/usr/share/psychtoolbox-3/PsychGLImageProcessing/VignetCalibration.m is in psychtoolbox-3-common 3.0.9+svn2579.dfsg1-1.
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% s = VignetCalibration([filename] [, screenId])
% Vignetted Luminance calibration procedure for undistortion of distorted
% display luminance.
% This code was created by Jorrit S. Montijn of the Laboratoire Psychologie
% de la Perception at Universite Paris Descartes.
% This function allows the user to create a calibration for a vignetted
% luminance distortion. It enables the user to choose from either a
% Gaussian or Exponential approximation of the luminance vignetting. Users
% can change the position and steepness of the luminance fall-off in
% horizontal and vertical direction independently. It is also possible to
% adjust the minimal luminance.
% Once the calibration procedure is finished, the gain matrix (and other
% possibly useful parameters and variables) are saved to disk for use by a
% vignetting compensation program (see 'VignettingCorrectionDemo' for an
% example of how to do this).
% How to use:
% Start the script, providing a filename and screennumber:
% 'filename' is the name of the file to which calibration results will be
% saved. If none is provided, a default name will be used. The default file
% will be stored in the directory returned by PsychtoolboxConfigDir('ShadingCalibration').
% 'screenId' is the optional index of the screen that you want to
% calibrate. If only one screen is present, it is not necessary to include
% this parameter.
% When started, the program will show either a gaussian or exponential
% approximation of the required gain function. You can adjust the
% parameters so that the screen will look approximately isoluminant. It is
% recommended to use a photometer, since human eyes are far from perfect when
% doing this.
% You can use the following keys to issue commands:
% Escape - use this key to save and exit
% Tab - show/hide help text
% Space - change the parameter you wish to adjust
% '<' and '>' - use these keys to change the increment size of the
% parameter adjustments
% Arrow Keys - adjust parameters (depending on selected parameter)
% 1. Luminance/Function type
% 2. Width/Steepness of function
% 3. Position of centre
% History:
% 16.03.2010 Interactive Vignetting Calibration function created
% by Jorrit S. Montijn.
% 18.03.2010 mk Minimal cleanup and merge into distribution.
% 27.03.2010 mk Switch to multiplicative inverse. Use gainCorrection of a
% 50% grey background via PsychColorCorretion(). This allows
% for > 1.0 gain values.
% 19.04.2010 jm Removed Lmin restrictions allowing for gain values to take
% any value (-inf < Lmin < inf), added display of
% current parameter values in on-screen help text
% Check for proper installation:
%unify keynames
%create variable if needed
if ~exist('screenId','var')
screenId = [];
% Fetch connected screens:
screens = Screen('Screens');
%if no screen nr was provided
if isempty(screenId)
%ask which one to calibrate if more than 1 is present
if length(screens)>1,
screenId = str2double(input(['Which screen should we calibrate? [' num2str(screens) '] '],'s'));
screenId = screens;
if ~ismember(screenId, screens)
error('No such screen. Please restart program with valid screenid.');
%put screenId number into structure
s.scrNr = screenId;
%fetch screen resolution
[w, h] = Screen('WindowSize', screenId);
%create variable if needed
if ~exist('filename', 'var')
filename = [];
%if no filename was provided
if isempty(filename)
%assign filename
filename = [PsychtoolboxConfigDir('ShadingCalibration') 'VignetCalibration' sprintf('_%i_%i_%i', screenId, w, h) '.mat'];
fprintf('\nNo filename defined... Using default\n');
%show name of output file and check to overwrite
fprintf('Name of outputfile: %s\n\n', filename);
if exist(filename, 'file')
answer = input('File already exists. Overwrite? [y/n]','s');
if ~strcmp(lower(answer), 'y') %#ok<STCI>
fprintf('\n\nCalibration aborted. Please restart program and specify another filename.\n\n');
%disable synctests
oldsynclevel = Screen('Preference', 'SkipSyncTests', 2);
%change verbosity
oldverbosity = Screen('Preference', 'Verbosity', 1);
% Open window on desired screenId:
% Use imaging pipeline for visual processing and display:
% Request per-pixel 2D gain correction for display:
PsychImaging('AddTask', 'FinalFormatting', 'DisplayColorCorrection', 'GainMatrix');
% Open window with gray background (128 aka 50% gray), return handle 'win':
[s.window, rect] = PsychImaging('OpenWindow', s.scrNr, 128);
%change text appearance
Screen('TextSize',s.window, 18);
Screen('TextStyle', s.window, 1+2);
Screen('TextColor', s.window, [255 0 0]);
%put rect into structure
s.rect = rect;
%hide cursor and disable input
%initialize parameters
[beta,xGrid,yGrid] = InitVignetCalibration(s.rect);
%put values into structure
s.quitNow = 0;
s.beta = beta;
s.xGrid = xGrid;
s.yGrid = yGrid;
%start calibration
s = CalibrateVignetNow(s);
%collect variables from structure for easy access
gainMatrix = s.textureGrid; %#ok<NASGU>
parameters = s.beta; %#ok<NASGU>
functionType = s.functionType; %#ok<NASGU>
% Strip redundant data from 's':
bs = s;
s.xGrid = [];
s.yGrid = [];
s.textureGrid = [];
%save variables and structure to file
save(filename, 'gainMatrix', 'parameters', 'functionType', 's', '-mat', '-V6');
% Restore unstripped 's' before return:
s = bs;
fprintf('The calibration is finished! \n\n');
fprintf('Your calibration matrix, parameters and function type have been saved to\n%s\n', filename);
fprintf('Also included in the file is a structure that contains most settings you used.\n');
fprintf('For an example on how to use the generated gain matrix to reduce vignetting,\n');
fprintf('please take a look at the PsychToolbox demo ''VignettingCorrectionDemo''\n\n');
%show cursor
%reset screen values
Screen('Preference', 'SkipSyncTests', oldsynclevel);
Screen('Preference', 'Verbosity', oldverbosity);
%reenable listenchar
%rethrow error
%reenable listenchar
%restore cursor
%reset screen values
Screen('Preference', 'SkipSyncTests', oldsynclevel);
Screen('Preference', 'Verbosity', oldverbosity);
function [beta,xGrid,yGrid] = InitVignetCalibration(rect)
rLeft = rect(1);
rTop = rect(2);
rRight = rect(3);
rBot = rect(4);
xPixelSpace = rLeft+1:rRight; %horizontal pixel space
yPixelSpace = rTop+1:rBot; %vertical pixel space
xPixNum = length(xPixelSpace); %number of pixels on x-axis
yPixNum = length(yPixelSpace); %number of pixels on y-axis
Lmin = 0; %minimal luminance level
wX = xPixNum/2; %initial horizontal gaussian width is quarter of screen
wY = yPixNum/2; %initial vertical gaussian width is quarter of screen
muX = xPixNum/2; %initial horizontal gaussian position is at middle of screen
muY = yPixNum/2; %initial vertical gaussian position is at middle of screen
%put parameters into beta variable
beta(1) = Lmin;
beta(2) = wX;
beta(3) = wY;
beta(4) = muX;
beta(5) = muY;
%create meshgrids from pixel spaces
[xGrid,yGrid] = meshgrid(xPixelSpace,yPixelSpace);
function s = CalibrateVignetNow(s)
%define initial variables
useFunction = 1;
drawText = 1;
paramNow = 1;
beta = s.beta;
xGrid = s.xGrid;
yGrid = s.yGrid;
switchVar = [2 1];
switchVar3 = [2 3 1];
redrawTexture = 1;
functionList = {'Gaussian','Exponential'};
paramList = {'Minimum Luminance','Width','Position'};
%create Lmin variables
Lmin = beta(1);
LminIncrement = 0.1;
%create width variables
wX = beta(2);
wY = beta(3);
wIncrement = wX/20;
%create position variables
muX = beta(4);
muY = beta(5);
muIncrement = muX/20;
while s.quitNow == 0
%if texture whould be (re)drawn
if redrawTexture == 1
%reset redraw var
redrawTexture = 0;
%create grid from parameters
beta(1) = Lmin;
beta(2) = wX;
beta(3) = wY;
beta(4) = muX;
beta(5) = muY;
if useFunction == 1
%use gaussian approximation
textureGrid = gaussianGrid(beta, xGrid, yGrid);
%use exponential approximation
textureGrid = exponentialGrid(beta,xGrid,yGrid);
% Apply gain correction matrix to display: This will take effect at the
% next Screen('Flip'):
PsychColorCorrection('SetGainMatrix', s.window, textureGrid);
%if text should be drawn
if drawText == 1
%draw help
s.functionType = functionList{useFunction};
if paramNow == 1
thisIncrement = num2str(LminIncrement);
upDown = 'increase/decrease min Luminance factor';
curValUD = num2str(beta(1));
leftRight = 'Shift to other function';
curValLR = s.functionType;
elseif paramNow == 2
thisIncrement = num2str(wIncrement);
upDown = 'increase/decrease vertical sigma';
curValUD = num2str(beta(3));
leftRight = 'decrease/increase horizontal sigma';
curValLR = num2str(beta(2));
thisIncrement = num2str(muIncrement);
upDown = 'move centre up/down';
curValUD = num2str(beta(5));
leftRight = 'move centre left/right';
curValLR = num2str(beta(4));
text = ['You can use the following commands:\n\n'...
'TAB: show/hide this text\n'...
'Escape: save&exit\n'...
'Space: switch parameters :: Current: ' paramList{paramNow} '\n'...
'"<" and ">": decrease/increase increment: ' thisIncrement '\n'...
'Up/Down: ' upDown ' :: Current: ' curValUD '\n'...
'Left/Right: ' leftRight ' :: Current: ' curValLR '\n'];
%flip screen
%check for input
inputReceived = 0;
keyPressed = 0;
while inputReceived == 0 && s.quitNow == 0
KbWait; %wait till keypress
if keyIsDown
if keyPressed == 0
keyPressed = 1;
inputReceived = 1;
if keyCode(KbName('Escape'))
%done! Put output texture and parameters in
%structure to return to master function and break
s.textureGrid = textureGrid;
s.beta = beta;
s.quitNow = 1;
elseif keyCode(KbName('space'))
%shift adjustment parameters
%1: strength (Lmin)
%2: width (wX and xY)
%3: position (muX and muY)
paramNow = switchVar3(paramNow);
elseif keyCode(KbName('tab'))
%toggle show/hide text
drawText = switchVar(drawText);
if paramNow == 1
valueX = Lmin;
valueY = Lmin;
increment = LminIncrement;
elseif paramNow == 2
valueX = wX;
valueY = wY;
increment = wIncrement;
elseif paramNow == 3
valueX = muX;
valueY = muY;
increment = muIncrement;
if keyCode(KbName('LeftArrow'))
%adjust left
redrawTexture = 1;
valueX = valueX - increment;
if paramNow == 1
useFunction = switchVar(useFunction);
elseif keyCode(KbName('RightArrow'))
%adjust right
redrawTexture = 1;
valueX = valueX + increment;
if paramNow == 1
useFunction = switchVar(useFunction);
elseif keyCode(KbName('UpArrow'))
%adjust up
redrawTexture = 1;
if paramNow == 3
valueY = valueY - increment;
valueY = valueY + increment;
elseif keyCode(KbName('DownArrow'))
%adjust down
redrawTexture = 1;
if paramNow == 3
valueY = valueY + increment;
valueY = valueY - increment;
elseif keyCode(KbName(',<'))
%decrease increment
increment = increment / 2;
elseif keyCode(KbName('.>'))
%increase increment
increment = increment * 2;
%false alarm: no input received, just a random keypress
inputReceived = 0;
if paramNow == 1
LminIncrement = increment;
Lmin = valueY;
elseif paramNow == 2
wIncrement = increment;
wX = valueX;
wY = valueY;
elseif paramNow == 3
muIncrement = increment;
muX = valueX;
muY = valueY;
keyPressed = 0;
function gaussGrid = gaussianGrid(beta, xGrid, yGrid)
Lmin = beta(1); %minimal luminance level (0-1)
wX = beta(2); %width on x-axis (pixels)
wY = beta(3); %width on y-axis (pixels)
muX = beta(4); %centre on x-axis (pixels)
muY = beta(5); %centre on y-axis (pixels)
gaussX = exp(- (((xGrid-muX).^2) / ((2*wX).^2) ) ); %create horizontal gaussian
gaussY = exp(- (((yGrid-muY).^2) / ((2*wY).^2) ) ); %create vertical gaussian
comb = gaussX.*gaussY; %combine into one grid
% Invert grid: Multiplicative inverse should compensate for
% multiplicative attenuation of display. Add offset Lmin to shift the
% gainfield around: The final matrix stores floating point gain values
% greater or equal to 0.0:
gaussGrid = (1 ./ comb) + Lmin;
fprintf('Mingain = %f, Maxgain = %f\n', min(min(gaussGrid)), max(max(gaussGrid)));
function expoGrid = exponentialGrid(beta, xGrid,yGrid)
Lmin = beta(1); %minimal luminance level (0-1)
xF = beta(2); %width on x-axis (pixels)
yF = beta(3); %width on y-axis (pixels)
muX = beta(4); %centre on x-axis (pixels)
muY = beta(5); %centre on y-axis (pixels)
expX = min(exp(xGrid/xF-muX/xF),exp(-xGrid/xF+muX/xF) ); %horizontal part
expY = min(exp(yGrid/yF-muY/yF),exp(-yGrid/yF+muY/yF) ); %vertical part
comb = expX.*expY; %combine into one grid
% Invert grid: Multiplicative inverse should compensate for
% multiplicative attenuation of display. Add offset Lmin to shift the
% gainfield around: The final matrix stores floating point gain values
% greater or equal to 0.0:
expoGrid = (1 ./ comb) + Lmin;
fprintf('Mingain = %f, Maxgain = %f\n', min(min(expoGrid)), max(max(expoGrid)));