/usr/include/qt4/Qt/qtconcurrentthreadengine.h is in libqt4-dev 4:4.8.7+dfsg-11.
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** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd.
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** This file is part of the QtCore module of the Qt Toolkit.
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#include <QtCore/qglobal.h>
#include <QtCore/qthreadpool.h>
#include <QtCore/qfuture.h>
#include <QtCore/qdebug.h>
#include <QtCore/qtconcurrentexception.h>
#include <QtCore/qwaitcondition.h>
#include <QtCore/qatomic.h>
#include <QtCore/qsemaphore.h>
#ifndef qdoc
namespace QtConcurrent {
// The ThreadEngineBarrier counts worker threads, and allows one
// thread to wait for all others to finish. Tested for its use in
// QtConcurrent, requires more testing for use as a general class.
class ThreadEngineBarrier
// The thread count is maintained as an integer in the count atomic
// variable. The count can be either positive or negative - a negative
// count signals that a thread is waiting on the barrier.
// BC note: inlined code from Qt < 4.6 will expect to find the QMutex
// and QAtomicInt here. ### Qt 5: remove.
QMutex mutex;
QAtomicInt count;
QSemaphore semaphore;
void acquire();
int release();
void wait();
int currentCount();
bool releaseUnlessLast();
enum ThreadFunctionResult { ThrottleThread, ThreadFinished };
// The ThreadEngine controls the threads used in the computation.
// Can be run in three modes: single threaded, multi-threaded blocking
// and multi-threaded asynchronous.
// The code for the single threaded mode is
class Q_CORE_EXPORT ThreadEngineBase: public QRunnable
// Public API:
virtual ~ThreadEngineBase();
void startSingleThreaded();
void startBlocking();
void startThread();
bool isCanceled();
void waitForResume();
bool isProgressReportingEnabled();
void setProgressValue(int progress);
void setProgressRange(int minimum, int maximum);
void acquireBarrierSemaphore();
protected: // The user overrides these:
virtual void start() {}
virtual void finish() {}
virtual ThreadFunctionResult threadFunction() { return ThreadFinished; }
virtual bool shouldStartThread() { return futureInterface ? !futureInterface->isPaused() : true; }
virtual bool shouldThrottleThread() { return futureInterface ? futureInterface->isPaused() : false; }
bool startThreadInternal();
void startThreads();
void threadExit();
bool threadThrottleExit();
void run();
virtual void asynchronousFinish() = 0;
void handleException(const QtConcurrent::Exception &exception);
QFutureInterfaceBase *futureInterface;
QThreadPool *threadPool;
ThreadEngineBarrier barrier;
QtConcurrent::internal::ExceptionStore exceptionStore;
template <typename T>
class ThreadEngine : public virtual ThreadEngineBase
typedef T ResultType;
virtual T *result() { return 0; }
QFutureInterface<T> *futureInterfaceTyped()
return static_cast<QFutureInterface<T> *>(futureInterface);
// Runs the user algorithm using a single thread.
T *startSingleThreaded()
return result();
// Runs the user algorithm using multiple threads.
// This function blocks until the algorithm is finished,
// and then returns the result.
T *startBlocking()
return result();
// Runs the user algorithm using multiple threads.
// Does not block, returns a future.
QFuture<T> startAsynchronously()
futureInterface = new QFutureInterface<T>();
// reportStart() must be called before starting threads, otherwise the
// user algorithm might finish while reportStart() is running, which
// is very bad.
QFuture<T> future = QFuture<T>(futureInterfaceTyped());
return future;
void asynchronousFinish()
delete futureInterfaceTyped();
delete this;
void reportResult(const T *_result, int index = -1)
if (futureInterface)
futureInterfaceTyped()->reportResult(_result, index);
void reportResults(const QVector<T> &_result, int index = -1, int count = -1)
if (futureInterface)
futureInterfaceTyped()->reportResults(_result, index, count);
// The ThreadEngineStarter class ecapsulates the return type
// from the thread engine.
// Depending on how the it is used, it will run
// the engine in either blocking mode or asynchronous mode.
template <typename T>
class ThreadEngineStarterBase
ThreadEngineStarterBase(ThreadEngine<T> *_threadEngine)
: threadEngine(_threadEngine) { }
inline ThreadEngineStarterBase(const ThreadEngineStarterBase &other)
: threadEngine(other.threadEngine) { }
QFuture<T> startAsynchronously()
return threadEngine->startAsynchronously();
operator QFuture<T>()
return startAsynchronously();
ThreadEngine<T> *threadEngine;
// We need to factor out the code that dereferences the T pointer,
// with a specialization where T is void. (code that dereferences a void *
// won't compile)
template <typename T>
class ThreadEngineStarter : public ThreadEngineStarterBase<T>
typedef ThreadEngineStarterBase<T> Base;
typedef ThreadEngine<T> TypedThreadEngine;
ThreadEngineStarter(TypedThreadEngine *eng)
: Base(eng) { }
T startBlocking()
T t = *this->threadEngine->startBlocking();
delete this->threadEngine;
return t;
// Full template specialization where T is void.
template <>
class ThreadEngineStarter<void> : public ThreadEngineStarterBase<void>
ThreadEngineStarter<void>(ThreadEngine<void> *_threadEngine)
:ThreadEngineStarterBase<void>(_threadEngine) {}
void startBlocking()
delete this->threadEngine;
template <typename ThreadEngine>
inline ThreadEngineStarter<typename ThreadEngine::ResultType> startThreadEngine(ThreadEngine *threadEngine)
return ThreadEngineStarter<typename ThreadEngine::ResultType>(threadEngine);
} // namespace QtConcurrent
#endif //qdoc