/usr/share/vim/vim80/syntax/cabal.vim is in vim-runtime 2:8.0.1453-1ubuntu1.
This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o644.
The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 | " Vim syntax file
" Language: Haskell Cabal Build file
" Maintainer: Vincent Berthoux <twinside@gmail.com>
" File Types: .cabal
" Last Change: 2010 May 18
" v1.3: Updated to the last version of cabal
" Added more highlighting for cabal function, true/false
" and version number. Also added missing comment highlighting.
" Cabal known compiler are highlighted too.
" V1.2: Added cpp-options which was missing. Feature implemented
" by GHC, found with a GHC warning, but undocumented.
" Whatever...
" v1.1: Fixed operator problems and added ftdetect file
" (thanks to Sebastian Schwarz)
" v1.0: Cabal syntax in vimball format
" (thanks to Magnus Therning)
" quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if exists("b:current_syntax")
syn keyword cabalCategory Library library Executable executable Flag flag
syn keyword cabalCategory source-repository Source-Repository
syn keyword cabalConditional if else
syn match cabalOperator "&&\|||\|!\|==\|>=\|<="
syn keyword cabalFunction os arche impl flag
syn match cabalComment /--.*$/
syn match cabalVersion "\d\+\(.\(\d\)\+\)\+"
syn match cabalTruth "\ctrue"
syn match cabalTruth "\cfalse"
syn match cabalCompiler "\cghc"
syn match cabalCompiler "\cnhc"
syn match cabalCompiler "\cyhc"
syn match cabalCompiler "\chugs"
syn match cabalCompiler "\chbc"
syn match cabalCompiler "\chelium"
syn match cabalCompiler "\cjhc"
syn match cabalCompiler "\clhc"
syn match cabalStatement "\cauthor"
syn match cabalStatement "\cbranch"
syn match cabalStatement "\cbug-reports"
syn match cabalStatement "\cbuild-depends"
syn match cabalStatement "\cbuild-tools"
syn match cabalStatement "\cbuild-type"
syn match cabalStatement "\cbuildable"
syn match cabalStatement "\cc-sources"
syn match cabalStatement "\ccabal-version"
syn match cabalStatement "\ccategory"
syn match cabalStatement "\ccc-options"
syn match cabalStatement "\ccopyright"
syn match cabalStatement "\ccpp-options"
syn match cabalStatement "\cdata-dir"
syn match cabalStatement "\cdata-files"
syn match cabalStatement "\cdefault"
syn match cabalStatement "\cdescription"
syn match cabalStatement "\cexecutable"
syn match cabalStatement "\cexposed-modules"
syn match cabalStatement "\cexposed"
syn match cabalStatement "\cextensions"
syn match cabalStatement "\cextra-lib-dirs"
syn match cabalStatement "\cextra-libraries"
syn match cabalStatement "\cextra-source-files"
syn match cabalStatement "\cextra-tmp-files"
syn match cabalStatement "\cfor example"
syn match cabalStatement "\cframeworks"
syn match cabalStatement "\cghc-options"
syn match cabalStatement "\cghc-prof-options"
syn match cabalStatement "\cghc-shared-options"
syn match cabalStatement "\chomepage"
syn match cabalStatement "\chs-source-dirs"
syn match cabalStatement "\chugs-options"
syn match cabalStatement "\cinclude-dirs"
syn match cabalStatement "\cincludes"
syn match cabalStatement "\cinstall-includes"
syn match cabalStatement "\cld-options"
syn match cabalStatement "\clicense-file"
syn match cabalStatement "\clicense"
syn match cabalStatement "\clocation"
syn match cabalStatement "\cmain-is"
syn match cabalStatement "\cmaintainer"
syn match cabalStatement "\cmodule"
syn match cabalStatement "\cname"
syn match cabalStatement "\cnhc98-options"
syn match cabalStatement "\cother-modules"
syn match cabalStatement "\cpackage-url"
syn match cabalStatement "\cpkgconfig-depends"
syn match cabalStatement "\cstability"
syn match cabalStatement "\csubdir"
syn match cabalStatement "\csynopsis"
syn match cabalStatement "\ctag"
syn match cabalStatement "\ctested-with"
syn match cabalStatement "\ctype"
syn match cabalStatement "\cversion"
" Define the default highlighting.
" Only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
hi def link cabalVersion Number
hi def link cabalTruth Boolean
hi def link cabalComment Comment
hi def link cabalStatement Statement
hi def link cabalCategory Type
hi def link cabalFunction Function
hi def link cabalConditional Conditional
hi def link cabalOperator Operator
hi def link cabalCompiler Constant
let b:current_syntax = "cabal"
" vim: ts=8