/usr/include/boost/python/make_function.hpp is in libboost1.49-dev 1.49.0-3.2.
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// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
#ifndef MAKE_FUNCTION_DWA20011221_HPP
# define MAKE_FUNCTION_DWA20011221_HPP
# include <boost/python/detail/prefix.hpp>
# include <boost/python/default_call_policies.hpp>
# include <boost/python/args.hpp>
# include <boost/python/detail/caller.hpp>
# include <boost/python/object/function_object.hpp>
# include <boost/mpl/size.hpp>
# include <boost/mpl/int.hpp>
namespace boost { namespace python {
namespace detail
// make_function_aux --
// These helper functions for make_function (below) do the raw work
// of constructing a Python object from some invokable entity. See
// <boost/python/detail/caller.hpp> for more information about how
// the Sig arguments is used.
template <class F, class CallPolicies, class Sig>
object make_function_aux(
F f // An object that can be invoked by detail::invoke()
, CallPolicies const& p // CallPolicies to use in the invocation
, Sig const& // An MPL sequence of argument types expected by F
return objects::function_object(
detail::caller<F,CallPolicies,Sig>(f, p)
// As above, except that it accepts argument keywords. NumKeywords
// is used only for a compile-time assertion to make sure the user
// doesn't pass more keywords than the function can accept. To
// disable all checking, pass mpl::int_<0> for NumKeywords.
template <class F, class CallPolicies, class Sig, class NumKeywords>
object make_function_aux(
F f
, CallPolicies const& p
, Sig const&
, detail::keyword_range const& kw // a [begin,end) pair of iterators over keyword names
, NumKeywords // An MPL integral type wrapper: the size of kw
enum { arity = mpl::size<Sig>::value - 1 };
typedef typename detail::error::more_keywords_than_function_arguments<
NumKeywords::value, arity
>::too_many_keywords assertion;
return objects::function_object(
detail::caller<F,CallPolicies,Sig>(f, p)
, kw);
// Helpers for make_function when called with 3 arguments. These
// dispatch functions are used to discriminate between the cases
// when the 3rd argument is keywords or when it is a signature.
// @group {
template <class F, class CallPolicies, class Keywords>
object make_function_dispatch(F f, CallPolicies const& policies, Keywords const& kw, mpl::true_)
return detail::make_function_aux(
, policies
, detail::get_signature(f)
, kw.range()
, mpl::int_<Keywords::size>()
template <class F, class CallPolicies, class Signature>
object make_function_dispatch(F f, CallPolicies const& policies, Signature const& sig, mpl::false_)
return detail::make_function_aux(
, policies
, sig
// }
// These overloaded functions wrap a function or member function
// pointer as a Python object, using optional CallPolicies,
// Keywords, and/or Signature.
// @group {
template <class F>
object make_function(F f)
return detail::make_function_aux(
f,default_call_policies(), detail::get_signature(f));
template <class F, class CallPolicies>
object make_function(F f, CallPolicies const& policies)
return detail::make_function_aux(
f, policies, detail::get_signature(f));
template <class F, class CallPolicies, class KeywordsOrSignature>
object make_function(
F f
, CallPolicies const& policies
, KeywordsOrSignature const& keywords_or_signature)
typedef typename
return detail::make_function_dispatch(
, policies
, keywords_or_signature
, is_kw()
template <class F, class CallPolicies, class Keywords, class Signature>
object make_function(
F f
, CallPolicies const& policies
, Keywords const& kw
, Signature const& sig
return detail::make_function_aux(
, policies
, sig
, kw.range()
, mpl::int_<Keywords::size>()
// }
#endif // MAKE_FUNCTION_DWA20011221_HPP