/usr/include/qt4/Qt/q3textedit.h is in libqt4-dev 4:4.8.7+dfsg-11.
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** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Contact: http://www.qt.io/licensing/
** This file is part of the Qt3Support module of the Qt Toolkit.
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** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
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** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
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** met: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
#ifndef Q3TEXTEDIT_H
#define Q3TEXTEDIT_H
#include <Qt3Support/q3scrollview.h>
#include <Qt3Support/q3stylesheet.h>
#include <Qt3Support/q3mimefactory.h>
#include <QtCore/qmap.h>
// uncomment below to enable optimization mode - also uncomment the
// optimDoAutoScroll() private slot since moc ignores #ifdefs..
class QPainter;
class Q3TextDocument;
class Q3TextCursor;
class QKeyEvent;
class QResizeEvent;
class QMouseEvent;
class QTimer;
class Q3TextString;
class QTextCommand;
class Q3TextParagraph;
class Q3TextFormat;
class QFont;
class QColor;
class Q3TextEdit;
class QTextBrowser;
class Q3TextString;
struct QUndoRedoInfoPrivate;
class Q3PopupMenu;
class Q3TextEditPrivate;
class Q3SyntaxHighlighter;
class Q3TextDrag;
class Q3TextEditOptimPrivate
// Note: no left-tag has any value for leftTag or parent, and
// no right-tag has any formatting flags set.
enum TagType { Color = 0, Format = 1 };
struct Tag {
TagType type:2;
bool bold:1;
bool italic:1;
bool underline:1;
int line;
int index;
Tag * leftTag; // ptr to left-tag in a left-right tag pair
Tag * parent; // ptr to parent left-tag in a nested tag
Tag * prev;
Tag * next;
QString tag;
len = numLines = maxLineWidth = 0;
selStart.line = selStart.index = -1;
selEnd.line = selEnd.index = -1;
search.line = search.index = 0;
tags = lastTag = 0;
void clearTags()
Tag * itr = tags;
while (tags) {
itr = tags;
tags = tags->next;
delete itr;
tags = lastTag = 0;
int len;
int numLines;
int maxLineWidth;
struct Selection {
int line;
int index;
Selection selStart, selEnd, search;
Tag * tags, * lastTag;
QMap<int, QString> lines;
QMap<int, Tag *> tagIndex;
class Q_COMPAT_EXPORT Q3TextEdit : public Q3ScrollView
friend class Q3TextBrowser;
friend class Q3SyntaxHighlighter;
Q_ENUMS(WordWrap WrapPolicy)
Q_PROPERTY(Qt::TextFormat textFormat READ textFormat WRITE setTextFormat)
Q_PROPERTY(QString text READ text WRITE setText)
Q_PROPERTY(QBrush paper READ paper WRITE setPaper)
Q_PROPERTY(bool linkUnderline READ linkUnderline WRITE setLinkUnderline)
Q_PROPERTY(QString documentTitle READ documentTitle)
Q_PROPERTY(int length READ length)
Q_PROPERTY(WordWrap wordWrap READ wordWrap WRITE setWordWrap)
Q_PROPERTY(int wrapColumnOrWidth READ wrapColumnOrWidth WRITE setWrapColumnOrWidth)
Q_PROPERTY(WrapPolicy wrapPolicy READ wrapPolicy WRITE setWrapPolicy)
Q_PROPERTY(bool hasSelectedText READ hasSelectedText)
Q_PROPERTY(QString selectedText READ selectedText)
Q_PROPERTY(int undoDepth READ undoDepth WRITE setUndoDepth)
Q_PROPERTY(bool overwriteMode READ isOverwriteMode WRITE setOverwriteMode)
Q_PROPERTY(bool modified READ isModified WRITE setModified DESIGNABLE false)
Q_PROPERTY(bool readOnly READ isReadOnly WRITE setReadOnly)
Q_PROPERTY(bool undoRedoEnabled READ isUndoRedoEnabled WRITE setUndoRedoEnabled)
Q_PROPERTY(int tabStopWidth READ tabStopWidth WRITE setTabStopWidth)
Q_PROPERTY(bool tabChangesFocus READ tabChangesFocus WRITE setTabChangesFocus)
Q_PROPERTY(AutoFormattingFlag autoFormatting READ autoFormatting WRITE setAutoFormatting)
enum WordWrap {
enum WrapPolicy {
AtWhiteSpace = AtWordBoundary, // AtWhiteSpace is deprecated
enum AutoFormattingFlag {
AutoNone = 0,
AutoBulletList = 0x00000001,
AutoAll = 0xffffffff
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(AutoFormatting, AutoFormattingFlag)
enum KeyboardAction {
enum CursorAction {
enum VerticalAlignment {
enum TextInsertionFlags {
RedoIndentation = 0x0001,
CheckNewLines = 0x0002,
RemoveSelected = 0x0004
Q3TextEdit(const QString& text, const QString& context = QString(),
QWidget* parent=0, const char* name=0);
Q3TextEdit(QWidget* parent=0, const char* name=0);
virtual ~Q3TextEdit();
QString text() const;
QString text(int para) const;
Qt::TextFormat textFormat() const;
QString context() const;
QString documentTitle() const;
void getSelection(int *paraFrom, int *indexFrom,
int *paraTo, int *indexTo, int selNum = 0) const;
virtual bool find(const QString &expr, bool cs, bool wo, bool forward = true,
int *para = 0, int *index = 0);
int paragraphs() const;
int lines() const;
int linesOfParagraph(int para) const;
int lineOfChar(int para, int chr);
int length() const;
QRect paragraphRect(int para) const;
int paragraphAt(const QPoint &pos) const;
int charAt(const QPoint &pos, int *para) const;
int paragraphLength(int para) const;
Q3StyleSheet* styleSheet() const;
#ifndef QT_NO_MIME
Q3MimeSourceFactory* mimeSourceFactory() const;
QBrush paper() const;
bool linkUnderline() const;
int heightForWidth(int w) const;
bool hasSelectedText() const;
QString selectedText() const;
bool isUndoAvailable() const;
bool isRedoAvailable() const;
WordWrap wordWrap() const;
int wrapColumnOrWidth() const;
WrapPolicy wrapPolicy() const;
int tabStopWidth() const;
QString anchorAt(const QPoint& pos, Qt::AnchorAttribute a = Qt::AnchorHref);
QSize sizeHint() const;
bool isReadOnly() const { return readonly; }
void getCursorPosition(int *parag, int *index) const;
bool isModified() const;
bool italic() const;
bool bold() const;
bool underline() const;
QString family() const;
int pointSize() const;
QColor color() const;
QFont font() const;
QFont currentFont() const;
int alignment() const;
VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment() const;
int undoDepth() const;
// do not use, will go away
virtual bool getFormat(int para, int index, QFont *font, QColor *color, VerticalAlignment *verticalAlignment);
// do not use, will go away
virtual bool getParagraphFormat(int para, QFont *font, QColor *color,
VerticalAlignment *verticalAlignment, int *alignment,
Q3StyleSheetItem::DisplayMode *displayMode,
Q3StyleSheetItem::ListStyle *listStyle,
int *listDepth);
bool isOverwriteMode() const { return overWrite; }
QColor paragraphBackgroundColor(int para) const;
bool isUndoRedoEnabled() const;
bool eventFilter(QObject *o, QEvent *e);
bool tabChangesFocus() const;
void setAutoFormatting(AutoFormatting);
AutoFormatting autoFormatting() const;
Q3SyntaxHighlighter *syntaxHighlighter() const;
public Q_SLOTS:
#ifndef QT_NO_MIME
virtual void setMimeSourceFactory(Q3MimeSourceFactory* factory);
virtual void setStyleSheet(Q3StyleSheet* styleSheet);
virtual void scrollToAnchor(const QString& name);
virtual void setPaper(const QBrush& pap);
virtual void setLinkUnderline(bool);
virtual void setWordWrap(Q3TextEdit::WordWrap mode);
virtual void setWrapColumnOrWidth(int);
virtual void setWrapPolicy(Q3TextEdit::WrapPolicy policy);
virtual void copy();
virtual void append(const QString& text);
void setText(const QString &txt) { setText(txt, QString()); }
virtual void setText(const QString &txt, const QString &context);
virtual void setTextFormat(Qt::TextFormat f);
virtual void selectAll(bool select = true);
virtual void setTabStopWidth(int ts);
virtual void zoomIn(int range);
virtual void zoomIn() { zoomIn(1); }
virtual void zoomOut(int range);
virtual void zoomOut() { zoomOut(1); }
virtual void zoomTo(int size);
virtual void sync();
virtual void setReadOnly(bool b);
virtual void undo();
virtual void redo();
virtual void cut();
virtual void paste();
virtual void pasteSubType(const QByteArray &subtype);
virtual void clear();
virtual void del();
virtual void indent();
virtual void setItalic(bool b);
virtual void setBold(bool b);
virtual void setUnderline(bool b);
virtual void setFamily(const QString &f);
virtual void setPointSize(int s);
virtual void setColor(const QColor &c);
virtual void setVerticalAlignment(Q3TextEdit::VerticalAlignment a);
virtual void setAlignment(int a);
// do not use, will go away
virtual void setParagType(Q3StyleSheetItem::DisplayMode dm, Q3StyleSheetItem::ListStyle listStyle);
virtual void setCursorPosition(int parag, int index);
virtual void setSelection(int parag_from, int index_from, int parag_to, int index_to, int selNum = 0);
virtual void setSelectionAttributes(int selNum, const QColor &back, bool invertText);
virtual void setModified(bool m);
virtual void resetFormat();
virtual void setUndoDepth(int d);
virtual void setFormat(Q3TextFormat *f, int flags);
virtual void ensureCursorVisible();
virtual void placeCursor(const QPoint &pos, Q3TextCursor *c = 0);
virtual void moveCursor(Q3TextEdit::CursorAction action, bool select);
virtual void doKeyboardAction(Q3TextEdit::KeyboardAction action);
virtual void removeSelectedText(int selNum = 0);
virtual void removeSelection(int selNum = 0);
virtual void setCurrentFont(const QFont &f);
virtual void setOverwriteMode(bool b) { overWrite = b; }
virtual void scrollToBottom();
virtual void insert(const QString &text, uint insertionFlags = CheckNewLines | RemoveSelected);
// obsolete
virtual void insert(const QString &text, bool, bool = true, bool = true);
virtual void insertAt(const QString &text, int para, int index);
virtual void removeParagraph(int para);
virtual void insertParagraph(const QString &text, int para);
virtual void setParagraphBackgroundColor(int para, const QColor &bg);
virtual void clearParagraphBackground(int para);
virtual void setUndoRedoEnabled(bool b);
virtual void setTabChangesFocus(bool b);
void polishEvent(QEvent*);
void setMaxLogLines(int numLines);
int maxLogLines() const;
void textChanged();
void selectionChanged();
void copyAvailable(bool);
void undoAvailable(bool yes);
void redoAvailable(bool yes);
void currentFontChanged(const QFont &f);
void currentColorChanged(const QColor &c);
void currentAlignmentChanged(int a);
void currentVerticalAlignmentChanged(Q3TextEdit::VerticalAlignment a);
void cursorPositionChanged(Q3TextCursor *c);
void cursorPositionChanged(int para, int pos);
void returnPressed();
void modificationChanged(bool m);
void clicked(int parag, int index);
void doubleClicked(int parag, int index);
void repaintChanged();
void updateStyles();
void drawContents(QPainter *p, int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch);
bool event(QEvent *e);
void changeEvent(QEvent *);
void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e);
void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e);
void viewportResizeEvent(QResizeEvent*);
void contentsMousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e);
void contentsMouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e);
void contentsMouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e);
void contentsMouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *e);
void contentsWheelEvent(QWheelEvent *e);
void inputMethodEvent(QInputMethodEvent *);
void contentsDragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *e);
void contentsDragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *e);
void contentsDragLeaveEvent(QDragLeaveEvent *e);
void contentsDropEvent(QDropEvent *e);
void contentsContextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *e);
bool focusNextPrevChild(bool next);
Q3TextDocument *document() const;
Q3TextCursor *textCursor() const;
void setDocument(Q3TextDocument *doc);
virtual Q3PopupMenu *createPopupMenu(const QPoint& pos);
virtual Q3PopupMenu *createPopupMenu();
void drawCursor(bool visible);
protected Q_SLOTS:
virtual void doChangeInterval();
virtual void sliderReleased();
private Q_SLOTS:
void formatMore();
void doResize();
void autoScrollTimerDone();
void blinkCursor();
void setModified();
void startDrag();
void documentWidthChanged(int w);
void clipboardChanged();
struct Q_COMPAT_EXPORT UndoRedoInfo {
enum Type { Invalid, Insert, Delete, Backspace, Return, RemoveSelected, Format, Style, IME };
UndoRedoInfo(Q3TextDocument *dc);
void clear();
bool valid() const;
QUndoRedoInfoPrivate *d;
int id;
int index;
int eid;
int eindex;
Q3TextFormat *format;
int flags;
Type type;
Q3TextDocument *doc;
QByteArray styleInformation;
void updateCursor(const QPoint & pos);
void handleMouseMove(const QPoint& pos);
void drawContents(QPainter *);
virtual bool linksEnabled() const { return false; }
void init();
void checkUndoRedoInfo(UndoRedoInfo::Type t);
void updateCurrentFormat();
bool handleReadOnlyKeyEvent(QKeyEvent *e);
void makeParagVisible(Q3TextParagraph *p);
void normalCopy();
void copyToClipboard();
#ifndef QT_NO_MIME
QByteArray pickSpecial(QMimeSource* ms, bool always_ask, const QPoint&);
Q3TextDrag *dragObject(QWidget *parent = 0) const;
void pasteSpecial(const QPoint&);
void setFontInternal(const QFont &f);
virtual void emitHighlighted(const QString &) {}
virtual void emitLinkClicked(const QString &) {}
void readFormats(Q3TextCursor &c1, Q3TextCursor &c2, Q3TextString &text, bool fillStyles = false);
void clearUndoRedo();
void paintDocument(bool drawAll, QPainter *p, int cx = -1, int cy = -1, int cw = -1, int ch = -1);
void moveCursor(CursorAction action);
void ensureFormatted(Q3TextParagraph *p);
void placeCursor(const QPoint &pos, Q3TextCursor *c, bool link);
QVariant inputMethodQuery(Qt::InputMethodQuery query) const;
bool checkOptimMode();
QString optimText() const;
void optimSetText(const QString &str);
void optimAppend(const QString &str);
void optimInsert(const QString &str, int line, int index);
void optimDrawContents(QPainter * p, int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch);
void optimMousePressEvent(QMouseEvent * e);
void optimMouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent * e);
void optimMouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent * e);
int optimCharIndex(const QString &str, int mx) const;
void optimSelectAll();
void optimRemoveSelection();
void optimSetSelection(int startLine, int startIdx, int endLine,
int endIdx);
bool optimHasSelection() const;
QString optimSelectedText() const;
bool optimFind(const QString & str, bool, bool, bool, int *, int *);
void optimParseTags(QString * str, int lineNo = -1, int indexOffset = 0);
Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag * optimPreviousLeftTag(int line);
void optimSetTextFormat(Q3TextDocument *, Q3TextCursor *, Q3TextFormat * f,
int, int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag * t);
Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag * optimAppendTag(int index, const QString & tag);
Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag * optimInsertTag(int line, int index, const QString & tag);
void optimCheckLimit(const QString& str);
bool optimHasBoldMetrics(int line);
private Q_SLOTS:
void optimDoAutoScroll();
void pasteSubType(const QByteArray &subtype, QMimeSource *m);
Q3TextDocument *doc;
Q3TextCursor *cursor;
QTimer *formatTimer, *scrollTimer, *changeIntervalTimer, *blinkTimer, *dragStartTimer;
Q3TextParagraph *lastFormatted;
int interval;
UndoRedoInfo undoRedoInfo;
Q3TextFormat *currentFormat;
int currentAlignment;
QPoint oldMousePos, mousePos;
QPoint dragStartPos;
QString onLink;
WordWrap wrapMode;
WrapPolicy wPolicy;
int wrapWidth;
QString pressedLink;
Q3TextEditPrivate *d;
bool inDoubleClick : 1;
bool mousePressed : 1;
bool cursorVisible : 1;
bool blinkCursorVisible : 1;
bool modified : 1;
bool mightStartDrag : 1;
bool inDnD : 1;
bool readonly : 1;
bool undoEnabled : 1;
bool overWrite : 1;
inline Q3TextDocument *Q3TextEdit::document() const
return doc;
inline Q3TextCursor *Q3TextEdit::textCursor() const
return cursor;
inline void Q3TextEdit::setCurrentFont(const QFont &f)
#endif // QT_NO_TEXTEDIT
#endif // Q3TEXTEDIT_H