/usr/include/boost/signals/slot.hpp is in libboost1.49-dev 1.49.0-3.2.
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// Copyright Douglas Gregor 2001-2004. Use, modification and
// distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, Version
// 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
// For more information, see http://www.boost.org
#include <boost/signals/detail/signals_common.hpp>
#include <boost/signals/connection.hpp>
#include <boost/signals/trackable.hpp>
#include <boost/visit_each.hpp>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <cassert>
namespace boost {
namespace detail {
class BOOST_SIGNALS_DECL slot_base {
// We would have to enumerate all of the signalN classes here as
// friends to make this private (as it otherwise should be). We can't
// name all of them because we don't know how many there are.
struct data_t {
std::vector<const trackable*> bound_objects;
connection watch_bound_objects;
shared_ptr<data_t> get_data() const { return data; }
// Get the set of bound objects
std::vector<const trackable*>& get_bound_objects() const
{ return data->bound_objects; }
// Determine if this slot is still "active", i.e., all of the bound
// objects still exist
bool is_active() const
{ return data->watch_bound_objects.connected(); }
// Create a connection for this slot
void create_connection();
shared_ptr<data_t> data;
static void bound_object_destructed(void*, void*) {}
} // end namespace detail
// Get the slot so that it can be copied
template<typename F>
reference_wrapper<const F>
get_invocable_slot(const F& f, BOOST_SIGNALS_NAMESPACE::detail::signal_tag)
{ return reference_wrapper<const F>(f); }
template<typename F>
const F&
get_invocable_slot(const F& f, BOOST_SIGNALS_NAMESPACE::detail::reference_tag)
{ return f; }
template<typename F>
const F&
get_invocable_slot(const F& f, BOOST_SIGNALS_NAMESPACE::detail::value_tag)
{ return f; }
// Get the slot so that it can be inspected for trackable objects
template<typename F>
const F&
get_inspectable_slot(const F& f, BOOST_SIGNALS_NAMESPACE::detail::signal_tag)
{ return f; }
template<typename F>
const F&
get_inspectable_slot(const reference_wrapper<F>& f, BOOST_SIGNALS_NAMESPACE::detail::reference_tag)
{ return f.get(); }
template<typename F>
const F&
get_inspectable_slot(const F& f, BOOST_SIGNALS_NAMESPACE::detail::value_tag)
{ return f; }
// Determines the type of the slot - is it a signal, a reference to a
// slot or just a normal slot.
template<typename F>
typename BOOST_SIGNALS_NAMESPACE::detail::get_slot_tag<F>::type
tag_type(const F&)
typedef typename BOOST_SIGNALS_NAMESPACE::detail::get_slot_tag<F>::type
the_tag_type tag = the_tag_type();
return tag;
} // end namespace BOOST_SIGNALS_NAMESPACE
template<typename SlotFunction>
class slot : public BOOST_SIGNALS_NAMESPACE::detail::slot_base {
typedef BOOST_SIGNALS_NAMESPACE::detail::slot_base inherited;
typedef typename inherited::data_t data_t;
template<typename F>
slot(const F& f) : slot_function(BOOST_SIGNALS_NAMESPACE::get_invocable_slot(f, BOOST_SIGNALS_NAMESPACE::tag_type(f)))
this->data.reset(new data_t);
// Visit each of the bound objects and store them for later use
// An exception thrown here will allow the basic_connection to be
// destroyed when this goes out of scope, and no other connections
// have been made.
(f, BOOST_SIGNALS_NAMESPACE::tag_type(f)));
#ifdef __BORLANDC__
template<typename F>
slot(F* f) : slot_function(f)
this->data.reset(new data_t);
#endif // __BORLANDC__
// We would have to enumerate all of the signalN classes here as friends
// to make this private (as it otherwise should be). We can't name all of
// them because we don't know how many there are.
// Get the slot function to call the actual slot
const SlotFunction& get_slot_function() const { return slot_function; }
void release() const { data->watch_bound_objects.set_controlling(false); }
slot(); // no default constructor
slot& operator=(const slot&); // no assignment operator
SlotFunction slot_function;
} // end namespace boost