/usr/include/boost/math/tools/test.hpp is in libboost1.49-dev 1.49.0-3.2.
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// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
// Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
// LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma once
#include <boost/math/tools/config.hpp>
#include <boost/math/tools/stats.hpp>
#include <boost/math/special_functions/fpclassify.hpp>
#include <boost/test/test_tools.hpp>
#include <stdexcept>
namespace boost{ namespace math{ namespace tools{
template <class T>
struct test_result
boost::math::tools::stats<T> stat; // Statistics for the test.
unsigned worst_case; // Index of the worst case test.
test_result() { worst_case = 0; }
void set_worst(int i){ worst_case = i; }
void add(const T& point){ stat.add(point); }
// accessors:
unsigned worst()const{ return worst_case; }
T min BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION()const{ return (stat.min)(); }
T max BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION()const{ return (stat.max)(); }
T total()const{ return stat.total(); }
T mean()const{ return stat.mean(); }
boost::uintmax_t count()const{ return stat.count(); }
T variance()const{ return stat.variance(); }
T variance1()const{ return stat.variance1(); }
T rms()const{ return stat.rms(); }
test_result& operator+=(const test_result& t)
if((t.stat.max)() > (stat.max)())
worst_case = t.worst_case;
stat += t.stat;
return *this;
template <class T>
struct calculate_result_type
typedef typename T::value_type row_type;
typedef typename row_type::value_type value_type;
template <class T>
T relative_error(T a, T b)
// If math.h has no long double support we can't rely
// on the math functions generating exponents outside
// the range of a double:
T min_val = (std::max)(
T max_val = (std::min)(
T min_val = tools::min_value<T>();
T max_val = tools::max_value<T>();
if((a != 0) && (b != 0))
// TODO: use isfinite:
if(fabs(b) >= max_val)
if(fabs(a) >= max_val)
return 0; // one infinity is as good as another!
// If the result is denormalised, treat all denorms as equivalent:
if((a < min_val) && (a > 0))
a = min_val;
else if((a > -min_val) && (a < 0))
a = -min_val;
if((b < min_val) && (b > 0))
b = min_val;
else if((b > -min_val) && (b < 0))
b = -min_val;
return (std::max)(fabs((a-b)/a), fabs((a-b)/b));
// Handle special case where one or both are zero:
if(min_val == 0)
return fabs(a-b);
if(fabs(a) < min_val)
a = min_val;
if(fabs(b) < min_val)
b = min_val;
return (std::max)(fabs((a-b)/a), fabs((a-b)/b));
#if defined(macintosh) || defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__APPLE_CC__)
template <>
inline double relative_error<double>(double a, double b)
// On Mac OS X we evaluate "double" functions at "long double" precision,
// but "long double" actually has a very slightly narrower range than "double"!
// Therefore use the range of "long double" as our limits since results outside
// that range may have been truncated to 0 or INF:
double min_val = (std::max)((double)tools::min_value<long double>(), tools::min_value<double>());
double max_val = (std::min)((double)tools::max_value<long double>(), tools::max_value<double>());
if((a != 0) && (b != 0))
// TODO: use isfinite:
if(b > max_val)
if(a > max_val)
return 0; // one infinity is as good as another!
// If the result is denormalised, treat all denorms as equivalent:
if((a < min_val) && (a > 0))
a = min_val;
else if((a > -min_val) && (a < 0))
a = -min_val;
if((b < min_val) && (b > 0))
b = min_val;
else if((b > -min_val) && (b < 0))
b = -min_val;
return (std::max)(fabs((a-b)/a), fabs((a-b)/b));
// Handle special case where one or both are zero:
if(min_val == 0)
return fabs(a-b);
if(fabs(a) < min_val)
a = min_val;
if(fabs(b) < min_val)
b = min_val;
return (std::max)(fabs((a-b)/a), fabs((a-b)/b));
template <class T>
void set_output_precision(T)
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4127)
std::cout << std::setprecision(std::numeric_limits<T>::digits10 + 2);
#pragma warning(pop)
template <class Seq>
void print_row(const Seq& row)
for(unsigned i = 0; i < row.size(); ++i)
std::cout << ", ";
std::cout << row[i];
std::cout << std::endl;
// Function test accepts an matrix of input values (probably a 2D boost::array)
// and calls two functors for each row in the array - one calculates a value
// to test, and one extracts the expected value from the array (or possibly
// calculates it at high precision). The two functors are usually simple lambda
// expressions.
template <class A, class F1, class F2>
test_result<typename calculate_result_type<A>::value_type> test(const A& a, F1 test_func, F2 expect_func)
typedef typename A::value_type row_type;
typedef typename row_type::value_type value_type;
test_result<value_type> result;
for(unsigned i = 0; i < a.size(); ++i)
const row_type& row = a[i];
value_type point;
point = test_func(row);
catch(const std::underflow_error&)
point = 0;
catch(const std::overflow_error&)
point = std::numeric_limits<value_type>::has_infinity ?
: tools::max_value<value_type>();
catch(const std::exception& e)
std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
BOOST_ERROR("Unexpected exception.");
// so we don't get further errors:
point = expect_func(row);
value_type expected = expect_func(row);
value_type err = relative_error(point, expected);
if(err != 0)
std::cout << row[0] << " " << err;
std::cout << " (" << err / std::numeric_limits<value_type>::epsilon() << "eps)";
std::cout << std::endl;
if(!(boost::math::isfinite)(point) && (boost::math::isfinite)(expected))
std::cout << "CAUTION: Found non-finite result, when a finite value was expected at entry " << i << "\n";
std::cout << "Found: " << point << " Expected " << expected << " Error: " << err << std::endl;
BOOST_ERROR("Unexpected non-finite result");
if(err > 0.5)
std::cout << "CAUTION: Gross error found at entry " << i << ".\n";
std::cout << "Found: " << point << " Expected " << expected << " Error: " << err << std::endl;
BOOST_ERROR("Gross error");
if((result.max)() == err)
return result;
} // namespace tools
} // namespace math
} // namespace boost