/usr/share/sumo/tools/net/netdiff.py is in sumo-tools 0.15.0~dfsg-2.
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@file netdiff.py
@author Jakob Erdmann
@date 2011-10-04
@version $Id: netdiff.py 11558 2011-11-28 12:06:41Z namdre $
Reads two networks (source, dest) and tries to produce the minimal plain-xml input
which can be loaded with netconvert alongside source to create dest
SUMO, Simulation of Urban MObility; see http://sumo.sourceforge.net/
Copyright (C) 2011 DLR (http://www.dlr.de/) and contributors
All rights reserved
import sys
import os
import StringIO
from xml.dom import pulldom
from xml.dom import Node
from optparse import OptionParser
from subprocess import call
from collections import namedtuple, defaultdict
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), '..', 'lib'))
from testUtil import checkBinary
from OrderedMultiSet import OrderedMultiSet
# file types to compare
TYPE_NODES = '.nod.xml'
TYPE_EDGES = '.edg.xml'
TYPE_TLLOGICS = '.tll.xml'
# traffic lights have some peculiarities
# CAVEAT1 - ids are not unique (only in combination with programID)
# CAVEAT2 - the order of their children (phases) is important.
# this makes partial diffs unfeasible. The easiest solution is to forgo diffs and always export the whole new traffic light
# CAVEAT3 - deletes need not be written because they are also signaled by a changed node type
# (and they complicate the handling of deleted tl-connections)
# CAVEAT4 - deleted connections must be written with their tlID and tlIndex, otherwise
# parsing in netconvert becomes tedious
# CAVEAT5 - phases must maintain their order
# CAVEAT6 - identical phases may occur multiple times, thus OrderedMultiSet
TAG_TLL = 'tlLogic'
TAG_CONNECTION = 'connection'
# see CAVEAT1
def get_id_attrs(tag):
if tag == TAG_TLL:
return ('id', 'programID')
elif tag == TAG_CONNECTION:
return ('from', 'to', 'fromLane', 'toLane')
return ('id',)
DELETE_ELEMENT = 'delete' # the xml element for signifying deletes
# provide an order for the attribute names
#'.nod.xml' : ()
#'.edg.xml' : ()
#'.con.xml' : ()
# default values for the given attribute (needed when attributes appear in source but do not appear in dest)
DEFAULT_VALUES = defaultdict(lambda: "")
DEFAULT_VALUES['width'] = "-1"
# stores attributes for later comparison
class AttributeStore:
def __init__(self, type, level=1):
# xml type being parsed
self.type = type
# indent level
self.level = level
# dict of names-tuples
self.attrnames = {}
# sets of (tag, id) preserve order to avoid dangling references during loading
self.ids_deleted = OrderedMultiSet()
self.ids_created = OrderedMultiSet()
# dict from (tag, id) to (names, values)
self.id_attrs = {}
# dict from tag to (names, values)-sets, need to preserve order (CAVEAT5)
self.idless_deleted = defaultdict(lambda:OrderedMultiSet())
self.idless_created = defaultdict(lambda:OrderedMultiSet())
# getAttribute returns "" if not present
def getValue(self, node, name):
if node.hasAttribute(name):
return node.getAttribute(name)
return None
def getNames(self, xmlnode):
idattrs = get_id_attrs(xmlnode.localName)
a = xmlnode.attributes
all = [a.item(i).localName for i in range(a.length)]
instance = tuple([n for n in all if n not in idattrs])
if not instance in self.attrnames:
self.attrnames[instance] = instance
# only store a single instance of this tuple to conserve memory
return self.attrnames[instance]
def getAttrs(self, xmlnode):
names = self.getNames(xmlnode)
values = tuple([self.getValue(xmlnode, a) for a in names])
children = None
if any([c.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE for c in xmlnode.childNodes]):
children = AttributeStore(self.type, self.level + 1)
tag = xmlnode.localName
id = tuple([xmlnode.getAttribute(a) for a in get_id_attrs(tag) if xmlnode.hasAttribute(a)])
return tag, id, children, (names, values, children)
def store(self, xmlnode):
tag, id, children, attrs = self.getAttrs(xmlnode)
tagid = (tag, id)
if id != ():
self.id_attrs[tagid] = attrs
if children:
for child in xmlnode.childNodes:
if child.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
self.no_children_supported(children, tag)
def compare(self, xmlnode):
tag, id, children, attrs = self.getAttrs(xmlnode)
tagid = (tag, id)
if id != ():
if tagid in self.ids_deleted:
self.id_attrs[tagid] = self.compareAttrs(self.id_attrs[tagid], attrs, tag)
self.id_attrs[tagid] = attrs
children = self.id_attrs[tagid][2]
if children:
for child in xmlnode.childNodes:
if child.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
if tag == TAG_TLL: # see CAVEAT2
child_strings = StringIO.StringIO()
if child_strings.len > 0:
# there are some changes. Go back and store everything
children = AttributeStore(self.type, self.level + 1)
for child in xmlnode.childNodes:
if child.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
self.id_attrs[tagid] = self.id_attrs[tagid][0:2] + (children,)
self.no_children_supported(children, tag)
if attrs in self.idless_deleted[tag]:
def no_children_supported(self, children, tag):
if children:
print("WARNING: Handling of children only supported for elements without id. Ignored for element '%s'" % tag)
def compareAttrs(self, sourceAttrs, destAttrs, tag):
snames, svalues, schildren = sourceAttrs
dnames, dvalues, dchildren = destAttrs
# for traffic lights, always use dchildren
if schildren and dchildren:
dchildren = schildren
if snames == dnames:
values = tuple([self.diff(n,s,d) for n,s,d in zip (snames,svalues,dvalues)])
return snames, values, dchildren
sdict = defaultdict(lambda:None, zip(snames, svalues))
ddict = defaultdict(lambda:None, zip(dnames, dvalues))
names = tuple(set(snames + dnames))
values = tuple([self.diff(n,sdict[n],ddict[n]) for n in names])
return names, values, dchildren
def diff(self, name, sourceValue, destValue):
if sourceValue == destValue:
return None
elif destValue == None:
return DEFAULT_VALUES[name]
return destValue
def writeDeleted(self, file):
# data loss if two elements with different tags
# have the same id
for tag, id in self.ids_deleted:
additional = ""
if self.type == TYPE_TLLOGICS and tag == TAG_CONNECTION:
# see CAVEAT4
names, values, children = self.id_attrs[(tag, id)]
additional = " " + self.attr_string(names, values)
comment_start, comment_end = ("", "")
if tag == TAG_TLL: # see CAVEAT3
comment_start, comment_end = ("<!-- implicit via changed node type: ", " -->")
self.write(file, '%s<%s %s%s/>%s\n' % (
DELETE_ELEMENT, self.id_string(tag, id), additional,
# data loss if two elements with different tags
# have the same list of attributes and values
for value_set in self.idless_deleted.itervalues():
self.write_idless(file, value_set, DELETE_ELEMENT)
def writeCreated(self, file):
self.write_tagids(file, self.ids_created, True)
for tag, value_set in self.idless_created.iteritems():
self.write_idless(file, value_set, tag)
def writeChanged(self, file):
tagids_changed = OrderedMultiSet(self.id_attrs.keys()) - (self.ids_deleted | self.ids_created)
self.write_tagids(file, tagids_changed, False)
def write_idless(self, file, attr_set, tag):
for names, values, children in attr_set:
self.write(file, '<%s %s/>\n' % (tag, self.attr_string(names, values)))
def write_tagids(self, file, tagids, create):
for tagid in tagids:
tag, id = tagid
names, values, children = self.id_attrs[tagid]
attrs = self.attr_string(names, values)
child_strings = StringIO.StringIO()
if children:
# writeDeleted is not supported
if len(attrs) > 0 or child_strings.len > 0 or create:
close_tag = "/>\n"
if child_strings.len > 0:
close_tag = ">\n%s" % child_strings.getvalue()
self.write(file, '<%s %s %s%s' % (
self.id_string(tag, id),
if child_strings.len > 0:
self.write(file, "</%s>\n" % tag)
def write(self, file, item):
file.write(" " * INDENT * self.level)
def attr_string(self, names, values):
return ' '.join(['%s="%s"' % (n,v) for n,v in zip(names, values) if v != None])
def id_string(self, tag, id):
idattrs = get_id_attrs(tag)
return ' '.join(['%s="%s"' % (n,v) for n,v in zip(idattrs, id)])
def parse_args():
USAGE = "Usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " <source> <dest> <output-prefix>"
optParser = OptionParser()
optParser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true",
default=False, help="Give more output")
optParser.add_option("-p", "--use-prefix", action="store_true",
default=False, help="interpret source and dest as plain-xml prefix instead of network names")
optParser.add_option("--path", dest="path",
default=os.environ.get("SUMO_BINDIR", ""), help="Path to binaries")
options, args = optParser.parse_args()
if len(args) != 3:
options.source, options.dest, options.outprefix = args
return options
def create_plain(netfile, netconvert):
prefix = netfile[:-8]
"--sumo-net-file", netfile,
"--plain-output-prefix", prefix])
return prefix
# creates diff of a flat xml structure
# (only children of the root element and their attrs are compared)
def xmldiff(source, dest, diff, type):
attributeStore = AttributeStore(type)
root_open = None
have_source = os.path.isfile(source)
have_dest = os.path.isfile(dest)
if have_source:
root_open, root_close = handle_children(source, attributeStore.store)
if have_dest:
root_open, root_close = handle_children(dest, attributeStore.compare)
if not have_source and not have_dest:
print "Skipping %s due to lack of input files" % diff
if not have_source:
print "Source file %s is missing. Assuming all elements are created" % source
elif not have_dest:
print "Dest file %s is missing. Assuming all elements are deleted" % dest
with open(diff, 'w') as diff_file:
attributeStore.write(diff_file, "<!-- Deleted Elements -->\n")
attributeStore.write(diff_file, "<!-- Created Elements -->\n")
attributeStore.write(diff_file, "<!-- Changed Elements -->\n")
# calls function handle_parsenode for all children of the root element
# returns opening and closing tag of the root element
def handle_children(xmlfile, handle_parsenode):
root_open = None
root_close = None
level = 0
xml_doc = pulldom.parse(xmlfile)
for event, parsenode in xml_doc:
if event == pulldom.START_ELEMENT:
# print level, parsenode.getAttribute(ID_ATTR)
if level == 0:
root_open = parsenode.toprettyxml(indent="")
# since we did not expand root_open contains the closing slash
root_open = root_open[:-3] + ">\n"
root_close = "</%s>\n" % parsenode.localName
if level == 1:
xml_doc.expandNode(parsenode) # consumes END_ELEMENT, no level increase
level += 1
elif event == pulldom.END_ELEMENT:
level -= 1
return root_open, root_close
# run
def main():
options = parse_args()
if not options.use_prefix:
netconvert = checkBinary("netconvert", options.path)
options.source = create_plain(options.source, netconvert)
options.dest = create_plain(options.dest, netconvert)
for type in PLAIN_TYPES:
xmldiff(options.source + type,
options.dest + type,
options.outprefix + type,
if __name__ == "__main__":