/usr/include/qt4/Qt/qpixmap.h is in libqt4-dev 4:4.8.7+dfsg-11.
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** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Contact: http://www.qt.io/licensing/
** This file is part of the QtGui module of the Qt Toolkit.
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#ifndef QPIXMAP_H
#define QPIXMAP_H
#include <QtGui/qpaintdevice.h>
#include <QtGui/qcolor.h>
#include <QtCore/qnamespace.h>
#include <QtCore/qstring.h> // char*->QString conversion
#include <QtCore/qsharedpointer.h>
#include <QtGui/qimage.h>
#include <QtGui/qtransform.h>
#if defined(Q_OS_SYMBIAN)
class CFbsBitmap;
class RSgImage;
class QImageWriter;
class QImageReader;
class QColor;
class QVariant;
class QX11Info;
class QPixmapData;
class Q_GUI_EXPORT QPixmap : public QPaintDevice
explicit QPixmap(QPixmapData *data);
QPixmap(int w, int h);
QPixmap(const QSize &);
QPixmap(const QString& fileName, const char *format = 0, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags = Qt::AutoColor);
QPixmap(const char * const xpm[]);
QPixmap(const QPixmap &);
QPixmap &operator=(const QPixmap &);
inline QPixmap &operator=(QPixmap &&other)
{ qSwap(data, other.data); return *this; }
inline void swap(QPixmap &other) { qSwap(data, other.data); }
operator QVariant() const;
bool isNull() const; // ### Qt 5: make inline
int devType() const;
int width() const; // ### Qt 5: make inline
int height() const; // ### Qt 5: make inline
QSize size() const;
QRect rect() const;
int depth() const;
static int defaultDepth();
void fill(const QColor &fillColor = Qt::white);
void fill(const QWidget *widget, const QPoint &ofs);
inline void fill(const QWidget *widget, int xofs, int yofs) { fill(widget, QPoint(xofs, yofs)); }
QBitmap mask() const;
void setMask(const QBitmap &);
QT_DEPRECATED QPixmap alphaChannel() const;
QT_DEPRECATED void setAlphaChannel(const QPixmap &);
bool hasAlpha() const;
bool hasAlphaChannel() const;
QBitmap createHeuristicMask(bool clipTight = true) const;
QBitmap createMaskFromColor(const QColor &maskColor) const; // ### Qt 5: remove
QBitmap createMaskFromColor(const QColor &maskColor, Qt::MaskMode mode) const;
static QPixmap grabWindow(WId, int x=0, int y=0, int w=-1, int h=-1);
static QPixmap grabWidget(QWidget *widget, const QRect &rect);
static inline QPixmap grabWidget(QWidget *widget, int x=0, int y=0, int w=-1, int h=-1)
{ return grabWidget(widget, QRect(x, y, w, h)); }
inline QPixmap scaled(int w, int h, Qt::AspectRatioMode aspectMode = Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio,
Qt::TransformationMode mode = Qt::FastTransformation) const
{ return scaled(QSize(w, h), aspectMode, mode); }
QPixmap scaled(const QSize &s, Qt::AspectRatioMode aspectMode = Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio,
Qt::TransformationMode mode = Qt::FastTransformation) const;
QPixmap scaledToWidth(int w, Qt::TransformationMode mode = Qt::FastTransformation) const;
QPixmap scaledToHeight(int h, Qt::TransformationMode mode = Qt::FastTransformation) const;
QPixmap transformed(const QMatrix &, Qt::TransformationMode mode = Qt::FastTransformation) const;
static QMatrix trueMatrix(const QMatrix &m, int w, int h);
QPixmap transformed(const QTransform &, Qt::TransformationMode mode = Qt::FastTransformation) const;
static QTransform trueMatrix(const QTransform &m, int w, int h);
QImage toImage() const;
static QPixmap fromImage(const QImage &image, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags = Qt::AutoColor);
static QPixmap fromImageReader(QImageReader *imageReader, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags = Qt::AutoColor);
bool load(const QString& fileName, const char *format = 0, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags = Qt::AutoColor);
bool loadFromData(const uchar *buf, uint len, const char* format = 0, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags = Qt::AutoColor);
inline bool loadFromData(const QByteArray &data, const char* format = 0, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags = Qt::AutoColor);
bool save(const QString& fileName, const char* format = 0, int quality = -1) const;
bool save(QIODevice* device, const char* format = 0, int quality = -1) const;
bool convertFromImage(const QImage &img, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags = Qt::AutoColor);
#if defined(Q_WS_WIN)
enum HBitmapFormat {
HBITMAP toWinHBITMAP(HBitmapFormat format = NoAlpha) const;
HICON toWinHICON() const;
static QPixmap fromWinHBITMAP(HBITMAP hbitmap, HBitmapFormat format = NoAlpha);
static QPixmap fromWinHICON(HICON hicon);
#if defined(Q_WS_MAC)
CGImageRef toMacCGImageRef() const;
static QPixmap fromMacCGImageRef(CGImageRef image);
#if defined(Q_OS_SYMBIAN)
CFbsBitmap *toSymbianCFbsBitmap() const;
static QPixmap fromSymbianCFbsBitmap(CFbsBitmap *bitmap);
RSgImage* toSymbianRSgImage() const;
static QPixmap fromSymbianRSgImage(RSgImage *sgImage);
inline QPixmap copy(int x, int y, int width, int height) const;
QPixmap copy(const QRect &rect = QRect()) const;
inline void scroll(int dx, int dy, int x, int y, int width, int height, QRegion *exposed = 0);
void scroll(int dx, int dy, const QRect &rect, QRegion *exposed = 0);
QT_DEPRECATED int serialNumber() const;
qint64 cacheKey() const;
bool isDetached() const;
void detach();
bool isQBitmap() const;
#if defined(Q_WS_QWS)
const uchar *qwsBits() const;
int qwsBytesPerLine() const;
QRgb *clut() const;
QT_DEPRECATED int numCols() const;
int colorCount() const;
#elif defined(Q_WS_MAC)
Qt::HANDLE macQDHandle() const;
Qt::HANDLE macQDAlphaHandle() const;
Qt::HANDLE macCGHandle() const;
#elif defined(Q_WS_X11)
enum ShareMode { ImplicitlyShared, ExplicitlyShared };
static QPixmap fromX11Pixmap(Qt::HANDLE pixmap, ShareMode mode = ImplicitlyShared);
static int x11SetDefaultScreen(int screen);
void x11SetScreen(int screen);
const QX11Info &x11Info() const;
Qt::HANDLE x11PictureHandle() const;
#if defined(Q_WS_X11) || defined(Q_WS_QWS)
Qt::HANDLE handle() const;
QPaintEngine *paintEngine() const;
inline bool operator!() const { return isNull(); }
int metric(PaintDeviceMetric) const;
#ifdef QT3_SUPPORT
enum ColorMode { Auto, Color, Mono };
QT3_SUPPORT_CONSTRUCTOR QPixmap(const QString& fileName, const char *format, ColorMode mode);
QT3_SUPPORT bool load(const QString& fileName, const char *format, ColorMode mode);
QT3_SUPPORT bool loadFromData(const uchar *buf, uint len, const char* format, ColorMode mode);
QT3_SUPPORT_CONSTRUCTOR QPixmap(const QImage& image);
QT3_SUPPORT QPixmap &operator=(const QImage &);
inline QT3_SUPPORT QImage convertToImage() const { return toImage(); }
QT3_SUPPORT bool convertFromImage(const QImage &, ColorMode mode);
inline QT3_SUPPORT operator QImage() const { return toImage(); }
inline QT3_SUPPORT QPixmap xForm(const QMatrix &matrix) const { return transformed(QTransform(matrix)); }
inline QT3_SUPPORT bool selfMask() const { return false; }
void resize_helper(const QSize &s);
inline QT3_SUPPORT void resize(const QSize &s) { resize_helper(s); }
inline QT3_SUPPORT void resize(int width, int height) { resize_helper(QSize(width, height)); }
QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QPixmapData> data;
bool doImageIO(QImageWriter *io, int quality) const;
// ### Qt5: remove the following three lines
enum Type { PixmapType, BitmapType }; // must match QPixmapData::PixelType
QPixmap(const QSize &s, Type);
void init(int, int, Type = PixmapType);
QPixmap(const QSize &s, int type);
void init(int, int, int);
void deref();
#if defined(Q_WS_WIN)
void initAlphaPixmap(uchar *bytes, int length, struct tagBITMAPINFO *bmi);
#ifdef Q_WS_MAC
friend CGContextRef qt_mac_cg_context(const QPaintDevice*);
friend CGImageRef qt_mac_create_imagemask(const QPixmap&, const QRectF&);
friend IconRef qt_mac_create_iconref(const QPixmap&);
friend quint32 *qt_mac_pixmap_get_base(const QPixmap*);
friend int qt_mac_pixmap_get_bytes_per_line(const QPixmap*);
friend class QPixmapData;
friend class QX11PixmapData;
friend class QMacPixmapData;
friend class QSymbianRasterPixmapData;
friend class QBitmap;
friend class QPaintDevice;
friend class QPainter;
friend class QGLWidget;
friend class QX11PaintEngine;
friend class QCoreGraphicsPaintEngine;
friend class QWidgetPrivate;
friend class QRasterBuffer;
#if !defined(QT_NO_DATASTREAM)
friend Q_GUI_EXPORT QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &, QPixmap &);
friend Q_GUI_EXPORT qint64 qt_pixmap_id(const QPixmap &pixmap);
QPixmapData* pixmapData() const;
typedef QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QPixmapData> DataPtr;
inline DataPtr &data_ptr() { return data; }
inline QPixmap QPixmap::copy(int ax, int ay, int awidth, int aheight) const
return copy(QRect(ax, ay, awidth, aheight));
inline void QPixmap::scroll(int dx, int dy, int ax, int ay, int awidth, int aheight, QRegion *exposed)
scroll(dx, dy, QRect(ax, ay, awidth, aheight), exposed);
inline bool QPixmap::loadFromData(const QByteArray &buf, const char *format,
Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags)
return loadFromData(reinterpret_cast<const uchar *>(buf.constData()), buf.size(), format, flags);
QPixmap stream functions
#if !defined(QT_NO_DATASTREAM)
Q_GUI_EXPORT QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &, const QPixmap &);
Q_GUI_EXPORT QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &, QPixmap &);
QPixmap (and QImage) helper functions
#ifdef QT3_SUPPORT
QT3_SUPPORT Q_GUI_EXPORT void copyBlt(QPixmap *dst, int dx, int dy, const QPixmap *src,
int sx=0, int sy=0, int sw=-1, int sh=-1);
#endif // QT3_SUPPORT
#endif // QPIXMAP_H