/usr/include/qt4/Qt/qprinter.h is in libqt4-dev 4:4.8.7+dfsg-11.
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** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd.
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** This file is part of the QtGui module of the Qt Toolkit.
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#ifndef QPRINTER_H
#define QPRINTER_H
#include <QtCore/qstring.h>
#include <QtCore/qscopedpointer.h>
#include <QtGui/qpaintdevice.h>
#if defined(B0)
#undef B0 // Terminal hang-up. We assume that you do not want that.
class QPrinterPrivate;
class QPaintEngine;
class QPrintEngine;
class QPrinterInfo;
class Q_GUI_EXPORT QPrinter : public QPaintDevice
enum PrinterMode { ScreenResolution, PrinterResolution, HighResolution };
explicit QPrinter(PrinterMode mode = ScreenResolution);
explicit QPrinter(const QPrinterInfo& printer, PrinterMode mode = ScreenResolution);
int devType() const;
enum Orientation { Portrait, Landscape };
#ifndef Q_QDOC
enum PageSize { A4, B5, Letter, Legal, Executive,
A0, A1, A2, A3, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, B0, B1,
B10, B2, B3, B4, B6, B7, B8, B9, C5E, Comm10E,
DLE, Folio, Ledger, Tabloid, Custom, NPageSize = Custom, NPaperSize = Custom };
typedef PageSize PaperSize;
enum PageSize { A4, B5, Letter, Legal, Executive,
A0, A1, A2, A3, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, B0, B1,
B10, B2, B3, B4, B6, B7, B8, B9, C5E, Comm10E,
DLE, Folio, Ledger, Tabloid, Custom, NPageSize = Custom };
enum PaperSize { A4, B5, Letter, Legal, Executive,
A0, A1, A2, A3, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, B0, B1,
B10, B2, B3, B4, B6, B7, B8, B9, C5E, Comm10E,
DLE, Folio, Ledger, Tabloid, Custom, NPageSize = Custom, NPaperSize = Custom };
enum PageOrder { FirstPageFirst,
LastPageFirst };
enum ColorMode { GrayScale,
Color };
enum PaperSource { OnlyOne,
enum PrinterState { Idle,
Error };
enum OutputFormat { NativeFormat, PdfFormat, PostScriptFormat };
// ### Qt 5: Merge with QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintRange
enum PrintRange { AllPages, Selection, PageRange, CurrentPage };
enum Unit {
enum DuplexMode {
DuplexNone = 0,
#ifdef QT3_SUPPORT
enum PrinterOption { PrintToFile, PrintSelection, PrintPageRange };
#endif // QT3_SUPPORT
void setOutputFormat(OutputFormat format);
OutputFormat outputFormat() const;
void setPrinterName(const QString &);
QString printerName() const;
bool isValid() const;
void setOutputFileName(const QString &);
QString outputFileName()const;
void setPrintProgram(const QString &);
QString printProgram() const;
void setDocName(const QString &);
QString docName() const;
void setCreator(const QString &);
QString creator() const;
void setOrientation(Orientation);
Orientation orientation() const;
void setPageSize(PageSize);
PageSize pageSize() const;
void setPaperSize(PaperSize);
PaperSize paperSize() const;
void setPaperSize(const QSizeF &paperSize, Unit unit);
QSizeF paperSize(Unit unit) const;
void setPageOrder(PageOrder);
PageOrder pageOrder() const;
void setResolution(int);
int resolution() const;
void setColorMode(ColorMode);
ColorMode colorMode() const;
void setCollateCopies(bool collate);
bool collateCopies() const;
void setFullPage(bool);
bool fullPage() const;
void setNumCopies(int);
int numCopies() const;
int actualNumCopies() const;
void setCopyCount(int);
int copyCount() const;
bool supportsMultipleCopies() const;
void setPaperSource(PaperSource);
PaperSource paperSource() const;
void setDuplex(DuplexMode duplex);
DuplexMode duplex() const;
QList<int> supportedResolutions() const;
#ifdef Q_WS_WIN
QList<PaperSource> supportedPaperSources() const;
void setFontEmbeddingEnabled(bool enable);
bool fontEmbeddingEnabled() const;
void setDoubleSidedPrinting(bool enable);
bool doubleSidedPrinting() const;
#ifdef Q_WS_WIN
void setWinPageSize(int winPageSize);
int winPageSize() const;
QRect paperRect() const;
QRect pageRect() const;
QRectF paperRect(Unit) const;
QRectF pageRect(Unit) const;
#if !defined(Q_WS_WIN) || defined(qdoc)
QString printerSelectionOption() const;
void setPrinterSelectionOption(const QString &);
bool newPage();
bool abort();
PrinterState printerState() const;
QPaintEngine *paintEngine() const;
QPrintEngine *printEngine() const;
#ifdef Q_WS_WIN
HDC getDC() const;
void releaseDC(HDC hdc) const;
void setFromTo(int fromPage, int toPage);
int fromPage() const;
int toPage() const;
void setPrintRange(PrintRange range);
PrintRange printRange() const;
void setPageMargins(qreal left, qreal top, qreal right, qreal bottom, Unit unit);
void getPageMargins(qreal *left, qreal *top, qreal *right, qreal *bottom, Unit unit) const;
#ifdef QT3_SUPPORT
#ifdef Q_WS_MAC
QT3_SUPPORT bool pageSetup(QWidget *parent = 0);
QT3_SUPPORT bool printSetup(QWidget *parent = 0);
QT3_SUPPORT bool setup(QWidget *parent = 0);
QT3_SUPPORT void setMinMax(int minPage, int maxPage);
QT3_SUPPORT int minPage() const;
QT3_SUPPORT int maxPage() const;
QT3_SUPPORT void setCollateCopiesEnabled(bool);
QT3_SUPPORT bool collateCopiesEnabled() const;
QT3_SUPPORT void setOptionEnabled(PrinterOption, bool enable);
QT3_SUPPORT bool isOptionEnabled(PrinterOption) const;
inline QT3_SUPPORT QSize margins() const;
inline QT3_SUPPORT void margins(uint *top, uint *left, uint *bottom, uint *right) const;
inline QT3_SUPPORT bool aborted() { return printerState() == Aborted; }
QT3_SUPPORT void setOutputToFile(bool);
inline QT3_SUPPORT bool outputToFile() const { return !outputFileName().isEmpty(); }
int metric(PaintDeviceMetric) const;
void setEngines(QPrintEngine *printEngine, QPaintEngine *paintEngine);
void init(PrinterMode mode);
QScopedPointer<QPrinterPrivate> d_ptr;
friend class QPrintDialogPrivate;
friend class QAbstractPrintDialog;
friend class QAbstractPrintDialogPrivate;
friend class QPrintPreviewWidgetPrivate;
friend class QTextDocument;
friend class QPageSetupWidget;
#ifdef QT3_SUPPORT
inline QSize QPrinter::margins() const
QRect page = pageRect();
QRect paper = paperRect();
return QSize(page.left() - paper.left(), page.top() - paper.top());
inline void QPrinter::margins(uint *top, uint *left, uint *bottom, uint *right) const
QRect page = pageRect();
QRect paper = paperRect();
if (top)
*top = page.top() - paper.top();
if (left)
*left = page.left() - paper.left();
if (bottom)
*bottom = paper.bottom() - page.bottom();
if (right)
*right = paper.right() - page.right();
#endif // QT_NO_PRINTER
#endif // QPRINTER_H