/usr/share/psychtoolbox-3/PsychOneliners/MergeCell.m is in psychtoolbox-3-common 3.0.9+svn2579.dfsg1-1.
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 | function c = MergeCell(varargin)
% Merges contents of multiple cell arrays into one big cell array
% c = MergeCell(varargin)
% MergeCell takes any number of cell vectors (contain the same datatype)
% and concatenates their contents into one big cellvector
% Any signleton inputs are expanded as needed, these inputs can be 1x1
% cells or the contained datatype itself
% Example: To add some information about fit to plot legend, we'd wan't to
% append information about the fit to the line labels:
% linelbls = {'line a','line b','line c'};
% chi2_r = [.9 1 4.2];
% chi2_rtxt= arrayfun(@(x) sprintf('slope: %.3f',x),chi2_r,'UniformOutput',false);
% leglbls = MergeCell(linelbls,', chi^2_r: ',chi2_rtxt);
% % leglbls = MergeCell(linelbls,{', chi^2_r: '},chi2_rtxt); would be equivalent
% input checks
qVec = cellfun(@isvector,varargin); % also true for scalars :)
assert(all(qVec),'At least one input is not a vector');
% ensure all inputs are cell (wrap in cell if not)
qCell = cellfun(@iscell,varargin);
temp = num2cell({varargin{~qCell}});
varargin(~qCell) = temp;
% get lengths and check
len = cellfun(@length,varargin);
assert(length(unique(len(len>1)))<2,'Inputs not all of matching or scalar length\nLengths: %s',num2str(len));
len = max(len);
% check all same datatype
type = cellfun(@(x) class(x{1}),varargin,'UniformOutput',false);
if length(unique(type)) > 1
fprintf('Data types of inputs:\n');
fprintf(' %s\n',type{:});
error('Inputs not all of same data type ^^');
% expand all inputs to same length and ensure all column vectors
for p = 1:length(varargin)
if length(varargin{p}) == 1
% expand scalar
varargin{p} = repmat(varargin{p},len,1);
elseif size(varargin{p},2) > 1
% ensure column vector
varargin{p} = varargin{p}.';
% concatenate
c = cellfun(@(varargin) cat(2,varargin{:}),varargin{:},'UniformOutput',false);