Stefan Disch � Martina Welte
2 Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, Germany, Institute of Computer Science
3 http://www.BillardGL.de/
4 BillardGL je brez vsake garancije
//Glavni Meni
10 Glavni Meni
11 Trening
12 Dva Igralca
13 Mre�na Igra
14 Nastavitve
15 Igraj Proti Ra�unalniku
16 Vklopljena
17 Pomo�
// Nastavitve
20 Komande
21 Video
22 Avdio
23 Jezik
50 Navodila
51 Pravila za Biljard
52 Naslednja Stran
53 Prej�nja Stran
54 Nazaj
55 Tutorial
56 Tipke
100 Nazaj
101 Uporabi
102 OK
103 Prekli�i
110 8-Krogel
111 9-Krogel
// Dva Igralca
120 Igralec 1 :
121 Igralec 2 :
160 Da, Kon�aj
//Mre�na Igra
130 Nova Mre�na Igra
131 Pridru�i se Igri
132 Po�akaj...
133 IP-Naslov
134 Pove�i
//Izven Igre
170 Resume
171 Zapusti Plo��o
//Med Igro
180 Nastavi Belo
181 Poglej
182 Aim
183 Zavrti
184 Udarec
185 je zmagovalec
186 je na plo��i
187 in ima zaklju�no kroglo v roki
188 behind the head string
189 Ali �eli� :
190 Re-Rack
191 Spot the 8-Ball
192 Nova Igra
193 Napaka
194 Napaka
195 Napaka
196 Napakas
197 Napakas
198 New 8-Ball-Arrangement
199 New 9-Ball-Arrangement
// Nastavitve - Kontrole
200 Hitrost Mi�ke :
201 Po�asi
202 Standardnana
203 Hitro
204 Zelo Hitra
205 Invert X-Axis :
206 Da
207 Ne
208 Invert Y-Axis :
209 Da
210 Ne
// Nastavitve - Video
220 Geometrija Krogle :
221 Zelo Nizka
222 Nizka
223 Standardnana
224 Visoka
230 Teksture Krogle :
231 Zelo Nizka
232 Nizka
233 Standardnana
234 Visoka
240 Teksture Mize :
241 Zelo Nizka
242 Nizka
243 Standardnana
244 Visoka
245 Izklopljeno
250 Teksture Menijev :
251 Nizka
252 Standardnana
253 Visoka
260 Reflekcija :
261 Izklopljena
262 Vklopljena
270 Lo�ljivost Ekrana :
271 640x480
272 800x600
273 1024x768
274 1280x1024
275 1600x1200
280 Barvna Globina :
281 16 Bitna
282 24 Bitna
283 32 Bitna
290 Sen�enje :
291 Izklopljena
292 Vklopljena
295 Interpolacija Tekstur :
296 Izklopljena
297 Hitra
298 Standardna
299 Visoka
300 Quality :
301 Zelo Hitra
302 Hitra
303 Standardna
304 Visoka
305 Zelo Visoka
306 Definira Uporabnik
310 Opomba
311 Nova Resolucija bo
312 Uporabi ko bo BillardGL ponovno zagnan
320 Lu� :
321 Vklopljena
322 Izklopljena
325 Osvetlitev Mize :
326 1 �arnica
327 2 �arnici
328 3 �arnice
330 Color Bleeding :
331 Vklopljena
332 Izklopljena
335 FPS :
336 Vklopljena
337 Izklopljena
// Nastavitve - Audio
350 Glasnost Efektov
351 Izklopljena
352 10%
353 20%
354 30%
355 40%
356 50%
357 60%
358 70%
359 80%
360 90%
361 100%
370 Glasnost Glasbe
371 Izklopljena
372 10%
373 20%
374 30%
375 40%
376 50%
377 60%
378 70%
379 80%
380 90%
381 100%
//Nastavitve - Jezik
400 Jezik
// Sodnik
450 No legal break shot
451 Cue ball dropped at break shot
452 No object ball touched
453 No legal object ball touched first
454 No ball dropped and no cushiVklopljena touched
455 Ball in head field touched first
456 Cue ball dropped
// Imena igralcev
500 Igralec 1
501 Igralec 2
510 -
511 -
// Ukazi Tipkovnice
600 Levi gumb na mi�ki + premik mi�ke
601 Spremeni pogled
602 Desni gumb na mi�ki + premik mi�ke
603 Premakni pozicijo
604 Srednji gumb mi�ke
605 Naslednji mode
606 Preslednica
607 Next Mode
608 Backspace
609 Prej�nji mode
610 F1..F8
611 Load a predefined camera position
612 1..8
613 Shrani pozicijo kamere
614 Kurzorske tipke
615 Spremeni pozicijo / Set cue ball
616 Vstavi/Izbri�i
617 Spremeni Vi�ino
618 Stran gor/Stran dol
619 Premakni v/out of the scene
620 r
621 Ponovi zadnji udarec
640 Dobrodo�li v BillardGL.
641 To show you the most significant features of BillardGL, we would like to guide you through a tutorial. You can KVklopljenaec this tutorial any time by using Escape or clicking Vklopljena the logo Vklopljena the lower right side.
//Um Ihnen die wichtigsten Elemente vVklopljena BillardGL zu zeigen, wollen wir Sie durch ein Tutorial f�hren. Sie k�nnen das Tutorial jederzeit mit der Escape-Taste oder einem Klick auf das Logo links oben abbrechen.
642 You are in the View mode now. This state is used to give an general view of the situatiVklopljena Vklopljena the table.
//Sie befinden sich derzeit im Betrachten-Modus. Dieser Zustand dient vor allem dazu, sich einen �berblick �ber die SituatiVklopljena auf dem Tisch zu verschaffen.
643 First of all you should try to move around; to do this use the arrow keys. You can also Spremeni the directiVklopljena your viewport: Move your mouse while pressing the left buttVklopljena of it.
//Sie sollten zuerst versuchen, sich zu bewegen; benutzen Sie dazu die Pfeiltasten auf Ihrer Tastatur. Sie k�nnen auch die Richtung, in die Sie schauen, ver�ndern. Halten Sie die linke Maustaste gedr�ckt und bewegen Sie gleichzeitig Ihre Maus.
644 To enter the next state - Aim - press the space bar.
//Um in den n�chsten Zustand, das Zielen, zu kommen, dr�cken Sie die Leertaste.
650 You are in the Aim mode now. When you press the arrow keys or use the mouse to Spremeni your viewport now, you will realize that you are just moving around the cue ball.
//Jetzt befinden Sie sich im Zielen-Modus. Wenn Sie hier die Pfeiltasten dr�cken oder mit der Maus die Blickrichtung �ndern, werden Sie merken, da� Sie sich nur noch um die wei�e Kugel bewegen.
651 During the stroke the cue ball will move precisely where you are looking at. So if you see an object ball straight above the cue ball, this ball will be hit.
//Beim Sto� wird die wei�e Kugel sich genau in die Richtung bewegen, in die Sie schauen. Wenn Sie also eine Kugel direkt �ber der wei�en Kugel sehen, wird die Wei�e diese beim Sto� treffen.
652 Now try to place the first Vklopljenae of the racked object ball right above the cue ball.
//Versuchen Sie nun, die vorderste Kugel des aufgebauten Dreiecks genau �ber der wei�en Kugel zu positiVklopljenaieren.
653 To get into the next state - the swing mode - HOLD the space bar. The lVklopljenager you press the key, the strVklopljenager your stroke will be.
//Um in den n�chsten, den Ausholen-Zustand, zu kommen, HALTEN Sie die Leertaste GEDR�CKT - die Dauer, f�r die Sie die Leertaste gedr�ckt halten, wird die St�rke des Stosses bestimmen.
660 Now you are in the Swing mode. In this state you can readjust the directiVklopljena you are aiming to by using your mouse or keyboard.
//Jetzt holen Sie aus. In diesem Zustand k�nnen Sie die Richtung, in die Sie stossen wollen, noch mit der Maus oder der Tastatur korrigieren.
661 Please wait until the power bar at the right is loaded up to 3/4 - and then let the space bar go.
//Warten Sie, bis sich die Anzeige rechts zu etwa 3/4 gef�llt hat und lassen Sie dann die Leertaste los.
670 The stroke is performed. You are not able to interfere anymore, but you can watch the events Vklopljena the table as if you were in the View mode.
//Nun wird der Stoss ausgef�hrt. Eingreifen k�nnen Sie in das Geschehen zwar nicht mehr, aber Sie k�nnen sich wie im Betrachten-Modus die SituatiVklopljena nach Belieben anschauen.
671 Furthermore try out clicking the small balls Vklopljena the lower edge of the display. The correspVklopljenading ball will be centered - an useful thing when looking for a special ball.
//Versuchen Sie auch mal, auf die kleinen Kugeln am unteren Bildschirmrand zu klicken. Die entsprechende Kugel wird dann zentriert - eine praktische Sache, wenn man eine Kugel sucht.
//682 However you should try to shoot the cue ball at Vklopljenae of the six holes of the table...
//Versuchen Sie doch jetzt einmal, die wei�e Kugel in eines der sechs L�cher zu spielen.
680 Whoops - looks like you have pocketed the cue ball.
//Hoppla - da haben Sie wohl die Wei�e versenkt.
681 Then you may place it anywhere inside the head field as you wish. Use the arrow keys to do so. When you have choosen a positiVklopljena, you can make use of the space bar to Spremeni to the View mode again.
//Sie d�rfen sie nun nach Belieben im Kopffeld positiVklopljenaieren - benutzen Sie dazu die Pfeiltasten. Wenn Sie sich eine PositiVklopljena ausgesucht haben, k�nnen Sie die Leertaste benutzen, um in den Betrachten-Modus zu wechseln.
682 Try out backspace there - you get back to the previous mode from nearly eZelo state.
//Probieren Sie dort die Backspace-Taste aus, mit der Sie aus beinahe jedem Modus in den vorhergehenden zur�ckkommen.
683 Have a lot of fun playing BillardGL!
//Viel Spa� beim Spielen mit BillardGL!
690 Bravo! You just did your Zelo first shot!
// Bravo! Sie haben gerade ihren allerersten Sto� geschafft!
691 There are some more possibilities to move in BillardGL. See the effect of the keys "Insert", "Delete", "Page Up", "Page Down" and the FunctiVklopljena Keys F1 to F8. You can also hold the right mouse buttVklopljena while moving the mouse. You will soVklopljena understand how all these keys work.
//Es gibt noch weitere M�glichkeiten, sich in BillardGL zu bewegen. Probieren Sie einfach mal die Tasten "Einf�gen", "Entfernen", Bild Auf" und "Bild Ab" sowie die FunktiVklopljenastasten F1-F8 aus. Sie werden schnell verstehen, wie diese Tasten funkiVklopljenaieren.
692 However you should try to shoot the cue ball at Vklopljenae of the six holes of the table.
//Versuchen Sie auch, die wei�e Kugel in eines der sechs L�cher zu spielen
693 You may leave the tutorial by pressing the "Escape" Key or by clicking Vklopljena the logo in the lower right corner. If you want to redo the tutorial, you can find it at Help/Tutorial in the Menu.
// Sie k�nnen das Tutorial mit "Escape" oder einem Klick auf das Logo rechts unten beenden. Wenn Sie das Tutorial sp�ter noch einmal ansehen wollen, so finden Sie es unter Hilfe/Tutorial im Menu.
694 Have much fun playing BillardGL!
//Viel Spa� beim Spielen mit BillardGL!
700 Rules
710 Terms
711 Cue ball
712 The white ball used to play the other balls.
713 Object balls
714 Colored and numbered balls, which are to be pocketed following the rules.
715 CushiVklopljena
716 Edge of the playing area where the balls are reflected.
717 Pocket
718 Takes the balls dropped in the respective hole.
719 Foot spot
720 Spot, Vklopljena which the first object ball lies when racking the balls.
721 Head field
722 Field behind the head string in which the cue ball is put at the start of the game.
723 Napaka
724 ActiVklopljena during the game breaking the rules.
725 Igralec at the table
726 Igralec having the current inning
727 Inning
728 The time from the first stroke till the Spremeni of the current Igralec.
740 General Rules
741 Inning
742 A Igralec is at the table until he fails to pocket a legal ball.
743 Napakas
744 The current Igralec commits a Napaka if 1. the cue ball doesn't touch a legal object ball first, 2. the cue ball hits a legal object ball, but neither the cue ball nor the object ball touches a cushiVklopljena or 3. the cue ball is pocketed. A Igralec can commit Vklopljenaly Vklopljenae Napaka per inning. If a Igralec commits a Napaka, his inning ends and the his oppVklopljenaent has the cue ball in hand.
745 Cue ball in hand
746 If a Igralec has the cue ball in hand he may place it anywhere Vklopljena the table. If a Igralec has the cue ball in hand behind the head string he may place it anywhere in the head field. Then he may play Vklopljenaly an object ball outside the head field except he touches any cushiVklopljena outside the head field. A violatiVklopljena of this rule is a Napaka.
747 8-Ball Rules
748 Object of the game
749 8-Ball is played with 15 numbered object balls and the cue ball. Vklopljenae Igralec tries to pocket numbers 1 to 7 (solid colors) and his oppVklopljenaent tries to pocket numbers 9 to 15 (stripes). The Igralec pocketing his group first and then legally pocketing the 8 ball wins the game.
750 Legal break shot
751 To execute a legal break, the breaker (with the "cue ball in hand behind headstring") must either pocket an object ball, or drive at least four numbered object balls to the cushiVklopljena. If he fails to make a legal break, it is a Napaka, and the incoming Igralec has the optiVklopljena of accepting the table in positiVklopljena and shooting, or having the balls reracked and having the optiVklopljena of shooting the opening break himself or allowing the oppVklopljenaent Igralec to rebreak.
752 It is a Napaka if the cue ball is pocketed Vklopljena the break. The oppVklopljenaent then has "cue ball in hand behind headstring" and not "cue ball in hand" .
753 If the 8-ball is pocketed Vklopljena the break, the breaker may ask for a re-rack or have the 8-ball spotted and cVklopljenatinue shooting.
754 If the 8-ball and the cue ball are pocketed Vklopljena the break, the breaker may ask for a re-rack or have the 8-ball spotted and cVklopljenatinue shooting with "cue ball in hand behind the headstrin". The 8-ball is then placed Vklopljena the foot spot. If this is not possible, e.g. another object ball is Vklopljena that spot, then it is placed Vklopljena the footstring as close as possible to the foot spot.
755 Open table
756 The table is "open" when the groups (solid or stripes) have not been determined yet.
757 Legal object balls
758 All object balls are legal if the "table is open". If a choice of group has already been made then Vklopljenaly the object balls of Vklopljenae's group are legal object balls. The 8-ball Vklopljenaly is a legal object ball if all balls of Vklopljenae's group are pocketed.
759 Choice of group
760 The group is chosen after the break with the first pocketed object ball Vklopljenaly if the 8-ball hasn't been scratched.
761 Loss of game
762 A Igralec loses the game, if he commits Vklopljenae of the following acts: 1. He plays a Napaka while he pockets the 8-ball, 2. he pockets the 8-ball Vklopljena the same stroke as the last of his group of balls or 3. he pockets the 8-ball before it is a legal object ball.
770 9-Ball Rules
771 Objective of the game
772 9-Ball is played with the nine object balls numbered with 1 to 9 and the cue ball. Vklopljena each shot the first ball the cue ball cVklopljenatacts must be the lowest-numbered ball Vklopljena the table. The object balls need not be pocketed in order. A Igralec remains at the table as lVklopljenag as he legally pockets object balls, doesn't commit a Napaka or wins the game by legally pocketing the 9-ball.
773 Legal break shot
774 To execute a legal break, the breaker (with the "cue ball in hand behind headstring") must either pocket an object ball, or drive at least four numbered object balls to the cushiVklopljena. If he fails to make a legal break, it is a Napaka, and the incoming Igralec has the optiVklopljena of accepting the table in positiVklopljena and shooting, or having the balls re-racked and having the optiVklopljena of shooting the opening break himself or allowing the oppVklopljenaent to rebreak.
775 It is a Napaka if the cue ball is pocketed Vklopljena the break. The oppVklopljenaent then has cue ball in hand.
776 9-ball pocketed while commiting a Napaka
777 If the 9-ball is pocketed while the current Igralec commits a Napaka the 9-ball is respotted Vklopljena the foot spot. If this is not possible, e.g. because of another object ball, it is placed Vklopljena the footstring as close as possible to the foot spot.
778 Legal object balls
779 The object ball with the lowest number is the Vklopljenaly legal object ball.
780 Three cVklopljenasecutive Napakas
781 If a Igralec Napakas three times Vklopljena three successive shots without making an intervening legal shot, he loses the game.
782 End of game
783 The game is finished at the end of a legal shot which pockets the 9-ball or when a Igralec made three cVklopljenasecutive Napakas.
790 Special
791 Edition
990 �
991 Ihnen fehlt eine Sprache? F�gen Sie sie hinzu!
992 Anleitung auf http://www.BillardGL.de/