/usr/share/vim/vim80/syntax/slrnrc.vim is in vim-runtime 2:8.0.1453-1ubuntu1.
This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o644.
The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 | " Vim syntax file
" Language: Slrn setup file (based on slrn
" Maintainer: Preben 'Peppe' Guldberg <peppe-vim@wielders.org>
" Last Change: 23 April 2006
" quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if exists("b:current_syntax")
syn keyword slrnrcTodo contained Todo
" In some places whitespace is illegal
syn match slrnrcSpaceError contained "\s"
syn match slrnrcNumber contained "-\=\<\d\+\>"
syn match slrnrcNumber contained +'[^']\+'+
syn match slrnrcSpecKey contained +\(\\[er"']\|\^[^'"]\|\\\o\o\o\)+
syn match slrnrcKey contained "\S\+" contains=slrnrcSpecKey
syn region slrnrcKey contained start=+"+ skip=+\\"+ end=+"+ oneline contains=slrnrcSpecKey
syn region slrnrcKey contained start=+'+ skip=+\\'+ end=+'+ oneline contains=slrnrcSpecKey
syn match slrnrcSpecChar contained +'+
syn match slrnrcSpecChar contained +\\[n"]+
syn match slrnrcSpecChar contained "%[dfmnrs%]"
syn match slrnrcString contained /[^ \t%"']\+/ contains=slrnrcSpecChar
syn region slrnrcString contained start=+"+ skip=+\\"+ end=+"+ oneline contains=slrnrcSpecChar
syn match slrnSlangPreCondit "^#\s*ifn\=\(def\>\|false\>\|true\>\|\$\)"
syn match slrnSlangPreCondit "^#\s*e\(lif\|lse\|ndif\)\>"
syn match slrnrcComment "%.*$" contains=slrnrcTodo
syn keyword slrnrcVarInt contained abort_unmodified_edits article_window_page_overlap auto_mark_article_as_read beep broken_xref broken_xref cc_followup check_new_groups
syn keyword slrnrcVarInt contained color_by_score confirm_actions custom_sort_by_threads display_cursor_bar drop_bogus_groups editor_uses_mime_charset emphasized_text_mask
syn keyword slrnrcVarInt contained emphasized_text_mode fold_headers fold_headers followup_strip_signature force_authentication force_authentication generate_date_header
syn keyword slrnrcVarInt contained generate_email_from generate_email_from generate_message_id grouplens_port hide_pgpsignature hide_quotes hide_signature
syn keyword slrnrcVarInt contained hide_verbatim_marks hide_verbatim_text highlight_unread_subjects highlight_urls ignore_signature kill_score lines_per_update
syn keyword slrnrcVarInt contained mail_editor_is_mua max_low_score max_queued_groups min_high_score mouse netiquette_warnings new_subject_breaks_threads no_autosave
syn keyword slrnrcVarInt contained no_backups prefer_head process_verbatim_marks query_next_article query_next_group query_read_group_cutoff read_active reject_long_lines
syn keyword slrnrcVarInt contained scroll_by_page show_article show_thread_subject simulate_graphic_chars smart_quote sorting_method spoiler_char spoiler_char
syn keyword slrnrcVarInt contained spoiler_display_mode spoiler_display_mode spool_check_up_on_nov spool_check_up_on_nov uncollapse_threads unsubscribe_new_groups use_blink
syn keyword slrnrcVarInt contained use_color use_flow_control use_grouplens use_grouplens use_header_numbers use_inews use_inews use_localtime use_metamail use_mime use_mime
syn keyword slrnrcVarInt contained use_recommended_msg_id use_slrnpull use_slrnpull use_tilde use_tmpdir use_uudeview use_uudeview warn_followup_to wrap_flags wrap_method
syn keyword slrnrcVarInt contained write_newsrc_flags
" Listed for removal
syn keyword slrnrcVarInt contained author_display display_author_realname display_score group_dsc_start_column process_verbatum_marks prompt_next_group query_reconnect
syn keyword slrnrcVarInt contained show_descriptions use_xgtitle
" Match as a "string" too
syn region slrnrcVarIntStr contained matchgroup=slrnrcVarInt start=+"+ end=+"+ oneline contains=slrnrcVarInt,slrnrcSpaceError
syn keyword slrnrcVarStr contained Xbrowser art_help_line art_status_line cansecret_file cc_post_string charset custom_headers custom_sort_order decode_directory
syn keyword slrnrcVarStr contained editor_command failed_posts_file followup_custom_headers followup_date_format followup_string followupto_string group_help_line
syn keyword slrnrcVarStr contained group_status_line grouplens_host grouplens_pseudoname header_help_line header_status_line hostname inews_program macro_directory
syn keyword slrnrcVarStr contained mail_editor_command metamail_command mime_charset non_Xbrowser organization overview_date_format post_editor_command post_object
syn keyword slrnrcVarStr contained postpone_directory printer_name quote_string realname reply_custom_headers reply_string replyto save_directory save_posts save_replies
syn keyword slrnrcVarStr contained score_editor_command scorefile sendmail_command server_object signature signoff_string spool_active_file spool_activetimes_file
syn keyword slrnrcVarStr contained spool_inn_root spool_newsgroups_file spool_nov_file spool_nov_root spool_overviewfmt_file spool_root supersedes_custom_headers
syn keyword slrnrcVarStr contained top_status_line username
" Listed for removal
syn keyword slrnrcVarStr contained followup cc_followup_string
" Match as a "string" too
syn region slrnrcVarStrStr contained matchgroup=slrnrcVarStr start=+"+ end=+"+ oneline contains=slrnrcVarStr,slrnrcSpaceError
" Various commands
syn region slrnrcCmdLine matchgroup=slrnrcCmd start="\<\(autobaud\|color\|compatible_charsets\|group_display_format\|grouplens_add\|header_display_format\|ignore_quotes\|include\|interpret\|mono\|nnrpaccess\|posting_host\|server\|set\|setkey\|strip_re_regexp\|strip_sig_regexp\|strip_was_regexp\|unsetkey\|visible_headers\)\>" end="$" oneline contains=slrnrc\(String\|Comment\)
" Listed for removal
syn region slrnrcCmdLine matchgroup=slrnrcCmd start="\<\(cc_followup_string\|decode_directory\|editor_command\|followup\|hostname\|organization\|quote_string\|realname\|replyto\|scorefile\|signature\|username\)\>" end="$" oneline contains=slrnrc\(String\|Comment\)
" Setting variables
syn keyword slrnrcSet contained set
syn match slrnrcSetStr "^\s*set\s\+\S\+" skipwhite nextgroup=slrnrcString contains=slrnrcSet,slrnrcVarStr\(Str\)\=
syn match slrnrcSetInt contained "^\s*set\s\+\S\+" contains=slrnrcSet,slrnrcVarInt\(Str\)\=
syn match slrnrcSetIntLine "^\s*set\s\+\S\+\s\+\(-\=\d\+\>\|'[^']\+'\)" contains=slrnrcSetInt,slrnrcNumber,slrnrcVarInt
" Color definitions
syn match slrnrcColorObj contained "\<quotes\d\+\>"
syn keyword slrnrcColorObj contained article author boldtext box cursor date description error frame from_myself group grouplens_display header_name header_number headers
syn keyword slrnrcColorObj contained high_score italicstext menu menu_press message neg_score normal pgpsignature pos_score quotes response_char selection signature status
syn keyword slrnrcColorObj contained subject thread_number tilde tree underlinetext unread_subject url verbatim
" Listed for removal
syn keyword slrnrcColorObj contained verbatum
syn region slrnrcColorObjStr contained matchgroup=slrnrcColorObj start=+"+ end=+"+ oneline contains=slrnrcColorObj,slrnrcSpaceError
syn keyword slrnrcColorVal contained default
syn keyword slrnrcColorVal contained black blue brightblue brightcyan brightgreen brightmagenta brightred brown cyan gray green lightgray magenta red white yellow
syn region slrnrcColorValStr contained matchgroup=slrnrcColorVal start=+"+ end=+"+ oneline contains=slrnrcColorVal,slrnrcSpaceError
" Mathcing a function with three arguments
syn keyword slrnrcColor contained color
syn match slrnrcColorInit contained "^\s*color\s\+\S\+" skipwhite nextgroup=slrnrcColorVal\(Str\)\= contains=slrnrcColor\(Obj\|ObjStr\)\=
syn match slrnrcColorLine "^\s*color\s\+\S\+\s\+\S\+" skipwhite nextgroup=slrnrcColorVal\(Str\)\= contains=slrnrcColor\(Init\|Val\|ValStr\)
" Mono settings
syn keyword slrnrcMonoVal contained blink bold none reverse underline
syn region slrnrcMonoValStr contained matchgroup=slrnrcMonoVal start=+"+ end=+"+ oneline contains=slrnrcMonoVal,slrnrcSpaceError
" Color object is inherited
" Mono needs at least one argument
syn keyword slrnrcMono contained mono
syn match slrnrcMonoInit contained "^\s*mono\s\+\S\+" contains=slrnrcMono,slrnrcColorObj\(Str\)\=
syn match slrnrcMonoLine "^\s*mono\s\+\S\+\s\+\S.*" contains=slrnrcMono\(Init\|Val\|ValStr\),slrnrcComment
" Functions in article mode
syn keyword slrnrcFunArt contained article_bob article_eob article_left article_line_down article_line_up article_page_down article_page_up article_right article_search
syn keyword slrnrcFunArt contained author_search_backward author_search_forward browse_url cancel catchup catchup_all create_score decode delete delete_thread digit_arg
syn keyword slrnrcFunArt contained enlarge_article_window evaluate_cmd exchange_mark expunge fast_quit followup forward forward_digest get_children_headers get_parent_header
syn keyword slrnrcFunArt contained goto_article goto_last_read grouplens_rate_article header_bob header_eob header_line_down header_line_up header_page_down header_page_up
syn keyword slrnrcFunArt contained help hide_article locate_article mark_spot next next_high_score next_same_subject pipe post post_postponed previous print quit redraw
syn keyword slrnrcFunArt contained repeat_last_key reply request save show_spoilers shrink_article_window skip_quotes skip_to_next_group skip_to_previous_group
syn keyword slrnrcFunArt contained subject_search_backward subject_search_forward supersede suspend tag_header toggle_collapse_threads toggle_header_formats
syn keyword slrnrcFunArt contained toggle_header_tag toggle_headers toggle_pgpsignature toggle_quotes toggle_rot13 toggle_signature toggle_sort toggle_verbatim_marks
syn keyword slrnrcFunArt contained toggle_verbatim_text uncatchup uncatchup_all undelete untag_headers view_scores wrap_article zoom_article_window
" Listed for removal
syn keyword slrnrcFunArt contained art_bob art_eob art_xpunge article_linedn article_lineup article_pagedn article_pageup down enlarge_window goto_beginning goto_end left
syn keyword slrnrcFunArt contained locate_header_by_msgid pagedn pageup pipe_article prev print_article right scroll_dn scroll_up shrink_window skip_to_prev_group
syn keyword slrnrcFunArt contained toggle_show_author up
" Functions in group mode
syn keyword slrnrcFunGroup contained add_group bob catchup digit_arg eob evaluate_cmd group_search group_search_backward group_search_forward help line_down line_up move_group
syn keyword slrnrcFunGroup contained page_down page_up post post_postponed quit redraw refresh_groups repeat_last_key save_newsrc select_group subscribe suspend
syn keyword slrnrcFunGroup contained toggle_group_formats toggle_hidden toggle_list_all toggle_scoring transpose_groups uncatchup unsubscribe
" Listed for removal
syn keyword slrnrcFunGroup contained down group_bob group_eob pagedown pageup toggle_group_display uncatch_up up
" Functions in readline mode (actually from slang's slrline.c)
syn keyword slrnrcFunRead contained bdel bol complete cycle del delbol delbow deleol down enter eol left quoted_insert right self_insert trim up
" Binding keys
syn keyword slrnrcSetkeyObj contained article group readline
syn region slrnrcSetkeyObjStr contained matchgroup=slrnrcSetkeyObj start=+"+ end=+"+ oneline contains=slrnrcSetkeyObj
syn match slrnrcSetkeyArt contained '\("\=\)\<article\>\1\s\+\S\+' skipwhite nextgroup=slrnrcKey contains=slrnrcSetKeyObj\(Str\)\=,slrnrcFunArt
syn match slrnrcSetkeyGroup contained '\("\=\)\<group\>\1\s\+\S\+' skipwhite nextgroup=slrnrcKey contains=slrnrcSetKeyObj\(Str\)\=,slrnrcFunGroup
syn match slrnrcSetkeyRead contained '\("\=\)\<readline\>\1\s\+\S\+' skipwhite nextgroup=slrnrcKey contains=slrnrcSetKeyObj\(Str\)\=,slrnrcFunRead
syn match slrnrcSetkey "^\s*setkey\>" skipwhite nextgroup=slrnrcSetkeyArt,slrnrcSetkeyGroup,slrnrcSetkeyRead
" Unbinding keys
syn match slrnrcUnsetkey '^\s*unsetkey\s\+\("\)\=\(article\|group\|readline\)\>\1' skipwhite nextgroup=slrnrcKey contains=slrnrcSetkeyObj\(Str\)\=
" Define the default highlighting.
" Only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
hi def link slrnrcTodo Todo
hi def link slrnrcSpaceError Error
hi def link slrnrcNumber Number
hi def link slrnrcSpecKey SpecialChar
hi def link slrnrcKey String
hi def link slrnrcSpecChar SpecialChar
hi def link slrnrcString String
hi def link slrnSlangPreCondit Special
hi def link slrnrcComment Comment
hi def link slrnrcVarInt Identifier
hi def link slrnrcVarStr Identifier
hi def link slrnrcCmd slrnrcSet
hi def link slrnrcSet Operator
hi def link slrnrcColor Keyword
hi def link slrnrcColorObj Identifier
hi def link slrnrcColorVal String
hi def link slrnrcMono Keyword
hi def link slrnrcMonoObj Identifier
hi def link slrnrcMonoVal String
hi def link slrnrcFunArt Macro
hi def link slrnrcFunGroup Macro
hi def link slrnrcFunRead Macro
hi def link slrnrcSetkeyObj Identifier
hi def link slrnrcSetkey Keyword
hi def link slrnrcUnsetkey slrnrcSetkey
let b:current_syntax = "slrnrc"
"EOF vim: ts=8 noet tw=120 sw=8 sts=0