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<page xmlns="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/" type="topic" style="task" id="addremove-remove" xml:lang="ja">
<credit type="author">
Remove applications that you no longer use.
<include xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" href="legal.xml"/>
<link type="guide" xref="addremove" group="#first"/>
<link type="seealso" xref="addremove-install-synaptic"/>
<revision version="18.04" date="2018-03-18" status="review"/>
<p>An application is software that has a graphical user interface (GUI).
You can use <app>Ubuntu Software</app> to remove applications that you
no longer use.</p>
<p>Applications are available in two formats: snap packages and Debian packages.
An application available as a snap package is from now on referred to as a <em>snap</em>.
Some applications are available in both formats. In such a case in
<app>Ubuntu Software</app> the snap will be listed first.</p>
<p>You may also wish to remove software that does not have a GUI.
To remove such software, you can use
<link xref="addremove-install-synaptic">Synaptic</link>. Note that <app>Synaptic</app> does not list snaps.
<p>To remove an application:</p>
Click the <app>Ubuntu Software</app> icon in the <gui>Dock</gui>, or search
for <input>Software</input> in the <em>Activities</em> search bar.
When <app>Ubuntu Software</app> opens, click the <gui>Installed</gui> button at
the top.
<p>アプリケーションを選択して <gui>削除</gui> をクリックします。</p>
Confirm that you want to remove the application.
You will be asked to authenticate by entering your password.
After you have done that, the application will be removed.