/usr/share/help/hi/gnome-help/addremove-sources.page is in ubuntu-docs 18.04.3.
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<page xmlns="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/" xmlns:its="http://www.w3.org/2005/11/its" type="topic" style="task" id="addremove-sources" xml:lang="hi">
<credit type="author">
<name>Ubuntu Documentation Team</name>
Add repositories to extend the software sources Ubuntu uses for
installation and upgrades.
<include xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" href="legal.xml"/>
<link type="guide" xref="addremove"/>
<revision version="18.04" date="2018-03-18" status="review"/>
Add software repositories
Software is available from third-party sources, as well as from the default
Ubuntu software repositories. If you want to install software from a
third-party software repository, you must add it to Ubuntu's list of
available repositories.
<note style="warning">
Only add software repositories from sources that you trust!
Third-party software repositories are not checked for security or
reliability by Ubuntu members, and may contain software which is harmful
to your computer.
To add a repository:
Click the <app>Ubuntu Software</app> icon in the <gui>Dock</gui>, or search
for <input>Software</input> in the <em>Activities</em> search bar.
When <app>Ubuntu Software</app> launches, click <gui>Software & Updates</gui>
You will be asked to enter your password. Once you have done that,
switch to the <gui>Other Software</gui> tab.
Click <gui>Add</gui> and enter the APT line for the repository. This
should be available from the website of the repository, and should look
similar to:
<code its:translate="no">deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic main</code>
Click <gui>Add Source</gui> then close the <app>Software & Updates</app> window.
<app>Ubuntu Software</app> will then check your software sources for new
Most repositories provide a signing key to be able to verify downloaded packages.
So in addition to the steps above, you should follow possible instructions on how to
download and install the signing key (GPG key).
<section id="canonical-partner">
Activate the Canonical Partner repository
The Canonical Partner repository offers some proprietary applications
that don't cost any money to use but are closed source. They include
software like <app>Adobe Flash Plugin</app>. Software in this
repository will appear in <app>Ubuntu Software</app> search results
but won't be installable until this repository is enabled.
To enable the repository, follow the steps above to open the <gui>Other
Software</gui> tab in <app>Software & Updates</app>. If you see the
<gui>Canonical Partners</gui> repository in the list, make sure it is
checked then close the <app>Software & Updates</app> window. If you don't see it, click
<gui>Add</gui> and enter:
<code its:translate="no">deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu bionic partner</code>
Click <gui>Add Source</gui> then close the <app>Software & Updates</app> window. Wait a
moment for <app>Ubuntu Software</app> to download the repository information.