/usr/include/qt4/Qt/q3table.h is in libqt4-dev 4:4.8.7+dfsg-11.
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** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Contact: http://www.qt.io/licensing/
** This file is part of the Qt3Support module of the Qt Toolkit.
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** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
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** rights. These rights are described in The Qt Company LGPL Exception
** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
** GNU General Public License Usage
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** met: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
#ifndef Q3TABLE_H
#define Q3TABLE_H
#include <Qt3Support/q3scrollview.h>
#include <QtGui/qpixmap.h>
#include <Qt3Support/q3ptrvector.h>
#include <Qt3Support/q3header.h>
#include <Qt3Support/q3memarray.h>
#include <Qt3Support/q3ptrlist.h>
#include <Qt3Support/q3shared.h>
#include <Qt3Support/q3intdict.h>
#include <QtCore/qstringlist.h>
class Q3TableHeader;
class QValidator;
class Q3Table;
class QPaintEvent;
class QTimer;
class QResizeEvent;
class Q3ComboBox;
class QCheckBox;
class Q3DragObject;
class QColorGroup;
struct Q3TablePrivate;
struct Q3TableHeaderPrivate;
class Q_COMPAT_EXPORT Q3TableSelection
Q3TableSelection(int start_row, int start_col, int end_row, int end_col);
void init(int row, int col);
void expandTo(int row, int col);
bool operator==(const Q3TableSelection &s) const;
bool operator!=(const Q3TableSelection &s) const { return !(operator==(s)); }
int topRow() const { return tRow; }
int bottomRow() const { return bRow; }
int leftCol() const { return lCol; }
int rightCol() const { return rCol; }
int anchorRow() const { return aRow; }
int anchorCol() const { return aCol; }
int numRows() const;
int numCols() const;
bool isActive() const { return active; }
bool isEmpty() const { return numRows() == 0; }
uint active : 1;
uint inited : 1;
int tRow, lCol, bRow, rCol;
int aRow, aCol;
class Q_COMPAT_EXPORT Q3TableItem
friend class Q3Table;
enum EditType { Never, OnTyping, WhenCurrent, Always };
Q3TableItem(Q3Table *table, EditType et);
Q3TableItem(Q3Table *table, EditType et, const QString &text);
Q3TableItem(Q3Table *table, EditType et, const QString &text,
const QPixmap &p);
virtual ~Q3TableItem();
virtual QPixmap pixmap() const;
virtual QString text() const;
virtual void setPixmap(const QPixmap &p);
virtual void setText(const QString &t);
Q3Table *table() const { return t; }
virtual int alignment() const;
virtual void setWordWrap(bool b);
bool wordWrap() const;
EditType editType() const;
virtual QWidget *createEditor() const;
virtual void setContentFromEditor(QWidget *w);
virtual void setReplaceable(bool);
bool isReplaceable() const;
virtual QString key() const;
virtual QSize sizeHint() const;
virtual void setSpan(int rs, int cs);
int rowSpan() const;
int colSpan() const;
virtual void setRow(int r);
virtual void setCol(int c);
int row() const;
int col() const;
virtual void paint(QPainter *p, const QColorGroup &cg,
const QRect &cr, bool selected);
void updateEditor(int oldRow, int oldCol);
virtual void setEnabled(bool b);
bool isEnabled() const;
virtual int rtti() const;
static int RTTI;
QString txt;
QPixmap pix;
Q3Table *t;
EditType edType;
uint wordwrap : 1;
uint tcha : 1;
uint enabled : 1;
int rw, cl;
int rowspan, colspan;
class Q_COMPAT_EXPORT Q3ComboTableItem : public Q3TableItem
Q3ComboTableItem(Q3Table *table, const QStringList &list, bool editable = false);
virtual QWidget *createEditor() const;
virtual void setContentFromEditor(QWidget *w);
virtual void paint(QPainter *p, const QColorGroup &cg,
const QRect &cr, bool selected);
virtual void setCurrentItem(int i);
virtual void setCurrentItem(const QString &i);
int currentItem() const;
QString currentText() const;
int count() const;
#if !defined(Q_NO_USING_KEYWORD)
using Q3TableItem::text;
inline QString text() const { return Q3TableItem::text(); }
QString text(int i) const;
virtual void setEditable(bool b);
bool isEditable() const;
virtual void setStringList(const QStringList &l);
int rtti() const;
static int RTTI;
QSize sizeHint() const;
Q3ComboBox *cb;
QStringList entries;
int current;
bool edit;
static Q3ComboBox *fakeCombo;
static QWidget *fakeComboWidget;
static int fakeRef;
class Q_COMPAT_EXPORT Q3CheckTableItem : public Q3TableItem
Q3CheckTableItem(Q3Table *table, const QString &txt);
void setText(const QString &t);
virtual QWidget *createEditor() const;
virtual void setContentFromEditor(QWidget *w);
virtual void paint(QPainter *p, const QColorGroup &cg,
const QRect &cr, bool selected);
virtual void setChecked(bool b);
bool isChecked() const;
int rtti() const;
static int RTTI;
QSize sizeHint() const;
QCheckBox *cb;
bool checked;
class Q_COMPAT_EXPORT Q3Table : public Q3ScrollView
Q_ENUMS(SelectionMode FocusStyle)
Q_PROPERTY(int numRows READ numRows WRITE setNumRows)
Q_PROPERTY(int numCols READ numCols WRITE setNumCols)
Q_PROPERTY(bool showGrid READ showGrid WRITE setShowGrid)
Q_PROPERTY(bool rowMovingEnabled READ rowMovingEnabled WRITE setRowMovingEnabled)
Q_PROPERTY(bool columnMovingEnabled READ columnMovingEnabled WRITE setColumnMovingEnabled)
Q_PROPERTY(bool readOnly READ isReadOnly WRITE setReadOnly)
Q_PROPERTY(bool sorting READ sorting WRITE setSorting)
Q_PROPERTY(SelectionMode selectionMode READ selectionMode WRITE setSelectionMode)
Q_PROPERTY(FocusStyle focusStyle READ focusStyle WRITE setFocusStyle)
Q_PROPERTY(int numSelections READ numSelections)
friend class Q3TableHeader;
friend class Q3ComboTableItem;
friend class Q3CheckTableItem;
friend class Q3TableItem;
Q3Table(QWidget* parent=0, const char* name=0);
Q3Table(int numRows, int numCols,
QWidget* parent=0, const char* name=0);
Q3Header *horizontalHeader() const;
Q3Header *verticalHeader() const;
enum SelectionMode { Single, Multi, SingleRow, MultiRow, NoSelection };
virtual void setSelectionMode(SelectionMode mode);
SelectionMode selectionMode() const;
virtual void setItem(int row, int col, Q3TableItem *item);
virtual void setText(int row, int col, const QString &text);
virtual void setPixmap(int row, int col, const QPixmap &pix);
virtual Q3TableItem *item(int row, int col) const;
virtual QString text(int row, int col) const;
virtual QPixmap pixmap(int row, int col) const;
virtual void clearCell(int row, int col);
virtual QRect cellGeometry(int row, int col) const;
virtual int columnWidth(int col) const;
virtual int rowHeight(int row) const;
virtual int columnPos(int col) const;
virtual int rowPos(int row) const;
virtual int columnAt(int x) const;
virtual int rowAt(int y) const;
virtual int numRows() const;
virtual int numCols() const;
void updateCell(int row, int col);
bool eventFilter(QObject * o, QEvent *);
int currentRow() const { return curRow; }
int currentColumn() const { return curCol; }
void ensureCellVisible(int row, int col);
bool isSelected(int row, int col) const;
bool isRowSelected(int row, bool full = false) const;
bool isColumnSelected(int col, bool full = false) const;
int numSelections() const;
Q3TableSelection selection(int num) const;
virtual int addSelection(const Q3TableSelection &s);
virtual void removeSelection(const Q3TableSelection &s);
virtual void removeSelection(int num);
virtual int currentSelection() const;
void selectCells(int start_row, int start_col, int end_row, int end_col);
virtual void selectRow(int row);
virtual void selectColumn(int col);
bool showGrid() const;
QVariant inputMethodQuery(Qt::InputMethodQuery query) const;
bool columnMovingEnabled() const;
bool rowMovingEnabled() const;
virtual void sortColumn(int col, bool ascending = true,
bool wholeRows = false);
bool sorting() const;
virtual void takeItem(Q3TableItem *i);
virtual void setCellWidget(int row, int col, QWidget *e);
virtual QWidget *cellWidget(int row, int col) const;
virtual void clearCellWidget(int row, int col);
virtual QRect cellRect(int row, int col) const;
virtual void paintCell(QPainter *p, int row, int col,
const QRect &cr, bool selected);
virtual void paintCell(QPainter *p, int row, int col,
const QRect &cr, bool selected, const QColorGroup &cg);
virtual void paintFocus(QPainter *p, const QRect &r);
QSize sizeHint() const;
bool isReadOnly() const;
bool isRowReadOnly(int row) const;
bool isColumnReadOnly(int col) const;
void setEnabled(bool b);
void repaintSelections();
enum FocusStyle { FollowStyle, SpreadSheet };
virtual void setFocusStyle(FocusStyle fs);
FocusStyle focusStyle() const;
void updateHeaderStates();
bool isRowHidden(int row) const;
bool isColumnHidden(int col) const;
bool isColumnStretchable(int col) const;
bool isRowStretchable(int row) const;
bool dragEnabled() const;
public Q_SLOTS:
virtual void setNumRows(int r);
virtual void setNumCols(int r);
virtual void setShowGrid(bool b);
virtual void hideRow(int row);
virtual void hideColumn(int col);
virtual void showRow(int row);
virtual void showColumn(int col);
virtual void setColumnWidth(int col, int w);
virtual void setRowHeight(int row, int h);
virtual void adjustColumn(int col);
virtual void adjustRow(int row);
virtual void setColumnStretchable(int col, bool stretch);
virtual void setRowStretchable(int row, bool stretch);
virtual void setSorting(bool b);
virtual void swapRows(int row1, int row2, bool swapHeader = false);
virtual void swapColumns(int col1, int col2, bool swapHeader = false);
virtual void swapCells(int row1, int col1, int row2, int col2);
virtual void setLeftMargin(int m);
virtual void setTopMargin(int m);
virtual void setCurrentCell(int row, int col);
void clearSelection(bool repaint = true);
virtual void setColumnMovingEnabled(bool b);
virtual void setRowMovingEnabled(bool b);
virtual void setReadOnly(bool b);
virtual void setRowReadOnly(int row, bool ro);
virtual void setColumnReadOnly(int col, bool ro);
virtual void setDragEnabled(bool b);
virtual void insertRows(int row, int count = 1);
virtual void insertColumns(int col, int count = 1);
virtual void removeRow(int row);
virtual void removeRows(const Q3MemArray<int> &rows);
virtual void removeColumn(int col);
virtual void removeColumns(const Q3MemArray<int> &cols);
virtual void editCell(int row, int col, bool replace = false);
void setRowLabels(const QStringList &labels);
void setColumnLabels(const QStringList &labels);
enum EditMode { NotEditing, Editing, Replacing };
void drawContents(QPainter *p, int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch);
void contentsMousePressEvent(QMouseEvent*);
void contentsMouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent*);
void contentsMouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent*);
void contentsMouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent*);
void contentsContextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent * e);
void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent*);
void focusInEvent(QFocusEvent*);
void focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent*);
void viewportResizeEvent(QResizeEvent *);
void showEvent(QShowEvent *e);
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e);
void setEditMode(EditMode mode, int row, int col);
virtual void contentsDragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *e);
virtual void contentsDragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *e);
virtual void contentsDragLeaveEvent(QDragLeaveEvent *e);
virtual void contentsDropEvent(QDropEvent *e);
virtual Q3DragObject *dragObject();
virtual void startDrag();
virtual void paintEmptyArea(QPainter *p, int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch);
virtual void activateNextCell();
virtual QWidget *createEditor(int row, int col, bool initFromCell) const;
virtual void setCellContentFromEditor(int row, int col);
virtual QWidget *beginEdit(int row, int col, bool replace);
virtual void endEdit(int row, int col, bool accept, bool replace);
virtual void resizeData(int len);
virtual void insertWidget(int row, int col, QWidget *w);
int indexOf(int row, int col) const;
void windowActivationChange(bool);
bool isEditing() const;
EditMode editMode() const;
int currEditRow() const;
int currEditCol() const;
protected Q_SLOTS:
virtual void columnWidthChanged(int col);
virtual void rowHeightChanged(int row);
virtual void columnIndexChanged(int section, int fromIndex, int toIndex);
virtual void rowIndexChanged(int section, int fromIndex, int toIndex);
virtual void columnClicked(int col);
void currentChanged(int row, int col);
void clicked(int row, int col, int button, const QPoint &mousePos);
void doubleClicked(int row, int col, int button, const QPoint &mousePos);
void pressed(int row, int col, int button, const QPoint &mousePos);
void selectionChanged();
void valueChanged(int row, int col);
void contextMenuRequested(int row, int col, const QPoint &pos);
void dropped(QDropEvent *e);
private Q_SLOTS:
void doAutoScroll();
void doValueChanged();
void updateGeometriesSlot();
void contentsMousePressEventEx(QMouseEvent*);
void drawContents(QPainter*);
void updateGeometries();
void repaintSelections(Q3TableSelection *oldSelection,
Q3TableSelection *newSelection,
bool updateVertical = true,
bool updateHorizontal = true);
QRect rangeGeometry(int topRow, int leftCol,
int bottomRow, int rightCol, bool &optimize);
void fixRow(int &row, int y);
void fixCol(int &col, int x);
void init(int numRows, int numCols);
QSize tableSize() const;
void repaintCell(int row, int col);
void contentsToViewport2(int x, int y, int& vx, int& vy);
QPoint contentsToViewport2(const QPoint &p);
void viewportToContents2(int vx, int vy, int& x, int& y);
QPoint viewportToContents2(const QPoint &p);
void updateRowWidgets(int row);
void updateColWidgets(int col);
bool isSelected(int row, int col, bool includeCurrent) const;
void setCurrentCell(int row, int col, bool updateSelections, bool ensureVisible = false);
void fixCell(int &row, int &col, int key);
void delayedUpdateGeometries();
struct TableWidget
TableWidget(QWidget *w, int r, int c) : wid(w), row(r), col (c) {}
QWidget *wid;
int row, col;
void saveContents(Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem> &tmp,
Q3PtrVector<TableWidget> &tmp2);
void updateHeaderAndResizeContents(Q3TableHeader *header,
int num, int colRow,
int width, bool &updateBefore);
void restoreContents(Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem> &tmp,
Q3PtrVector<TableWidget> &tmp2);
void finishContentsResze(bool updateBefore);
Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem> contents;
Q3PtrVector<QWidget> widgets;
int curRow;
int curCol;
Q3TableHeader *leftHeader, *topHeader;
EditMode edMode;
int editCol, editRow;
Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection> selections;
Q3TableSelection *currentSel;
QTimer *autoScrollTimer;
int lastSortCol;
bool sGrid : 1;
bool mRows : 1;
bool mCols : 1;
bool asc : 1;
bool doSort : 1;
bool unused : 1;
bool readOnly : 1;
bool shouldClearSelection : 1;
bool dEnabled : 1;
bool context_menu : 1;
bool drawActiveSelection : 1;
bool was_visible : 1;
SelectionMode selMode;
int pressedRow, pressedCol;
Q3TablePrivate *d;
Q3IntDict<int> roRows;
Q3IntDict<int> roCols;
int startDragRow;
int startDragCol;
QPoint dragStartPos;
int oldCurrentRow, oldCurrentCol;
FocusStyle focusStl;
#endif // Q3TABLE_H