/usr/share/pyshared/doconce/gwiki.py is in doconce 0.7.3-1.
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Google Code Wiki translator.
Syntax defined by http://code.google.com/p/support/wiki/WikiSyntax
Here called gwiki to make the dialect clear (g for google).
import re, os, commands, sys
from common import default_movie, plain_exercise
def gwiki_code(filestr, format):
c = re.compile(r'^!bc(.*?)\n', re.MULTILINE)
filestr = c.sub(r'{{{\n', filestr)
filestr = re.sub(r'!ec\n', r'}}}\n', filestr)
c = re.compile(r'^!bt\n', re.MULTILINE)
filestr = c.sub(r'{{{\n', filestr)
filestr = re.sub(r'!et\n', r'}}}\n', filestr)
return filestr
def gwiki_figure(m):
filename = m.group('filename')
if not os.path.isfile(filename):
raise IOError('no figure file %s' % filename)
basename = os.path.basename(filename)
stem, ext = os.path.splitext(basename)
root, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
if not ext in '.png .gif .jpg .jpeg'.split():
# try to convert image file to PNG, using
# convert from ImageMagick:
cmd = 'convert %s png:%s' % (filename, root+'.png')
failure, output = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
if failure:
print '\n**** Warning: could not run', cmd
print 'Convert %s to PNG format manually' % filename
filename = root + '.png'
caption = m.group('caption')
# keep label if it's there:
caption = re.sub(r'label\{(.+?)\}', '(\g<1>)', caption)
print """
NOTE: Place %s at some place on the web and edit the
.gwiki page, either manually (seach for 'Figure: ')
or use the doconce script:
doconce gwiki_figsubst.py mydoc.gwiki URL
""" % filename
result = r"""
Figure: %s
(the URL of the image file %s must be inserted here)
Put the figure file %s on the web (e.g., as part of the
googlecode repository) and substitute the line above with the URL.
""" % (caption, filename, filename)
return result
from common import table_analysis
def gwiki_table(table):
"""Native gwiki table."""
# add 2 chars for column width since we add boldface _..._
# in headlines:
column_width = [c+2 for c in table_analysis(table['rows'])]
# Does column and heading alignment matter?
# Not according to http://code.google.com/p/support/wiki/WikiSyntax#Tables
# but it is possible to use HTML code in gwiki (i.e., html_table)
# (think this was tried without success...)
s = '\n'
for i, row in enumerate(table['rows']):
if row == ['horizontal rule']:
if i == 1 and \
table['rows'][i-1] == ['horizontal rule'] and \
table['rows'][i+1] == ['horizontal rule']:
headline = True
headline = False
for column, w in zip(row, column_width):
if headline:
c = ' %s ' % (('_'+ column + '_').center(w))
c = ' %s ' % column.ljust(w)
s += ' || %s ' % c
s += ' ||\n'
s += '\n\n'
return s
def gwiki_author(authors_and_institutions, auth2index,
inst2index, index2inst, auth2email):
authors = []
for author, i, email in authors_and_institutions:
if email is None:
email_text = ''
name, adr = email.split('@')
email_text = ' (%s at %s)' % (name, adr)
authors.append('_%s_%s' % (author, email_text))
if len(authors) == 1:
authors = authors[0]
elif len(authors) == 2:
authors = authors[0] + ' and ' + authors[1]
elif len(authors) > 2:
authors[-1] = 'and ' + authors[-1]
authors = ', '.join(authors)
# no authors:
return ''
text = '\n\nBy ' + authors + '\n\n'
# we skip institutions in gwiki
return text
def gwiki_ref_and_label(section_label2title, format, filestr):
# .... see section ref{my:sec} is replaced by
# see the section "...section heading..."
pattern = r'[Ss]ection(s?)\s+ref\{'
replacement = r'the section\g<1> ref{'
filestr = re.sub(pattern, replacement, filestr)
pattern = r'[Cc]hapter(s?)\s+ref\{'
replacement = r'the chapter\g<1> ref{'
filestr = re.sub(pattern, replacement, filestr)
# remove label{...} from output
filestr = re.sub(r'label\{.+?\}', '', filestr) # all the remaining
# anchors in titles do not work...
# replace all references to sections:
for label in section_label2title:
title = section_label2title[label]
filestr = filestr.replace('ref{%s}' % label,
'[#%s]' % title.replace(' ', '_'))
from common import ref2equations
filestr = ref2equations(filestr)
# replace remaining ref{x} as x
filestr = re.sub(r'ref\{(.+?)\}', '\g<1>', filestr)
return filestr
# all arguments are dicts and accept in-place modifications (extensions)
FILENAME_EXTENSION['gwiki'] = '.gwiki' # output file extension
BLANKLINE['gwiki'] = '\n'
# replacement patterns for substitutions of inline tags
INLINE_TAGS_SUBST['gwiki'] = {
# use verbatim mode for math:
'math': r'\g<begin>`\g<subst>`\g<end>',
'math2': r'\g<begin>`\g<puretext>`\g<end>',
'emphasize': r'\g<begin>_\g<subst>_\g<end>',
'bold': r'\g<begin>*\g<subst>*\g<end>',
'verbatim': r'\g<begin>`\g<subst>`\g<end>',
'linkURL': r'\g<begin>[\g<url> \g<link>]\g<end>',
'linkURL2': r'[\g<url> \g<link>]',
'linkURL3': r'[\g<url> \g<link>]',
'linkURL2v': r"[\g<url> `\g<link>`]",
'linkURL3v': r"[\g<url> `\g<link>`]",
'plainURL': r'\g<url>',
'chapter': '\n\n\n' + r'= \g<subst> =\n',
'section': '\n\n\n' + r'== \g<subst> ==\n',
'subsection': '\n\n' + r'=== \g<subst> ===\n',
'subsubsection': '\n' + r'==== \g<subst> ====\n',
# 'section': r'++++ \g<subst> ++++',
# 'subsection': r'++++++ \g<subst> ++++++',
# 'subsubsection': r'++++++++ \g<subst> ++++++++',
'paragraph': r'*\g<subst>* ',
'title': r'#summary \g<subst>\n<wiki:toc max_depth="2" />',
'date': r'===== \g<subst> =====',
'author': gwiki_author, #r'===== \g<name>, \g<institution> =====',
# 'figure': r'<\g<filename>>',
'figure': gwiki_figure,
'movie': default_movie, # will not work for HTML movie player
'comment': '<wiki:comment> %s </wiki:comment>',
'abstract': r'\n*\g<type>.* \g<text>\g<rest>',
CODE['gwiki'] = gwiki_code
from html import html_table
#TABLE['gwiki'] = html_table
TABLE['gwiki'] = gwiki_table
# native list:
LIST['gwiki'] = {
'itemize': {'begin': '\n', 'item': '*', 'end': '\n\n'},
'enumerate': {'begin': '\n', 'item': '#', 'end': '\n\n'},
'description': {'begin': '\n', 'item': '* %s ', 'end': '\n\n'},
'separator': '\n'}
# (the \n\n for end is a hack because doconce.py avoids writing
# newline at the end of lists until the next paragraph is hit)
#LIST['gwiki'] = LIST['HTML'] # does not work well
# how to typeset description lists for function arguments, return
# values, and module/class variables:
ARGLIST['gwiki'] = {
'parameter': '*argument*',
'keyword': '*keyword argument*',
'return': '*return value(s)*',
'instance variable': '*instance variable*',
'class variable': '*class variable*',
'module variable': '*module variable*',
FIGURE_EXT['gwiki'] = ('.png', '.gif', '.jpg', '.jpeg')
CROSS_REFS['gwiki'] = gwiki_ref_and_label
from plaintext import plain_index_bib
EXERCISE['gwiki'] = plain_exercise
INDEX_BIB['gwiki'] = plain_index_bib
# document start:
INTRO['gwiki'] = ''
#INTRO['gwiki'] = '#summary YourOneLineSummary\n<wiki:toc max_depth="1" />\n'