/usr/share/sumo/tools/trip/generateTripsXml.py is in sumo-tools 0.15.0~dfsg-2.
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@file generateTripsXml.py
@author Yun-Pang Wang
@author Michael Behrisch
@date 2009-02-09
@version $Id: generateTripsXml.py 11671 2012-01-07 20:14:30Z behrisch $
This script generate a trip file as input data in sumo
SUMO, Simulation of Urban MObility; see http://sumo.sourceforge.net/
Copyright (C) 2008-2012 DLR (http://www.dlr.de/) and contributors
All rights reserved
import os, string, sys, operator, math, datetime, random, bz2, StringIO
from xml.sax import saxutils, make_parser, handler
from optparse import OptionParser
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), "..", "assign"))
from dijkstra import dijkstraPlain
from inputs import getMatrix
# This class is used to build the nodes in the investigated network and
# includes the update-function for searching the k shortest paths.
class Vertex:
This class is to store node attributes and the respective incoming/outgoing links.
def __init__(self, num):
self.inEdges = []
self.outEdges = []
self.label = "%s" % num
self.sourceEdges = []
self.sinkEdges = []
self.sourceConnNodes = []
self.sinkConnNodes = []
def __repr__(self):
return self.label
class Trip:
This class is to store trip attributes.
def __init__(self, num, depart, source, sink, sourceD, sinkD):
self.label = "%s" % num
self.depart = depart
self.sourceEdge = source
self.sinkEdge = sink
self.sourceDistrict = sourceD
self.sinkDistrict = sinkD
def __repr__(self):
return self.label
# This class is uesed to store link information and estimate
# as well as flow and capacity for the flow computation and some parameters
# read from the net.
class Edge:
This class is to record link attributes
def __init__(self, label, source, target, kind="junction"):
self.label = label
self.source = source
self.target = target
self.capacity = sys.maxint
self.kind = kind
self.maxspeed = 1.0
self.length = 0.0
self.freeflowtime = 0.0
self.numberlane = 0
self.helpacttime = self.freeflowtime
def init(self, speed, length, laneNumber):
self.maxspeed = float(speed)
self.length = float(length)
self.numberlane = float(laneNumber)
if self.source.label == self.target.label:
self.freeflowtime = 0.0
self.freeflowtime = self.length / self.maxspeed
self.helpacttime = self.freeflowtime
def __repr__(self):
cap = str(self.capacity)
if self.capacity == sys.maxint or self.connection != 0:
cap = "inf"
return "%s_<%s|%s|%s>" % (self.label, self.kind, self.source, self.target)
class Net:
def __init__(self):
self._vertices = []
self._edges = {}
self._endVertices = []
self._startVertices = []
self.sinkEdges = []
self.sourceEdges = []
def newVertex(self):
v = Vertex(len(self._vertices))
return v
def getEdge(self, edgeLabel):
return self._edges[edgeLabel]
def addEdge(self, edgeObj):
if edgeObj.kind == "real":
self._edges[edgeObj.label] = edgeObj
def addIsolatedRealEdge(self, edgeLabel):
self.addEdge(Edge(edgeLabel, self.newVertex(), self.newVertex(),
def getstartVertices(self):
return self._startVertices
def getendVertices(self):
return self._endVertices
def getstartCounts(self):
return len(self._startVertices)
def getendCounts(self):
return len(self._endVertices)
def getTargets(self):
target = set()
for end in self._endVertices:
for sink in end.sinkConnNodes:
if sink not in target:
return target
def checkRoute(self, startVertex, endVertex, start, end, P, odConnTable, source, options):
for node in endVertex.sinkConnNodes:
length = 0.
vertex = node
if node in P:
link = P[node]
if options.limitlength:
while vertex != source:
if P[vertex].kind == "real":
length += P[vertex].length
vertex = P[vertex].source
odConnTable[startVertex.label][endVertex.label].append([source.outEdges[0].label, link.label, length])
if options.limitlength and len(odConnTable[startVertex.label][endVertex.label]) > 0:
for count, item in enumerate(odConnTable[startVertex.label][endVertex.label]):
if count == 0:
minLength = item[2]
if item[2] < minLength:
minLength = item[2]
minLength *= 1.6
for item in odConnTable[startVertex.label][endVertex.label]:
if item[2] > minLength:
# The class is for parsing the XML input file (network file). The data parsed is written into the net.
class NetworkReader(handler.ContentHandler):
def __init__(self, net):
self._net = net
self._edge = ''
self._maxSpeed = 0
self._laneNumber = 0
self._length = 0
self._edgeObj = None
self._chars = ''
self._counter = 0
self._turnlink = None
def startElement(self, name, attrs):
self._chars = ''
if name == 'edge' and (not attrs.has_key('function') or attrs['function'] != 'internal'):
self._edge = attrs['id']
self._edgeObj = self._net.getEdge(self._edge)
self._edgeObj.source.label = attrs['from']
self._edgeObj.target.label = attrs['to']
self._maxSpeed = 0
self._laneNumber = 0
self._length = 0
elif name == 'succ':
self._edge = attrs['edge']
if self._edge[0]!=':':
self._edgeObj = self._net.getEdge(self._edge)
elif name == 'succlane' and self._edge!="":
l = attrs['lane']
toEdge = self._net.getEdge(l[:l.rfind('_')])
newEdge = Edge(self._edge+"_"+l[:l.rfind('_')], self._edgeObj.target, toEdge.source)
self._edgeObj.finalizer = l[:l.rfind('_')]
elif name == 'lane' and self._edge != '':
self._maxSpeed = max(self._maxSpeed, float(attrs['maxspeed']))
self._laneNumber = self._laneNumber + 1
self._length = float(attrs['length'])
def characters(self, content):
self._chars += content
def endElement(self, name):
if name == 'edge' and self._edge != '':
self._edgeObj.init(self._maxSpeed, self._length, self._laneNumber)
self._edge = ''
# The class is for parsing the XML input file (districts). The data parsed is written into the net.
class DistrictsReader(handler.ContentHandler):
def __init__(self, net):
self._net = net
self._district = None
self.I = 100
def startElement(self, name, attrs):
if name == 'district':
self._districtSource = self._net.newVertex()
self._districtSource.label = attrs['id']
self._districtSink = self._net.newVertex()
self._districtSink.label = attrs['id']
elif name == 'dsink':
sinklink = self._net.getEdge(attrs['id'])
self.I += 1
conlink = self._districtSink.label + str(self.I)
newEdge = Edge(conlink, sinklink.target, self._districtSink, "real")
newEdge.weight = attrs['weight']
newEdge.connection = 1
elif name == 'dsource':
sourcelink = self._net.getEdge(attrs['id'])
self.I += 1
conlink = self._districtSource.label + str(self.I)
newEdge = Edge(conlink, self._districtSource, sourcelink.source, "real")
newEdge.weight = attrs['weight']
newEdge.connection = 2
def endElement(self, name):
if name == 'district':
self._district = ''
def addVeh(counts, vehID, begin, period, odConnTable, startVertex, endVertex, tripList, vehIDtoODMap):
counts += 1.
vehID += 1
endtime = int((float(begin + period)-0.5)*3600) # The last half hour will not release any vehicles
depart = random.randint(begin*3600, endtime)
if len(odConnTable[startVertex.label][endVertex.label]) > 0:
connIndex = random.randint(0, len(odConnTable[startVertex.label][endVertex.label])-1)
connPair = odConnTable[startVertex.label][endVertex.label][connIndex]
veh = Trip(vehID, depart, connPair[0], connPair[1], startVertex.label, endVertex.label)
vehIDtoODMap[str(vehID)] = [startVertex.label, endVertex.label]
return counts, vehID, tripList, vehIDtoODMap
def main(options):
parser = make_parser()
isBZ2= False
dataDir = options.datadir
districts = os.path.join(dataDir, options.districtfile)
matrix = os.path.join(dataDir, options.mtxfile)
netfile = os.path.join(dataDir, options.netfile)
print 'generate Trip file for:', netfile
if "bz2" in netfile:
netfile = bz2.BZ2File(netfile)
isBZ2 = True
matrixSum = 0.
tripList = []
net = Net()
odConnTable = {}
vehIDtoODMap = {}
if isBZ2:
matrixPshort, startVertices, endVertices, currentMatrixSum, begin, period = getMatrix(net, options.debug, matrix, matrixSum)[:6]
if options.debug:
print len(net._edges), "edges read"
print len(net._startVertices), "start vertices read"
print len(net._endVertices), "target vertices read"
print 'currentMatrixSum:', currentMatrixSum
if options.getconns:
if options.debug:
print 'generate odConnTable'
for start, startVertex in enumerate(startVertices):
if startVertex.label not in odConnTable:
odConnTable[startVertex.label] = {}
for source in startVertex.sourceConnNodes:
targets = net.getTargets()
D, P = dijkstraPlain(source, targets)
for end, endVertex in enumerate(endVertices):
if startVertex.label != endVertex.label and matrixPshort[start][end] > 0.:
if endVertex.label not in odConnTable[startVertex.label]:
odConnTable[startVertex.label][endVertex.label]= []
net.checkRoute(startVertex, endVertex, start, end, P, odConnTable, source, options)
if options.debug:
print 'import and use the given odConnTable'
from odConnTables import odConnTable
# output trips
if options.verbose:
print 'output the trip file'
vehID = 0
subVehID = 0
matrixSum = 0.
fouttrips = file(options.tripfile, 'w')
fouttrips.write('<?xml version="1.0"?>\n')
print >> fouttrips, """<!-- generated on %s by $Id: generateTripsXml.py 11671 2012-01-07 20:14:30Z behrisch $ -->
""" % datetime.datetime.now()
#if hasattr(options, "scale"):
if options.demandscale != 1.:
print 'demand scale %s is used.' % options.demandscale
for start in range(len(startVertices)):
for end in range(len(endVertices)):
matrixPshort[start][end] *= options.demandscale
for start, startVertex in enumerate(startVertices):
for end, endVertex in enumerate(endVertices):
if startVertex.label != endVertex.label and matrixPshort[start][end] > 0.:
counts = 0.
if options.odestimation:
if matrixPshort[start][end] < 1.:
counts, vehID, tripList, vehIDtoODMap = addVeh(counts, vehID, begin, period, odConnTable, startVertex, endVertex, tripList, vehIDtoODMap)
matrixSum += matrixPshort[start][end]
while (counts < float(math.ceil(matrixPshort[start][end])) and (matrixPshort[start][end] - counts) > 0.5 and float(subVehID) < matrixSum)or float(subVehID) < matrixSum:
counts, vehID, tripList, vehIDtoODMap = addVeh(counts, vehID, begin, period, odConnTable, startVertex, endVertex, tripList, vehIDtoODMap)
subVehID += 1
matrixSum += matrixPshort[start][end]
while (counts < float(math.ceil(matrixPshort[start][end])) and (matrixPshort[start][end] - counts) > 0.5 and float(vehID) < matrixSum) or float(vehID) < matrixSum:
counts, vehID, tripList, vehIDtoODMap = addVeh(counts, vehID, begin, period, odConnTable, startVertex, endVertex, tripList, vehIDtoODMap)
if options.debug:
print 'total demand:', matrixSum
print vehID, 'trips generated'
departpos = "free"
if __name__ == "__main__":
departpos = options.departpos
for trip in tripList:
fouttrips.write(' <tripdef id="%s" depart="%s" from="%s" to="%s" fromtaz="%s" totaz="%s" departlane="free" departpos="%s" departspeed="max"/>\n' \
%(trip.label, trip.depart, trip.sourceEdge, trip.sinkEdge, trip.sourceDistrict, trip.sinkDistrict, departpos))
return odConnTable, vehIDtoODMap
if __name__ == "__main__":
optParser = OptionParser()
optParser.add_option("-r", "--data-dir", dest="datadir",
default= os.getcwd(), help="give the data directory path")
optParser.add_option("-n", "--net-file", dest="netfile",
help="define the net file (mandatory)")
optParser.add_option("-m", "--matrix-file", dest="mtxfile",
help="define the matrix file (mandatory)")
optParser.add_option("-d", "--districts-file", dest="districtfile",
help="define the district file (mandatory)")
optParser.add_option("-l", "--limitlength", action="store_true", dest="limitlength",
default=False, help="the route length of possible connections of a given OD pair shall be less than 1.6 * min.length")
optParser.add_option("-t", "--trip-file", dest="tripfile",
default= "trips.trips.xml", help="define the output trip filename")
optParser.add_option("-x", "--odestimation", action="store_true", dest="odestimation",
default=False, help="generate trips for OD estimation")
optParser.add_option("-b", "--debug", action="store_true",
default=False, help="debug the program")
optParser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true",
default=False, help="tell me what you are doing")
optParser.add_option("-f", "--scale-factor", dest="demandscale", type="float", default=1., help="scale demand by ")
optParser.add_option("-D", "--depart-pos", dest="departpos", type="choice",
choices=('random', 'free', 'random_free'),
default = 'free', help="choose departure position: random, free, random_free")
optParser.add_option("-C", "--get-connections", action="store_true", dest="getconns",
default= True, help="generate the OD connection directory, if set as False, a odConnTables.py should be available in the defined data directory")
(options, args) = optParser.parse_args()
if not options.netfile or not options.mtxfile or not options.districtfile: