/usr/include/boost/flyweight/key_value.hpp is in libboost1.49-dev 1.49.0-3.2.
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* Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
* (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
* http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
* See http://www.boost.org/libs/flyweight for library home page.
#if defined(_MSC_VER)&&(_MSC_VER>=1200)
#pragma once
#include <boost/flyweight/detail/value_tag.hpp>
#include <boost/flyweight/key_value_fwd.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/assert.hpp>
#include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/enum_params.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/aligned_storage.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/alignment_of.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_same.hpp>
#include <new>
/* key-value policy: flywewight lookup is based on Key, which also serves
* to construct Value only when needed (new factory entry). key_value is
* used to avoid the construction of temporary values when such construction
* is expensive.
* Optionally, KeyFromValue extracts the key from a value, which
* is needed in expressions like this:
* typedef flyweight<key_value<Key,Value> > fw_t;
* fw_t fw;
* Value v;
* fw=v; // no key explicitly given
* If no KeyFromValue is provided, this latter expression fails to compile.
namespace boost{
namespace flyweights{
namespace detail{
template<typename Key,typename Value,typename KeyFromValue>
struct optimized_key_value:value_marker
typedef Key key_type;
typedef Value value_type;
class rep_type
/* template ctors */
#define BOOST_FLYWEIGHT_PERFECT_FWD_NAME explicit rep_type
:value_ptr(0) \
{ \
new(spc_ptr())key_type(BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(n,t)); \
#include <boost/flyweight/detail/perfect_fwd.hpp>
rep_type(const value_type& x):value_ptr(&x){}
rep_type(const rep_type& x):value_ptr(x.value_ptr)
if(!value_ptr) key_ptr()->~key_type();
else if(value_cted())value_ptr->~value_type();
operator const key_type&()const
if(value_ptr)return key_from_value(*value_ptr);
else return *key_ptr();
operator const value_type&()const
/* This is always called after construct_value() or copy_value(),
* so we access spc directly rather than through value_ptr to
* save us an indirection.
return *static_cast<value_type*>(spc_ptr());
friend struct optimized_key_value;
void* spc_ptr()const{return static_cast<void*>(&spc);}
bool value_cted()const{return value_ptr==spc_ptr();}
key_type* key_ptr()const
return static_cast<key_type*>(static_cast<void*>(&spc));
static const key_type& key_from_value(const value_type& x)
KeyFromValue k;
return k(x);
void construct_value()const
/* value_ptr must be ==0, oherwise copy_value would have been called */
key_type k(*key_ptr());
value_ptr= /* guarantees key won't be re-dted at ~rep_type if the */
static_cast<value_type*>(spc_ptr())+1; /* next statement throws */
void copy_value()const
mutable typename boost::aligned_storage<
(boost::alignment_of<key_type>::value >
>::type spc;
mutable const value_type* value_ptr;
static void construct_value(const rep_type& r)
static void copy_value(const rep_type& r)
template<typename Key,typename Value>
struct regular_key_value:value_marker
typedef Key key_type;
typedef Value value_type;
class rep_type
/* template ctors */
#define BOOST_FLYWEIGHT_PERFECT_FWD_NAME explicit rep_type
#include <boost/flyweight/detail/perfect_fwd.hpp>
rep_type(const value_type& x):key(no_key_from_value_failure()){}
rep_type(const rep_type& x):key(x.key),value_ptr(0){}
operator const key_type&()const{return key;}
operator const value_type&()const
/* This is always called after construct_value(),so we access spc
* directly rather than through value_ptr to save us an indirection.
return *static_cast<value_type*>(spc_ptr());
friend struct regular_key_value;
void* spc_ptr()const{return static_cast<void*>(&spc);}
struct no_key_from_value_failure
operator const key_type&()const;
void construct_value()const
key_type key;
mutable typename boost::aligned_storage<
>::type spc;
mutable const value_type* value_ptr;
static void construct_value(const rep_type& r)
static void copy_value(const rep_type&){}
} /* namespace flyweights::detail */
template<typename Key,typename Value,typename KeyFromValue>
struct key_value:
} /* namespace flyweights */
} /* namespace boost */