/usr/include/ql/experimental/barrieroption/binomialdoublebarrierengine.hpp is in libquantlib0-dev 1.9.1-1.
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/*! \file binomialdoublebarrierengine.hpp
\brief Binomial Double Barrier option engine
#ifndef quantlib_binomial_double_barrier_engine_hpp
#define quantlib_binomial_double_barrier_engine_hpp
#include <ql/methods/lattices/binomialtree.hpp>
#include <ql/methods/lattices/bsmlattice.hpp>
#include <ql/math/distributions/normaldistribution.hpp>
#include <ql/experimental/barrieroption/discretizeddoublebarrieroption.hpp>
#include <ql/processes/blackscholesprocess.hpp>
#include <ql/termstructures/yield/flatforward.hpp>
#include <ql/termstructures/volatility/equityfx/blackconstantvol.hpp>
namespace QuantLib {
//! Pricing engine for double barrier options using binomial trees
/*! \ingroup barrierengines
\note This engine requires a the discretized option classes.
By default uses a standard binomial implementation, but it can
also work with DiscretizedDermanKaniDoubleBarrierOption to
implement a Derman-Kani optimization.
\test the correctness of the returned values is tested by
checking it against analytic results.
template <class T, class D = DiscretizedDoubleBarrierOption>
class BinomialDoubleBarrierEngine : public DoubleBarrierOption::engine {
const boost::shared_ptr<GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess>& process,
Size timeSteps)
: process_(process), timeSteps_(timeSteps) {
"timeSteps must be positive, " << timeSteps <<
" not allowed");
void calculate() const;
boost::shared_ptr<GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess> process_;
Size timeSteps_;
// template definitions
template <class T, class D>
void BinomialDoubleBarrierEngine<T,D>::calculate() const {
DayCounter rfdc = process_->riskFreeRate()->dayCounter();
DayCounter divdc = process_->dividendYield()->dayCounter();
DayCounter voldc = process_->blackVolatility()->dayCounter();
Calendar volcal = process_->blackVolatility()->calendar();
Real s0 = process_->stateVariable()->value();
QL_REQUIRE(s0 > 0.0, "negative or null underlying given");
Volatility v = process_->blackVolatility()->blackVol(
arguments_.exercise->lastDate(), s0);
Date maturityDate = arguments_.exercise->lastDate();
Rate r = process_->riskFreeRate()->zeroRate(maturityDate,
rfdc, Continuous, NoFrequency);
Rate q = process_->dividendYield()->zeroRate(maturityDate,
divdc, Continuous, NoFrequency);
Date referenceDate = process_->riskFreeRate()->referenceDate();
// binomial trees with constant coefficient
Handle<YieldTermStructure> flatRiskFree(
new FlatForward(referenceDate, r, rfdc)));
Handle<YieldTermStructure> flatDividends(
new FlatForward(referenceDate, q, divdc)));
Handle<BlackVolTermStructure> flatVol(
new BlackConstantVol(referenceDate, volcal, v, voldc)));
boost::shared_ptr<StrikedTypePayoff> payoff =
QL_REQUIRE(payoff, "non-striked payoff given");
Time maturity = rfdc.yearFraction(referenceDate, maturityDate);
boost::shared_ptr<StochasticProcess1D> bs(
new GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess(
flatDividends, flatRiskFree, flatVol));
TimeGrid grid(maturity, timeSteps_);
boost::shared_ptr<T> tree(new T(bs, maturity, timeSteps_,
boost::shared_ptr<BlackScholesLattice<T> > lattice(
new BlackScholesLattice<T>(tree, r, maturity, timeSteps_));
D option(arguments_, *process_, grid);
option.initialize(lattice, maturity);
// Partial derivatives calculated from various points in the
// binomial tree
// (see J.C.Hull, "Options, Futures and other derivatives", 6th edition, pp 397/398)
// Rollback to third-last step, and get underlying prices (s2) &
// option values (p2) at this point
Array va2(option.values());
QL_ENSURE(va2.size() == 3, "Expect 3 nodes in grid at second step");
Real p2u = va2[2]; // up
Real p2m = va2[1]; // mid
Real p2d = va2[0]; // down (low)
Real s2u = lattice->underlying(2, 2); // up price
Real s2m = lattice->underlying(2, 1); // middle price
Real s2d = lattice->underlying(2, 0); // down (low) price
// calculate gamma by taking the first derivate of the two deltas
Real delta2u = (p2u - p2m)/(s2u-s2m);
Real delta2d = (p2m-p2d)/(s2m-s2d);
Real gamma = (delta2u - delta2d) / ((s2u-s2d)/2);
// Rollback to second-last step, and get option values (p1) at
// this point
Array va(option.values());
QL_ENSURE(va.size() == 2, "Expect 2 nodes in grid at first step");
Real p1u = va[1];
Real p1d = va[0];
Real s1u = lattice->underlying(1, 1); // up (high) price
Real s1d = lattice->underlying(1, 0); // down (low) price
Real delta = (p1u - p1d) / (s1u - s1d);
// Finally, rollback to t=0
Real p0 = option.presentValue();
results_.value = p0;
results_.delta = delta;
results_.gamma = gamma;
// theta can be approximated by calculating the numerical derivative
// between mid value at third-last step and at t0. The underlying price
// is the same, only time varies.
results_.theta = (p2m - p0) / grid[2];