/usr/share/mc/syntax/Syntax is in mc-data 3:4.8.3-10.
This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o644.
The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 | # This file describes which highlighting scheme is applied to a particular
# file in mcedit.
# Each entry consists of two lines: a "file" specification and the
# corresponding highlighting definition ("include"). A file specification
# can have two or three fields, each separated by white-space characters.
# The first field is a regular expression that is matched against the file
# name. The second field is a description of the file type and is
# currently unused. The third (optional) field is a regular expression
# that is matched against the first line of the file. The first entry
# that matches wins, that is, all the entries below are ignored.
# Certain characters must be quoted in these fields. These are space (\s),
# tabs (\t), backslashes(\\), plus (\+) and asterisk (\*). Braces {} and
# brackets [] must not be quoted in this file. However, they have a special
# meaning when used in the actual syntax definitions.
# You can use the following colors in the syntax highlighting files:
# black, blue, brightblue, brightcyan, brightgreen, brightmagenta,
# brightred, brown, cyan, gray, green, lightgray, magenta, red, white,
# yellow
file [Ss]yntax$ Syntax\sHighlighting\sdefinitions ^#\ssyntax\srules\sversion\s
include syntax.syntax
file filehighlight.ini$ File\sHighlighting\sdefinitions ^#\sfile\shighlight\srules\sversion\s
include filehighlight.syntax
file ..\*\\.(e)$ Eiffel\sSource\sFile
include eiffel.syntax
file ..\*\\.(diff|rej|patch)$ Diff\sOutput ^(diff|Index:)\s
include diff.syntax
file ..\*\\.lsm$ LSM\sFile
include lsm.syntax
file .\*(bash_completion|profile|\\.(sh|bash_login|bash_profile|bash_logout|bash_aliases|bash_exports|bash_history|bashrc|profile))$ Shell\sScript ^#!\s\*/(.\*/|usr/bin/env\s)([a-z]?|ba|pdk)sh
include sh.syntax
file ..\*\\.(pl|PL|pm|PM)$ Perl\sProgram ^#!.\*([\s/]perl|@PERL@)
include perl.syntax
file ..\*\\.(py|PY)$ Python\sProgram ^#!.\*([\s/]python|@PYTHON@)
include python.syntax
file ..\*\\.(pyx|pxd|pxi)$ Cython\sor\sPyrex\sProgram
include cython.syntax
file ..\*\\.(rb|RB)$ Ruby\sProgram ^#!.\*([\s/]ruby|@RUBY@)
include ruby.syntax
file ..\*\\.(man|[0-9n]|[0-9](x|ncurses|ssl|p|pm|menu|form|vga|t|td))$ NROFF\sSource
include nroff.syntax
file ..\*\\.(htm|html|HTM|HTML)$ HTML\sFile
include html.syntax
file ..\*\\.(xml|XML|xsd|XSD|xslt?|XSLT?|dtd|DTD|qpg|qpg.in)$ XML\sdocument (\\?xml\sversion|!DOCTYPE\s)
include xml.syntax
file ..\*\\.(tt|TT)$ Template::Toolkit\sFile
include tt.syntax
file (.\*[Mm]akefile[\\\.A-Za-z0-9]\*|..\*\\.mk|Kbuild)$ Makefile
include makefile.syntax
file ..\*\\.(pp|PP|pas|PAS|dpr|DPR|inc|INC)$ Pascal\sProgram
include pascal.syntax
file ..\*\\.(ada|adb|ads|ADA|ADB|ADS)$ Ada\sProgram
include ada95.syntax
file ..\*\\.(tcl|itcl|TCL|ITCL)$ Tcl\sProgram
include tcl.syntax
file ..\*\\.(sl|SL)$ S-Lang\sProgram
include slang.syntax
file ..\*\\.tex$ LaTeX\s2.09\sDocument
include latex.syntax
file ..\*\.(texi|texinfo|TEXI|TEXINFO)$ Texinfo\sDocument
include texinfo.syntax
file ..\*\\.c$ C\sProgram
include c.syntax
file ..\*\\.([hC]|CC|cxx|cc|cpp|CPP|CXX|hxx|hh|hpp|HPP|h\.in)$ C/C\+\+\sProgram
include cxx.syntax
file ..\*\\.d$ D\sProgram
include d.syntax
file ..\*\\.[fF]$ Fortran\sProgram
include fortran.syntax
file ..\*\\.[fF]9[05]$ Freeform\sFortran\sProgram
include f90.syntax
file ..\*\\.i$ SWIG\sSource
include swig.syntax
file ..\*\\.(php|PHP)[0-9]?$ PHP\sProgram
include php.syntax
file ..\*\\.ij[xs]$ J\sFile
include j.syntax
file ..\*\\.(java|JAVA|Java|jav|groovy|GROOVY|Groovy)$ Java\sProgram
include java.syntax
file ..\*\\.(properties|config) Java\sFile
include properties.syntax
file ..\*\\.(cs|CS)$ C\#\sProgram
include cs.syntax
file ..\*\\.(js|JS)$ JavaScript\sProgram
include js.syntax
file ..\*\\.(as|AS)$ ActionScript\sProgram
include as.syntax
file ..\*\\.(asax|aspx|ascx|asmx|ashx)$ ASPX\sFile
include aspx.syntax
file ..\*\\.st$ SmallTalk\sProgram
include smalltalk.syntax
file ..\*\\.(lisp|lsp|el|cl)$ Lisp\sProgram
include lisp.syntax
file ..\*\\.(ml|mli|mly|mll|mlp)$ ML\sProgram
include ml.syntax
file ..\*\\.m$ Matlab\sor\sOctave\sFile
include octave.syntax
file ..\*\\.(sql|SQL)$ SQL\sProgram
include sql.syntax
file ..\*\\.(spec|spec\.in)$ RPM\sSpecfile
include spec.syntax
file ..\*\\.repo$ YUM\sRepo\sFile
include yum-repo.syntax
file ..\*\\.(awk)$ AWK\sFile
include awk.syntax
file ..\*\\.(css|qss|CSS|QSS)$ CSS\sFile
include css.syntax
file .\*ChangeLog[\\\.A-Za-z0-9_]\*$ GNU\sChangeLog\sFile
include changelog.syntax
file (..\*\\.m4$|configure\\.in|configure\\.ac) M4\sMacroprocessor\sSource
include m4.syntax
file ..\*\\.(bat|cmd)$ DOS\sBatch
include dos.syntax
file ..\*\\.(po|pot|pox)$ PO\sFile
include po.syntax
file ..\*\\.([Aa][Ss][Mm]|s|S)$ ASM\sProgram
include assembler.syntax
file ..\*\\.([Pp][Oo][Vv])$ POV\sScript
include povray.syntax
file .\*\\.(ebuild|eclass)$ Gentoo\sEbuild
include ebuild.syntax
file ..\*\\.([lL][uU][aA])$ LUA\sProgram ^#!.*/lua
include lua.syntax
file ..\*\\.([iI][dD][lL])$ CORBA\sIDL
include idl.syntax
file ..\*\\.([iI][nN][iI])$ INI\sFile
include ini.syntax
file Don_t_match_me Mail\sfolder ^(From|Return-(P|p)ath:|From:|Date:)\s
include mail.syntax
file \.procmailrc$ Procmail\sRC\sFile ^#/usr/bin/procmail
include procmail.syntax
file sources.list$ sources\slist
include debian-sources-list.syntax
file control$ Debian\scontrol\sfile
include debian-control.syntax
file (rules|rocks)$ Debian\srules
include makefile.syntax
file .\*changelog$ Debian\schangelog\sfile
include debian-changelog.syntax
file changelog.Debian$ Debian\schangelog\sfile
include debian-changelog.syntax
file .\*\\.dsc$ Debian\sdescriptiom\sfile
include debian-description.syntax
file ..\*\\.([hH][sS][cC]?)$ Haskell\sprogram
include haskell.syntax
file ..\*\\.([cC][aA][bB][aA][lL])$ Cabal\sconfig\sfile
include cabal.syntax
file ..\*\\.(n|N)$ Nemerle\sProgram
include nemerle.syntax
file ..\*\\.(v|V)$ Verilog\sDevice\sDescription
include verilog.syntax
file ..\*\\.(hdl|vhd|vdhl|HDL|VHD|VHDL)$ VHDL\sDevice\sDescription
include vhdl.syntax
file ..\*\\.erl$ Erlang\sProgram ^(-module\\(|#!.*escript)
include erlang.syntax
file ..\*\\.hrl$ Erlang\sHeader ^-record\\(
include erlang.syntax
file .\*named.conf$ Bind9\sconfiguration
include named.syntax
file .\*\\.strace$ Strace\sdebug\soutput
include strace.syntax
file PKGBUILD$ Arch\spackage\sbuild\sscript
include PKGBUILD.syntax
file \\.install$ Arch\spackage\sinstall\sscript
include sh.syntax
file ..\*\\.(l|y|yxx|ypp)$ Lex/Flex/Yacc/Bison\ssource
include yxx.syntax
file .\* unknown
include unknown.syntax