/usr/include/boost/locale/collator.hpp is in libboost1.49-dev 1.49.0-3.2.
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// Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Artyom Beilis (Tonkikh)
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
#include <boost/locale/config.hpp>
# pragma warning(push)
# pragma warning(disable : 4275 4251 4231 4660)
#include <locale>
namespace boost {
namespace locale {
class info;
/// \defgroup collation Collation
/// This module introduces collation related classes
/// @{
/// \brief a base class that includes collation level flags
class collator_base {
/// Unicode collation level types
typedef enum {
primary = 0, ///< 1st collation level: base letters
secondary = 1, ///< 2nd collation level: letters and accents
tertiary = 2, ///< 3rd collation level: letters, accents and case
quaternary = 3, ///< 4th collation level: letters, accents, case and punctuation
identical = 4 ///< identical collation level: include code-point comparison
} level_type;
/// \brief Collation facet.
/// It reimplements standard C++ std::collate,
/// allowing usage of std::locale for direct string comparison
template<typename CharType>
class collator :
public std::collate<CharType>,
public collator_base
/// Type of the underlying character
typedef CharType char_type;
/// Type of string used with this facet
typedef std::basic_string<CharType> string_type;
/// Compare two strings in rage [b1,e1), [b2,e2) according using a collation level \a level. Calls do_compare
/// Returns -1 if the first of the two strings sorts before the seconds, returns 1 if sorts after and 0 if
/// they considered equal.
int compare(level_type level,
char_type const *b1,char_type const *e1,
char_type const *b2,char_type const *e2) const
return do_compare(level,b1,e1,b2,e2);
/// Create a binary string that can be compared to other in order to get collation order. The string is created
/// for text in range [b,e). It is useful for collation of multiple strings for text.
/// The transformation follows these rules:
/// \code
/// compare(level,b1,e1,b2,e2) == sign( transform(level,b1,e1).compare(transform(level,b2,e2)) );
/// \endcode
/// Calls do_transform
string_type transform(level_type level,char_type const *b,char_type const *e) const
return do_transform(level,b,e);
/// Calculate a hash of a text in range [b,e). The value can be used for collation sensitive string comparison.
/// If compare(level,b1,e1,b2,e2) == 0 then hash(level,b1,e1) == hash(level,b2,e2)
/// Calls do_hash
long hash(level_type level,char_type const *b,char_type const *e) const
return do_hash(level,b,e);
/// Compare two strings \a l and \a r using collation level \a level
/// Returns -1 if the first of the two strings sorts before the seconds, returns 1 if sorts after and 0 if
/// they considered equal.
int compare(level_type level,string_type const &l,string_type const &r) const
return do_compare(level,l.data(),l.data()+l.size(),r.data(),r.data()+r.size());
/// Calculate a hash that can be used for collation sensitive string comparison of a string \a s
/// If compare(level,s1,s2) == 0 then hash(level,s1) == hash(level,s2)
long hash(level_type level,string_type const &s) const
return do_hash(level,s.data(),s.data()+s.size());
/// Create a binary string from string \a s, that can be compared to other, useful for collation of multiple
/// strings.
/// The transformation follows these rules:
/// \code
/// compare(level,s1,s2) == sign( transform(level,s1).compare(transform(level,s2)) );
/// \endcode
string_type transform(level_type level,string_type const &s) const
return do_transform(level,s.data(),s.data()+s.size());
/// constructor of the collator object
collator(size_t refs = 0) : std::collate<CharType>(refs)
virtual ~collator()
/// This function is used to override default collation function that does not take in account collation level.
/// Uses primary level
virtual int do_compare( char_type const *b1,char_type const *e1,
char_type const *b2,char_type const *e2) const
return do_compare(identical,b1,e1,b2,e2);
/// This function is used to override default collation function that does not take in account collation level.
/// Uses primary level
virtual string_type do_transform(char_type const *b,char_type const *e) const
return do_transform(identical,b,e);
/// This function is used to override default collation function that does not take in account collation level.
/// Uses primary level
virtual long do_hash(char_type const *b,char_type const *e) const
return do_hash(identical,b,e);
/// Actual function that performs comparison between the strings. For details see compare member function. Can be overridden.
virtual int do_compare( level_type level,
char_type const *b1,char_type const *e1,
char_type const *b2,char_type const *e2) const = 0;
/// Actual function that performs transformation. For details see transform member function. Can be overridden.
virtual string_type do_transform(level_type level,char_type const *b,char_type const *e) const = 0;
/// Actual function that calculates hash. For details see hash member function. Can be overridden.
virtual long do_hash(level_type level,char_type const *b,char_type const *e) const = 0;
/// \brief This class can be used in STL algorithms and containers for comparison of strings
/// with a level other than primary
/// For example:
/// \code
/// std::map<std::string,std::string,comparator<char,collator_base::secondary> > data;
/// \endcode
/// Would create a map the keys of which are sorted using secondary collation level
template<typename CharType,collator_base::level_type default_level = collator_base::identical>
struct comparator
/// Create a comparator class for locale \a l and with collation leval \a level
/// \note throws std::bad_cast if l does not have \ref collator facet installed
comparator(std::locale const &l=std::locale(),collator_base::level_type level=default_level) :
/// Compare two strings -- equivalent to return left < right according to collation rules
bool operator()(std::basic_string<CharType> const &left,std::basic_string<CharType> const &right) const
return std::use_facet<collator<CharType> >(locale_).compare(level_,left,right) < 0;
std::locale locale_;
collator_base::level_type level_;
} // locale
} // boost
#pragma warning(pop)
/// \example collate.cpp
/// Example of using collation functions
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