/usr/include/boost/units/dimension.hpp is in libboost1.49-dev 1.49.0-3.2.
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// unit/quantity manipulation and conversion
// Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Matthias Christian Schabel
// Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Steven Watanabe
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_same.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/arithmetic.hpp>
#include <boost/units/static_rational.hpp>
#include <boost/units/detail/dimension_list.hpp>
#include <boost/units/detail/dimension_impl.hpp>
/// \file
/// \brief Core metaprogramming utilities for compile-time dimensional analysis.
namespace boost {
namespace units {
/// Reduce dimension list to cardinal form. This algorithm collapses duplicate
/// base dimension tags and sorts the resulting list by the tag ordinal value.
/// Dimension lists that resolve to the same dimension are guaranteed to be
/// represented by an identical type.
/// The argument should be an MPL forward sequence containing instances
/// of the @c dim template.
/// The result is also an MPL forward sequence. It also supports the
/// following metafunctions to allow use as a dimension.
/// - @c mpl::plus is defined only on two equal dimensions and returns the argument unchanged.
/// - @c mpl::minus is defined only for two equal dimensions and returns the argument unchanged.
/// - @c mpl::negate will return its argument unchanged.
/// - @c mpl::times is defined for any dimensions and adds corresponding exponents.
/// - @c mpl::divides is defined for any dimensions and subtracts the exponents of the
/// right had argument from the corresponding exponents of the left had argument.
/// Missing base dimension tags are assumed to have an exponent of zero.
/// - @c static_power takes a dimension and a static_rational and multiplies all
/// the exponents of the dimension by the static_rational.
/// - @c static_root takes a dimension and a static_rational and divides all
/// the exponents of the dimension by the static_rational.
template<typename Seq>
struct make_dimension_list
typedef typename detail::sort_dims<Seq>::type type;
/// Raise a dimension list to a scalar power.
template<typename DL,typename Ex>
struct static_power
typedef typename detail::static_power_impl<DL::size::value>::template apply<
>::type type;
/// Take a scalar root of a dimension list.
template<typename DL,typename Rt>
struct static_root
typedef typename detail::static_root_impl<DL::size::value>::template apply<
>::type type;
} // namespace units
namespace mpl {
struct plus_impl<boost::units::detail::dimension_list_tag,boost::units::detail::dimension_list_tag>
template<class T0, class T1>
struct apply
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((boost::is_same<T0,T1>::value == true));
typedef T0 type;
struct minus_impl<boost::units::detail::dimension_list_tag,boost::units::detail::dimension_list_tag>
template<class T0, class T1>
struct apply
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((boost::is_same<T0,T1>::value == true));
typedef T0 type;
struct times_impl<boost::units::detail::dimension_list_tag,boost::units::detail::dimension_list_tag>
template<class T0, class T1>
struct apply
typedef typename boost::units::detail::merge_dimensions<T0,T1>::type type;
struct divides_impl<boost::units::detail::dimension_list_tag,boost::units::detail::dimension_list_tag>
template<class T0, class T1>
struct apply
typedef typename boost::units::detail::merge_dimensions<
typename boost::units::detail::static_inverse_impl<
>::template apply<
>::type type;
struct negate_impl<boost::units::detail::dimension_list_tag>
template<class T0>
struct apply
typedef T0 type;
} // namespace mpl
} // namespace boost