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Debian Science Engineering packages
This package depends on:
science-tasks (= 1.0), science-config (= 1.0)
This package recommends:
cba, cgns-convert, code-saturne, hdfview, librecad, libsilo-bin, python-fiat, python-openturns, python-silo, pythoncad, sailcut, syrthes, z88
This package suggests:
avl, brlcad, code-aster-gui, ecs, freecad, freefoam, gerris, getdp, gmsh, life-apps, netgen, opencascade-draw, pycgns, r-cran-spc, salome, syfi-bin, tochnog, varkon
This package does not conflict with any other package.
science-engineering 1.0 is in debian - wheezy / main. This package's architecture is: architectureless.
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