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<TITLE>Linux XFree-to-Xinside mini-HOWTO: $B<j=g$N<+F02=(B</TITLE>
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<A HREF="XFree86-XInside.html#toc6">$BL\<!$X(B</A>
<H2><A NAME="s6">6. $B<j=g$N<+F02=(B</A></H2>
<P>$B0J2<$N%9%/%j%W%H$r;H$&$H!"<j=g$NBgH>$r<+F02==PMh$^$9!#(BScanType $B$H(B 2 $B$D$N(B
Polarity line $B$K$O=<J,Cm0U$7$F$/$@$5$$!#$3$N%9%/%j%W%H$O$=$l$i$N@_Dj$O(B
<P>$B;d$O(B Xinside $B$K$*$$$F(B "Doublescan" $B%U%i%0$,0UL#$r;}$C$F$$$k$+$I$&$+CN$j$^$;$s!#(B
$B$=$l$f$(!"$b$7Dc2rA|EY$N(B doublescan $B%b!<%I$KJQ49$7$h$&$H$9$k>l9g$O!"(B
$B$9$0$K2u$l$F$7$^$$$^$9(B ($B<B:]!";d$N>l9g(B 400x300@72Hz $B$,(B 400x300@144Hz $B$K(B
# XF2XInside
# $B$3$N%9%/%j%W%H$O!"(BXF86Config $B%U%)!<%^%C%H$N(B modeline $B$r(B XInside $B$N(B
# $B%U%)!<%^%C%H$KJQ49$9$k$b$N$G$9!#$3$l$O(B etc/Xtiminig $B%U%!%$%k$GI,MW(B
# $B$H$5$l$k$b$N$G$9!#(B
# $B$d$C$D$1;E;v$J$N$G!"%(%i!<%A%'%C%/$O$[$H$s$I$7$^$;$s(B
# ($B%f!<%6%U%l%s%I%j$G$J$$$J$I$H8@$o$J$$$G$/$@$5$$(B)$B!#(B
# $B0z?t$J$7$G<B9T$9$k$H!";H$$J}$rI=<($7$^$9!#(B
# ( July 1996, hcz@tazlwurm.bb.bawue.de)
# Btw: $B$3$N(B HOWTO $B$N5-:\$I$*$j$K:n@.$5$l$??7$7$$%b!<%I$O!"LdBj$J$/(B
# $B5!G=$9$k$N$G$9$,!"(BXsetup $B$N%a%K%e!<$,I=<($5$l$^$;$s!#(B
# $B$J$<$@$+CN$C$F$k?M$$$^$9!)(B
#----------------------------------------------- $B$3$3$+$i!'(B
# $B0J2<$r$"$J$?$N(B modeline $B%U%!%$%k$NCV>l=j$K1~$8$FJT=8$7$F$/$@$5$$(B
if [ $# -ne 1 ] ; then
echo "usage: ${0##*/} <mode>"
echo " example: ${0##*/} 1024x764"
echo -e " function: converts $XF modeline entry into\n Xinside Format (stdout)"
exit 1
egrep -i "^[\t ]*modeline.+\"$1\"" /usr/X11/lib/X11/XF86Config |
gawk '
NF < 11 { print "! invalid Modeline:\n! " $0 "\n!"; next }
print "//", $0 ":"
name = $2
DOT_CLK = $3;
A = $4;
B = $5;
C = $6;
D = $7;
a = $8;
b = $9;
c = $10;
d = $11;
VerFrequency = 1000000 / ((D / DOT_CLK) * d)
printf " PreadjustedTimingName = \"%dx%d @ %.0dHz\";\n", A, a, VerFrequency
print " HorPixel\t\t= " A ";"
print " VerPixel\t\t= " a ";"
print " PixelWidthRatio\t= 4;\n PixelHeightRatio\t= 3;"
print " HorFrequency\t\t= " DOT_CLK / D * 1000 ";\t// kHz"
print " VerFrequency\t\t= " VerFrequency ";\t// Hz"
print " ScanType\t\t= NONINTERLACED;\t\t// *CHECK*"
print " HorSyncPolarity\t= NEGATIVE;\t\t\t// *CHECK*"
print " VerSyncPolarity\t= NEGATIVE;\t\t\t// *CHECK*"
print " CharacterWidth\t= 8;"
print " PixelClock\t\t= " DOT_CLK ";"
HorTotalTime = D / DOT_CLK
print " HorTotalTime\t\t= " HorTotalTime ";"
print " HorAddrTime \t\t= " A / DOT_CLK ";"
print " HorBlankStart\t\t= " A / DOT_CLK ";"
print " HorBlankTime\t\t= " D / DOT_CLK - A / DOT_CLK ";"
print " HorSyncStart\t\t= " B / DOT_CLK ";"
print " HorSyncTime\t\t= " C / DOT_CLK - B / DOT_CLK ";"
VerTotalTime = ( HorTotalTime * d ) / 1000
print " VerTotalTime\t\t= " VerTotalTime ";"
print " VerAddrTime\t\t= " ( HorTotalTime * a ) / 1000 ";"
VerBlankStart = ( HorTotalTime * a ) / 1000
print " VerBlankStart\t\t= " VerBlankStart ";"
print " VerBlankTime\t\t= " VerTotalTime - VerBlankStart ";"
print " VerSyncStart\t\t= " ( HorTotalTime * b ) / 1000 ";"
print " VerSyncTime\t\t= " ( HorTotalTime * ( c - b ) ) / 1000
print ""
<A HREF="XFree86-XInside-7.html">$B<!$N%Z!<%8(B</A>
<A HREF="XFree86-XInside-5.html">$BA0$N%Z!<%8(B</A>
<A HREF="XFree86-XInside.html#toc6">$BL\<!$X(B</A>