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# Copyright (C) 2013 by Andrew Chadwick <a.t.chadwick@gmail.com>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
"""Widgets and popup dialogs for making quick choices"""
## Imports
import abc
import gi
from gi.repository import Gtk
from gi.repository import Gdk
from pixbuflist import PixbufList
import brushmanager
import widgets
import spinbox
import windowing
from lib.observable import event
import gui.colortools
## Module consts
_DEFAULT_PREFS_ID = u"default"
## Interfaces
class Advanceable:
"""Interface for choosers which can be advanced by pressing keys.
Advancing happens if the chooser is already visible and its key is
pressed again. This can happen repeatedly. The actual action
performed is up to the implementation: advancing some some choosers
may move them forward through pages of alternatives, while other
choosers may actually change a brush setting as they advance.
__metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
def advance(self):
"""Advances the chooser to the next page or choice.
Choosers should remain open when their advance() method is
invoked. The actual action performed is up to the concrete
implementation: see the class docs.
## Class defs
class QuickBrushChooser (Gtk.VBox):
"""A quick chooser widget for brushes"""
## Class constants
_PREFS_KEY_TEMPLATE = u"brush_chooser.%s.selected_group"
## Method defs
def __init__(self, app, prefs_id=_DEFAULT_PREFS_ID):
self.app = app
self.bm = app.brushmanager
self._prefs_key = self._PREFS_KEY_TEMPLATE % (prefs_id,)
active_group_name = app.preferences.get(self._prefs_key, None)
model = self._make_groups_sb_model()
self.groups_sb = spinbox.ItemSpinBox(model, self._groups_sb_changed_cb,
active_group_name = self.groups_sb.get_value()
brushes = self.bm.groups[active_group_name][:]
self.brushlist = PixbufList(brushes, self.ICON_SIZE, self.ICON_SIZE,
namefunc=lambda x: x.name,
pixbuffunc=lambda x: x.preview)
self.brushlist.dragging_allowed = False
self.bm.groups_changed += self._update_groups_sb
self.brushlist.item_selected += self._item_selected_cb
scrolledwin = Gtk.ScrolledWindow()
scrolledwin.set_policy(Gtk.PolicyType.NEVER, Gtk.PolicyType.ALWAYS)
w = int(self.ICON_SIZE * 4.5)
h = int(self.ICON_SIZE * 5.0)
scrolledwin.get_child().set_size_request(w, h)
self.pack_start(self.groups_sb, False, False)
self.pack_start(scrolledwin, True, True)
def _item_selected_cb(self, pixbuf_list, brush):
"""Internal: call brush_selected event when an item is chosen"""
def brush_selected(self, brush):
"""Event: a brush was selected
:param brush: The newly chosen brush
def _make_groups_sb_model(self):
"""Internal: create the model for the group choice spinbox"""
group_names = self.bm.groups.keys()
model = []
for name in group_names:
label_text = brushmanager.translate_group_name(name)
model.append((name, label_text))
return model
def _update_groups_sb(self, bm):
"""Internal: update the spinbox model at the top of the widget"""
model = self._make_groups_sb_model()
def _groups_sb_changed_cb(self, group_name):
"""Internal: update the list of brush icons when the group changes"""
self.app.preferences[self._prefs_key] = group_name
self.brushlist.itemlist[:] = self.bm.groups[group_name][:]
def advance(self):
"""Advances to the next page of brushes."""
class BrushChooserPopup (windowing.ChooserPopup):
"""Speedy brush chooser popup"""
def __init__(self, app, prefs_id=_DEFAULT_PREFS_ID):
:param gui.application.Application app: main app instance
:param unicode prefs_id: prefs identifier for the chooser
The prefs identifier forms part of preferences key which store
layout and which page of the chooser is selected. It should
follow the same syntax rules as Python simple identifiers.
app = app,
actions = [
config_name = "brush_chooser.%s" % (prefs_id,),
self._chosen_brush = None
self._chooser = QuickBrushChooser(app, prefs_id=prefs_id)
self._chooser.brush_selected += self._brush_selected_cb
bl = self._chooser.brushlist
bl.connect("button-release-event", self._brushlist_button_release_cb)
def _brush_selected_cb(self, chooser, brush):
"""Internal: update the response brush when an icon is clicked"""
self._chosen_brush = brush
def _brushlist_button_release_cb(self, *junk):
"""Internal: send an accept response on a button release
We only send the response (and close the dialog) on button release to
avoid accidental dabs with the stylus.
if self._chosen_brush is not None:
bm = self.app.brushmanager
self._chosen_brush = None
def advance(self):
"""Advances to the next page of brushes."""
class QuickColorChooser (Gtk.VBox):
"""A quick chooser widget for colors"""
## Class constants
_PREFS_KEY_TEMPLATE = u"color_chooser.%s.selected_adjuster"
def __init__(self, app, prefs_id=_DEFAULT_PREFS_ID, single_click=False):
self._app = app
self._spinbox_model = []
self._adjs = {}
self._pages = []
mgr = app.brush_color_manager
if single_click:
adjuster_classes = self._SINGLE_CLICK_ADJUSTER_CLASSES
adjuster_classes = self._ALL_ADJUSTER_CLASSES
for page_class in adjuster_classes:
name = page_class.__name__
page = page_class()
self._spinbox_model.append((name, page.tool_widget_title))
self._adjs[name] = page
if page_class in self._SINGLE_CLICK_ADJUSTER_CLASSES:
self._prefs_key = self._PREFS_KEY_TEMPLATE % (prefs_id,)
active_page = app.preferences.get(self._prefs_key, None)
sb = spinbox.ItemSpinBox(self._spinbox_model, self._spinbox_changed_cb,
active_page = sb.get_value()
self._spinbox = sb
self._active_adj = self._adjs[active_page]
self.pack_start(sb, False, False, 0)
self.pack_start(self._active_adj, True, True, 0)
def _spinbox_changed_cb(self, page_name):
self._app.preferences[self._prefs_key] = page_name
new_adj = self._adjs[page_name]
self._active_adj = new_adj
self.pack_start(self._active_adj, True, True, 0)
def _ccwidget_btn_release_cb(self, ccwidget, event):
"""Internal: fire "choice_completed" after clicking certain widgets"""
return False
def choice_completed(self):
"""Event: a complete selection was made
This is emitted by button-release events on certain kinds of colour
chooser page. Not every page in the chooser emits this event, because
colour is a three-dimensional quantity: clicking on a two-dimensional
popup can't make a complete choice of colour with most pages.
The palette page does emit this event, and it's the default.
def advance(self):
"""Advances to the next color selector."""
class ColorChooserPopup (windowing.ChooserPopup):
"""Speedy color chooser dialog"""
def __init__(self, app, prefs_id=_DEFAULT_PREFS_ID, single_click=False):
:param gui.application.Application app: main app instance
:param unicode prefs_id: prefs identifier for the chooser
:param bool single_click: limit to just the single-click adjusters
The prefs identifier forms part of preferences key which store
layout and which page of the chooser is selected. It should
follow the same syntax rules as Python simple identifiers.
app = app,
actions = [
config_name = u"color_chooser.%s" % (prefs_id,),
self._chooser = QuickColorChooser(
self._chooser.choice_completed += self._choice_completed_cb
def _choice_completed_cb(self, chooser):
"""Internal: close when a choice is (fully) made
Close the dialog on button release only to avoid accidental dabs
with the stylus.
def advance(self):
"""Advances to the next color selector."""
## Classes: interface registration