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// Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 University of Notre Dame.
// Authors: Jeremy G. Siek, Andrew Lumsdaine, Lie-Quan Lee
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
Reads maximal flow problem in extended DIMACS format.
This works, but could use some polishing.
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <boost/graph/graph_traits.hpp>
namespace boost {
namespace detail {
template <class Graph, class CapacityMap, class ReverseEdgeMap>
int read_dimacs_max_flow_internal(Graph& g,
CapacityMap capacity,
ReverseEdgeMap reverse_edge,
typename graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor& src,
typename graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor& sink,
std::istream& in,
bool require_source_and_sink,
const std::string& problem_type)
// const int MAXLINE = 100; /* max line length in the input file */
const int ARC_FIELDS = 3; /* no of fields in arc line */
const int NODE_FIELDS = 2; /* no of fields in node line */
const int P_FIELDS = 3; /* no of fields in problem line */
typedef typename graph_traits<Graph>::vertices_size_type vertices_size_type;
typedef typename graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor vertex_descriptor;
typedef typename graph_traits<Graph>::edge_descriptor edge_descriptor;
std::vector<vertex_descriptor> verts;
long m, n, /* number of edges and nodes */
i, head, tail, cap;
long no_lines=0, /* no of current input line */
no_plines=0, /* no of problem-lines */
no_nslines=0, /* no of node-source-lines */
no_nklines=0, /* no of node-source-lines */
no_alines=0; /* no of arc-lines */
std::string in_line; /* for reading input line */
char pr_type[4]; /* for reading type of the problem */
char nd; /* source (s) or sink (t) */
int k, /* temporary */
err_no; /* no of detected error */
/* -------------- error numbers & error messages ---------------- */
const int EN1 = 0;
const int EN2 = 1;
const int EN3 = 2;
const int EN4 = 3;
// const int EN6 = 4;
// const int EN10 = 5;
// const int EN7 = 6;
const int EN8 = 7;
const int EN9 = 8;
const int EN11 = 9;
const int EN12 = 10;
// const int EN13 = 11;
const int EN14 = 12;
const int EN16 = 13;
const int EN15 = 14;
const int EN17 = 15;
const int EN18 = 16;
const int EN21 = 17;
const int EN19 = 18;
const int EN20 = 19;
const int EN22 = 20;
static const char *err_message[] =
/* 0*/ "more than one problem line.",
/* 1*/ "wrong number of parameters in the problem line.",
/* 2*/ "it is not a Max Flow problem line.",
/* 3*/ "bad value of a parameter in the problem line.",
/* 4*/ "can't obtain enough memory to solve this problem.",
/* 5*/ "more than one line with the problem name.",
/* 6*/ "can't read problem name.",
/* 7*/ "problem description must be before node description.",
/* 8*/ "this parser doesn't support multiply sources and sinks.",
/* 9*/ "wrong number of parameters in the node line.",
/*10*/ "wrong value of parameters in the node line.",
/*11*/ " ",
/*12*/ "source and sink descriptions must be before arc descriptions.",
/*13*/ "too many arcs in the input.",
/*14*/ "wrong number of parameters in the arc line.",
/*15*/ "wrong value of parameters in the arc line.",
/*16*/ "unknown line type in the input.",
/*17*/ "reading error.",
/*18*/ "not enough arcs in the input.",
/*19*/ "source or sink doesn't have incident arcs.",
/*20*/ "can't read anything from the input file."
/* --------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* The main loop:
- reads the line of the input,
- analyses its type,
- checks correctness of parameters,
- puts data to the arrays,
- does service functions
while (std::getline(in, in_line)) {
switch (in_line[0]) {
case 'c': /* skip lines with comments */
case '\n': /* skip empty lines */
case '\0': /* skip empty lines at the end of file */
case 'p': /* problem description */
if ( no_plines > 0 )
/* more than one problem line */
{ err_no = EN1 ; goto error; }
no_plines = 1;
if (
/* reading problem line: type of problem, no of nodes, no of arcs */
std::sscanf ( in_line.c_str(), "%*c %3s %ld %ld", pr_type, &n, &m )
/*wrong number of parameters in the problem line*/
{ err_no = EN2; goto error; }
if ( pr_type != problem_type )
/*wrong problem type*/
{ err_no = EN3; goto error; }
if ( n <= 0 || m <= 0 )
/*wrong value of no of arcs or nodes*/
{ err_no = EN4; goto error; }
for (long vi = 0; vi < n; ++vi)
case 'n': /* source(s) description */
if ( no_plines == 0 )
/* there was not problem line above */
{ err_no = EN8; goto error; }
/* reading source or sink */
k = std::sscanf ( in_line.c_str(),"%*c %ld %c", &i, &nd );
--i; // index from 0
if ( k < NODE_FIELDS )
/* node line is incorrect */
{ err_no = EN11; goto error; }
if ( i < 0 || i > n )
/* wrong value of node */
{ err_no = EN12; goto error; }
switch (nd) {
case 's': /* source line */
if ( no_nslines != 0)
/* more than one source line */
{ err_no = EN9; goto error; }
no_nslines = 1;
src = verts[i];
case 't': /* sink line */
if ( no_nklines != 0)
/* more than one sink line */
{ err_no = EN9; goto error; }
no_nklines = 1;
sink = verts[i];
/* wrong type of node-line */
err_no = EN12; goto error;
case 'a': /* arc description */
if ( require_source_and_sink && (no_nslines == 0 || no_nklines == 0) )
/* there was not source and sink description above */
{ err_no = EN14; goto error; }
if ( no_alines >= m )
/*too many arcs on input*/
{ err_no = EN16; goto error; }
if (
/* reading an arc description */
std::sscanf ( in_line.c_str(),"%*c %ld %ld %ld",
&tail, &head, &cap )
/* arc description is not correct */
{ err_no = EN15; goto error; }
--tail; // index from 0, not 1
if ( tail < 0 || tail > n ||
head < 0 || head > n
/* wrong value of nodes */
{ err_no = EN17; goto error; }
edge_descriptor e1, e2;
bool in1, in2;
boost::tie(e1, in1) = add_edge(verts[tail], verts[head], g);
boost::tie(e2, in2) = add_edge(verts[head], verts[tail], g);
if (!in1 || !in2) {
std::cerr << "unable to add edge (" << head << "," << tail << ")"
<< std::endl;
return -1;
capacity[e1] = cap;
capacity[e2] = 0;
reverse_edge[e1] = e2;
reverse_edge[e2] = e1;
/* unknown type of line */
err_no = EN18; goto error;
} /* end of switch */
} /* end of input loop */
/* ----- all is red or error while reading ----- */
if ( in.eof() == 0 ) /* reading error */
{ err_no=EN21; goto error; }
if ( no_lines == 0 ) /* empty input */
{ err_no = EN22; goto error; }
if ( no_alines < m ) /* not enough arcs */
{ err_no = EN19; goto error; }
if ( require_source_and_sink &&
(out_degree(src, g) == 0 || out_degree(sink, g) == 0) )
/* no arc goes out of the source */
{ err_no = EN20; goto error; }
/* Thanks God! all is done */
return (0);
/* ---------------------------------- */
error: /* error found reading input */
std::printf ( "\nline %ld of input - %s\n",
no_lines, err_message[err_no] );
return -1;
/* -------------------- end of parser -------------------*/
} // namespace detail
template <class Graph, class CapacityMap, class ReverseEdgeMap>
int read_dimacs_max_flow(Graph& g,
CapacityMap capacity,
ReverseEdgeMap reverse_edge,
typename graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor& src,
typename graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor& sink,
std::istream& in = std::cin) {
return detail::read_dimacs_max_flow_internal(g, capacity, reverse_edge, src, sink, in, true, "max");
template <class Graph, class CapacityMap, class ReverseEdgeMap>
int read_dimacs_min_cut(Graph& g,
CapacityMap capacity,
ReverseEdgeMap reverse_edge,
std::istream& in = std::cin) {
typename graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor dummy_src, dummy_sink; // Not filled in
return detail::read_dimacs_max_flow_internal(g, capacity, reverse_edge, dummy_src, dummy_sink, in, false, "cut");
} // namespace boost