/usr/share/sip/PyQt4/QtGui/qimage.sip is in python-qt4-dev 4.9.3-4.
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// This file is part of the QtGui Python extension module.
// Copyright (c) 2012 Riverbank Computing Limited <info@riverbankcomputing.com>
// This file is part of PyQt.
// This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
// License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free Software
// Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
// included in the packaging of this file. Alternatively you may (at
// your option) use any later version of the GNU General Public
// License if such license has been publicly approved by Riverbank
// Computing Limited (or its successors, if any) and the KDE Free Qt
// Foundation. In addition, as a special exception, Riverbank gives you
// certain additional rights. These rights are described in the Riverbank
// GPL Exception version 1.1, which can be found in the file
// GPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
// If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
// contact the sales department at sales@riverbankcomputing.com.
// This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
#include <qimage.h>
class QImage : QPaintDevice
#include <qimage.h>
enum InvertMode
enum Format
%If (Qt_4_2_0 -)
%If (Qt_4_4_0 -)
%If (Qt_4_4_0 -)
%If (Qt_4_4_0 -)
%If (Qt_4_4_0 -)
%If (Qt_4_4_0 -)
%If (Qt_4_4_0 -)
%If (Qt_4_4_0 -)
%If (Qt_4_4_0 -)
QImage(const QSize &size, QImage::Format format);
QImage(int width, int height, QImage::Format format);
%If (Qt_4_2_0 -)
QImage(const uchar *data /KeepReference/, int width, int height, QImage::Format format);
%If (- Qt_4_2_0)
QImage(uchar *data /KeepReference/, int width, int height, QImage::Format format);
%If (Qt_4_3_0 -)
QImage(void *data, int width, int height, QImage::Format format) [(uchar *data, int width, int height, QImage::Format format)];
%If (Qt_4_3_0 -)
QImage(const uchar *data /KeepReference/, int width, int height, int bytesPerLine, QImage::Format format);
%If (Qt_4_3_0 -)
QImage(void *data, int width, int height, int bytesPerLine, QImage::Format format) [(uchar *data, int width, int height, int bytesPerLine, QImage::Format format)];
explicit QImage(SIP_PYLIST xpm /DocType="list-of-str"/) [(const char **xpm)];
// The Python interface is a list of strings that make up the image.
const char **str = QtGui_ListToArray(a0);
if (str)
sipCpp = new sipQImage(str);
sipIsErr = 1;
QImage(const QString &fileName, const char *format = 0);
QImage(const QImage &);
QImage(const QVariant &variant) /NoDerived/;
sipCpp = new sipQImage(qVariantValue<QImage>(*a0));
virtual ~QImage();
bool isNull() const;
virtual int devType() const;
bool operator==(const QImage &) const;
bool operator!=(const QImage &) const;
void detach();
bool isDetached() const;
QImage copy(const QRect &rect = QRect()) const;
QImage copy(int x, int y, int w, int h) const;
QImage::Format format() const;
QImage convertToFormat(QImage::Format format, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags = Qt::AutoColor) const;
QImage convertToFormat(QImage::Format format, const QVector<unsigned int> &colorTable, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags = Qt::AutoColor) const;
int width() const;
int height() const;
QSize size() const;
QRect rect() const;
int depth() const;
int numColors() const;
QRgb color(int i) const;
void setColor(int i, QRgb c);
void setNumColors(int);
bool allGray() const;
bool isGrayscale() const;
void *bits() [uchar * ()];
int numBytes() const;
void *scanLine(int) [uchar * (int)];
int bytesPerLine() const;
%If (Qt_4_2_0 -)
bool valid(const QPoint &pt) const;
bool valid(int x, int y) const;
%If (Qt_4_2_0 -)
int pixelIndex(const QPoint &pt) const;
int pixelIndex(int x, int y) const;
%If (Qt_4_2_0 -)
QRgb pixel(const QPoint &pt) const;
QRgb pixel(int x, int y) const;
%If (Qt_4_2_0 -)
void setPixel(const QPoint &pt, uint index_or_rgb);
void setPixel(int x, int y, uint index_or_rgb);
QVector<unsigned int> colorTable() const;
void setColorTable(const QVector<unsigned int> colors);
%If (Qt_4_8_0 -)
void fill(Qt::GlobalColor color /Constrained/);
%If (Qt_4_8_0 -)
void fill(const QColor &color);
void fill(uint pixel);
bool hasAlphaChannel() const;
void setAlphaChannel(const QImage &alphaChannel);
QImage alphaChannel() const;
QImage createAlphaMask(Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags = Qt::AutoColor) const;
QImage createHeuristicMask(bool clipTight = true) const;
QImage scaled(int width, int height, Qt::AspectRatioMode aspectRatioMode = Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::TransformationMode transformMode = Qt::FastTransformation) const;
QImage scaled(const QSize &size, Qt::AspectRatioMode aspectRatioMode = Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::TransformationMode transformMode = Qt::FastTransformation) const;
QImage scaledToWidth(int width, Qt::TransformationMode mode = Qt::FastTransformation) const;
QImage scaledToHeight(int height, Qt::TransformationMode mode = Qt::FastTransformation) const;
QImage transformed(const QMatrix &matrix, Qt::TransformationMode mode = Qt::FastTransformation) const;
static QMatrix trueMatrix(const QMatrix &, int w, int h);
QImage mirrored(bool horizontal = false, bool vertical = true) const;
QImage rgbSwapped() const;
void invertPixels(QImage::InvertMode mode = QImage::InvertRgb);
bool load(QIODevice *device, const char *format);
bool load(const QString &fileName, const char *format = 0);
bool loadFromData(const uchar *data /Array/, int len /ArraySize/, const char *format = 0);
bool loadFromData(const QByteArray &data, const char *format = 0);
%If (Qt_4_2_0 -)
bool save(const QString &fileName, const char *format = 0, int quality = -1) const;
%If (- Qt_4_2_0)
bool save(const QString &fileName, const char *format, int quality = -1) const;
%If (Qt_4_2_0 -)
bool save(QIODevice *device, const char *format = 0, int quality = -1) const;
%If (- Qt_4_2_0)
bool save(QIODevice *device, const char *format, int quality = -1) const;
static QImage fromData(const uchar *data /Array/, int size /ArraySize/, const char *format = 0);
static QImage fromData(const QByteArray &data, const char *format = 0);
int serialNumber() const;
virtual QPaintEngine *paintEngine() const;
int dotsPerMeterX() const;
int dotsPerMeterY() const;
void setDotsPerMeterX(int);
void setDotsPerMeterY(int);
QPoint offset() const;
void setOffset(const QPoint &);
QStringList textKeys() const;
QString text(const QString &key /DocValue="Py_v3:''"/ = QString()) const;
void setText(const QString &key, const QString &value);
virtual int metric(QPaintDevice::PaintDeviceMetric metric) const;
%If (Qt_4_3_0 -)
QImage createMaskFromColor(QRgb color, Qt::MaskMode mode = Qt::MaskInColor) const;
%If (Qt_4_3_0 -)
QImage transformed(const QTransform &matrix, Qt::TransformationMode mode = Qt::FastTransformation) const;
%If (Qt_4_3_0 -)
static QTransform trueMatrix(const QTransform &, int w, int h);
%If (Qt_4_3_0 -)
qint64 cacheKey() const;
%If (Qt_4_6_0 -)
int colorCount() const;
%If (Qt_4_6_0 -)
void setColorCount(int);
%If (Qt_4_6_0 -)
int byteCount() const;
%If (Qt_4_7_0 -)
int bitPlaneCount() const;
%If (Qt_4_8_0 -)
void swap(QImage &other);
QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &, const QImage & /Constrained/);
QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &, QImage & /Constrained/);
%If (Qt_4_3_0 -)
void qSwap(QImage &value1, QImage &value2);
const char **QtGui_ListToArray(PyObject *lst);
void QtGui_DeleteArray(const char **arr);
// Convert a list of strings to an array of ASCII strings on the heap. Used by
// QImage and QPixmap.
const char **QtGui_ListToArray(PyObject *lst)
SIP_SSIZE_T nstr = PyList_Size(lst);
const char **arr = new const char *[nstr + 1];
for (SIP_SSIZE_T i = 0; i < nstr; ++i)
PyObject *ascii_obj = PyList_GetItem(lst, i);
const char *ascii = sipString_AsASCIIString(&ascii_obj);
if (!ascii)
while (i-- > 0)
delete[] arr[i];
delete[] arr;
return 0;
// Copy the string.
arr[i] = qstrdup(ascii);
// The sentinal.
arr[nstr] = 0;
return arr;
// Return a string array created by QtGui_ListToArray() to the heap.
void QtGui_DeleteArray(const char **arr)
for (SIP_SSIZE_T i = 0; arr[i]; ++i)
delete[] arr[i];
delete[] arr;