/usr/include/boost/locale/boundary/facets.hpp is in libboost1.49-dev 1.49.0-3.2.
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// Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Artyom Beilis (Tonkikh)
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
#include <boost/locale/config.hpp>
#include <boost/locale/boundary/types.hpp>
# pragma warning(push)
# pragma warning(disable : 4275 4251 4231 4660)
#include <locale>
#include <vector>
namespace boost {
namespace locale {
/// \brief This namespae contains all operations required for boundary analysis of text
namespace boundary {
/// \addtogroup boundary
/// @{
/// \brief This structure is used for representing boundary point
/// that follows the offset.
struct break_info {
/// Create empty break point at beginning
break_info() :
/// Create empty break point at offset v.
/// it is useful for order comparison with other points.
break_info(size_t v) :
/// Offset from the beggining of the text where a break occurs.
size_t offset;
/// The identification of this break point according to
/// various break types
rule_type rule;
/// Compare two break points' offset. Allows to search with
/// standard algorithms over the index.
bool operator<(break_info const &other) const
return offset < other.offset;
/// This type holds the analysis of the text - all its break points
/// with marks
typedef std::vector<break_info> index_type;
template<typename CharType>
class boundary_indexing;
/// \brief This facet generates an index for boundary analysis
/// for a given text.
/// It is specialized for 4 types of characters \c char_t, \c wchar_t, \c char16_t and \c char32_t
template<typename Char>
class BOOST_LOCALE_DECL boundary_indexing : public std::locale::facet {
/// Default constructor typical for facets
boundary_indexing(size_t refs=0) : std::locale::facet(refs)
/// Create index for boundary type \a t for text in range [begin,end)
/// The returned value is an index of type \ref index_type. Note that this
/// index is never empty, even if the range [begin,end) is empty it consists
/// of at least one boundary point with the offset 0.
virtual index_type map(boundary_type t,Char const *begin,Char const *end) const = 0;
/// Identification of this facet
static std::locale::id id;
#if defined (__SUNPRO_CC) && defined (_RWSTD_VER)
std::locale::id& __get_id (void) const { return id; }
class BOOST_LOCALE_DECL boundary_indexing<char> : public std::locale::facet {
boundary_indexing(size_t refs=0) : std::locale::facet(refs)
virtual index_type map(boundary_type t,char const *begin,char const *end) const = 0;
static std::locale::id id;
#if defined (__SUNPRO_CC) && defined (_RWSTD_VER)
std::locale::id& __get_id (void) const { return id; }
class BOOST_LOCALE_DECL boundary_indexing<wchar_t> : public std::locale::facet {
boundary_indexing(size_t refs=0) : std::locale::facet(refs)
virtual index_type map(boundary_type t,wchar_t const *begin,wchar_t const *end) const = 0;
static std::locale::id id;
#if defined (__SUNPRO_CC) && defined (_RWSTD_VER)
std::locale::id& __get_id (void) const { return id; }
class BOOST_LOCALE_DECL boundary_indexing<char16_t> : public std::locale::facet {
boundary_indexing(size_t refs=0) : std::locale::facet(refs)
virtual index_type map(boundary_type t,char16_t const *begin,char16_t const *end) const = 0;
static std::locale::id id;
#if defined (__SUNPRO_CC) && defined (_RWSTD_VER)
std::locale::id& __get_id (void) const { return id; }
class BOOST_LOCALE_DECL boundary_indexing<char32_t> : public std::locale::facet {
boundary_indexing(size_t refs=0) : std::locale::facet(refs)
virtual index_type map(boundary_type t,char32_t const *begin,char32_t const *end) const = 0;
static std::locale::id id;
#if defined (__SUNPRO_CC) && defined (_RWSTD_VER)
std::locale::id& __get_id (void) const { return id; }
/// @}
} // boundary
} // locale
} // boost
#pragma warning(pop)
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