/usr/include/boost/mpi/environment.hpp is in libboost1.49-dev 1.49.0-3.2.
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// Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
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/** @file environment.hpp
* This header provides the @c environment class, which provides
* routines to initialize, finalization, and query the status of the
* Boost MPI environment.
#include <boost/mpi/config.hpp>
#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
#include <boost/optional.hpp>
#include <string>
namespace boost { namespace mpi {
/** @brief Initialize, finalize, and query the MPI environment.
* The @c environment class is used to initialize, finalize, and
* query the MPI environment. It will typically be used in the @c
* main() function of a program, which will create a single instance
* of @c environment initialized with the arguments passed to the
* program:
* @code
* int main(int argc, char* argv[])
* {
* mpi::environment env(argc, argv);
* }
* @endcode
* The instance of @c environment will initialize MPI (by calling @c
* MPI_Init) in its constructor and finalize MPI (by calling @c
* MPI_Finalize for normal termination or @c MPI_Abort for an
* uncaught exception) in its destructor.
* The use of @c environment is not mandatory. Users may choose to
* invoke @c MPI_Init and @c MPI_Finalize manually. In this case, no
* @c environment object is needed. If one is created, however, it
* will do nothing on either construction or destruction.
class BOOST_MPI_DECL environment : noncopyable {
/** Initialize the MPI environment.
* If the MPI environment has not already been initialized,
* initializes MPI with a call to @c MPI_Init. Since this
* constructor does not take command-line arguments (@c argc and @c
* argv), it is only available when the underlying MPI
* implementation supports calling @c MPI_Init with @c NULL
* arguments, indicated by the macro @c
* @param abort_on_exception When true, this object will abort the
* program if it is destructed due to an uncaught exception.
explicit environment(bool abort_on_exception = true);
/** Initialize the MPI environment.
* If the MPI environment has not already been initialized,
* initializes MPI with a call to @c MPI_Init.
* @param argc The number of arguments provided in @p argv, as
* passed into the program's @c main function.
* @param argv The array of argument strings passed to the program
* via @c main.
* @param abort_on_exception When true, this object will abort the
* program if it is destructed due to an uncaught exception.
environment(int& argc, char** &argv, bool abort_on_exception = true);
/** Shuts down the MPI environment.
* If this @c environment object was used to initialize the MPI
* environment, and the MPI environment has not already been shut
* down (finalized), this destructor will shut down the MPI
* environment. Under normal circumstances, this only involves
* invoking @c MPI_Finalize. However, if destruction is the result
* of an uncaught exception and the @c abort_on_exception parameter
* of the constructor had the value @c true, this destructor will
* invoke @c MPI_Abort with @c MPI_COMM_WORLD to abort the entire
* MPI program with a result code of -1.
/** Abort all MPI processes.
* Aborts all MPI processes and returns to the environment. The
* precise behavior will be defined by the underlying MPI
* implementation. This is equivalent to a call to @c MPI_Abort
* with @c MPI_COMM_WORLD.
* @param errcode The error code to return to the environment.
* @returns Will not return.
static void abort(int errcode);
/** Determine if the MPI environment has already been initialized.
* This routine is equivalent to a call to @c MPI_Initialized.
* @returns @c true if the MPI environment has been initialized.
static bool initialized();
/** Determine if the MPI environment has already been finalized.
* The routine is equivalent to a call to @c MPI_Finalized.
* @returns @c true if the MPI environment has been finalized.
static bool finalized();
/** Retrieves the maximum tag value.
* Returns the maximum value that may be used for the @c tag
* parameter of send/receive operations. This value will be
* somewhat smaller than the value of @c MPI_TAG_UB, because the
* Boost.MPI implementation reserves some tags for collective
* operations.
* @returns the maximum tag value.
static int max_tag();
/** The tag value used for collective operations.
* Returns the reserved tag value used by the Boost.MPI
* implementation for collective operations. Although users are not
* permitted to use this tag to send or receive messages, it may be
* useful when monitoring communication patterns.
* @returns the tag value used for collective operations.
static int collectives_tag();
/** Retrieves the rank of the host process, if one exists.
* If there is a host process, this routine returns the rank of
* that process. Otherwise, it returns an empty @c
* optional<int>. MPI does not define the meaning of a "host"
* process: consult the documentation for the MPI
* implementation. This routine examines the @c MPI_HOST attribute
* @returns The rank of the host process, if one exists.
static optional<int> host_rank();
/** Retrieves the rank of a process that can perform input/output.
* This routine returns the rank of a process that can perform
* input/output via the standard C and C++ I/O facilities. If every
* process can perform I/O using the standard facilities, this
* routine will return @c any_source; if no process can perform
* I/O, this routine will return no value (an empty @c
* optional). This routine examines the @c MPI_IO attribute of @c
* @returns the rank of the process that can perform I/O, @c
* any_source if every process can perform I/O, or no value if no
* process can perform I/O.
static optional<int> io_rank();
/** Retrieve the name of this processor.
* This routine returns the name of this processor. The actual form
* of the name is unspecified, but may be documented by the
* underlying MPI implementation. This routine is implemented as a
* call to @c MPI_Get_processor_name.
* @returns the name of this processor.
static std::string processor_name();
/// Whether this environment object called MPI_Init
bool i_initialized;
/// Whether we should abort if the destructor is
bool abort_on_exception;
/// The number of reserved tags.
static const int num_reserved_tags = 1;
} } // end namespace boost::mpi