/usr/share/help/ro/gnome-help/addremove-install-synaptic.page is in ubuntu-docs 18.04.3.
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<page xmlns="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/" type="topic" style="task" id="addremove-install-synaptic" xml:lang="ro">
<credit type="author">
<name>Ubuntu Documentation Team</name>
<credit type="editor">
<name>Greg Beam</name>
<link type="guide" xref="addremove"/>
<revision pkgversion="0.80.4" version="0" date="2014-01-11" status="review"/>
<revision version="18.04" date="2018-03-18" status="review"/>
<include xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" href="legal.xml"/>
Synaptic is a powerful but complicated software management alternative to
<app>Ubuntu Software</app>.
Use Synaptic for more advanced software management
<app>Synaptic Package Manager</app> is more powerful and can do some
software management tasks which <app>Ubuntu Software</app> can't.
Synaptic's interface is more complicated and doesn't support newer
<app>Ubuntu Software</app> features like ratings and reviews and therefore
isn't recommended for use by those new to Ubuntu.
Synaptic isn't installed by default, but you can <link href="apt:synaptic">install</link> it from the Ubuntu package archive.
<section id="install-software-with-synaptic">
Install software with Synaptic
Open <app>Synaptic</app> via the <em>Activities</em> search bar. You
will need to enter your password in the <gui>Authenticate</gui> window.
Click <gui>Search</gui> to search for an application, or click
<gui>Sections</gui> and look through the categories to find one.
Right-click the application that you want to install and select
<gui>Mark for Installation</gui>.
If you are asked to mark additional changes, click <gui>Mark</gui>.
Select any other applications that you would like to install.
Click <gui>Apply</gui>, and then click <gui>Apply</gui> in the window
that appears. The applications that you chose will be downloaded and
For more information about using <app>Synaptic</app>, consult the <link href="https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto">Synaptic How To</link>.