/usr/include/OTB-5.8/otbStereorectificationDisplacementFieldSource.h is in libotb-dev 5.8.0+dfsg-3.
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Program: ORFEO Toolbox
Language: C++
Date: $Date$
Version: $Revision$
Copyright (c) Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales. All rights reserved.
See OTBCopyright.txt for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information.
#ifndef otbStereorectificationDisplacementFieldSource_h
#define otbStereorectificationDisplacementFieldSource_h
#include "itkImageSource.h"
#include "otbGenericRSTransform.h"
#include "itkImageRegionIteratorWithIndex.h"
#include "itkVector.h"
#include "otbMacro.h"
namespace otb
/** \class StereorectificationDisplacementFieldSource
* \brief Compute the deformation fields for stereo-rectification
* The geometry of acqusition related to stereo pairs is such that
* the displacement related to the elevation between the two images
* of the pair always occurs along lines that are called epipolar
* lines.
* In the case of conic acqusition, these lines are perfectly
* parallel by definition, while in push-broom geometry, these lines
* might not be exactly parallel due to perturbations during
* acquisition, especially when considering a large field of view.
* The purpose of stereo-rectification is to warp both images of the
* pairs so that the displacement related to the elevation only
* occurs in the horizontal direction (i.e. epipolar lines are
* horizontal). This operation is useful for mainly two reasons: it
* allows searching for disparities in one direction only, and it
* allows deriving anaglyph for 3D viewing with 3D glasses.
* This filter allows you to compute the deformation fields up to the
* sensor model precision needed to warp a pair of stereo images into
* epipolar geometry. Warping can be done using the
* otb::StreamingWarpImageFilter.
* Since lines might not be perfectly regular, the algorithm
* performed by this filter uses the otb::GenericRSTransform
* capabilities to compute the local epipolar lines, and iteratively
* build a resampling grid by propagating along these locally
* estimated lines.
* Epipolar images will have a null origin and a size as given by the
* GetRectifiedImageSize() method. The deformation fields and size
* are derived to produce epipolar images covering the whole extent
* of the left image.
* The SetAverageElevation() method allows you to set the elevation
* hypothesis on which the epipolar geometry is built. It means that
* any pair of pixels in the stereo pair whose elevation is exactly
* equal to the average elevation will have a null disparity (no
* displacement). The SetElevationOffset() method allows tuning the
* elevation offset which is only used for local epipolar lines
* estimation. The default value of 50 meters should do.
* Additionnaly, the SetScale() method allows deriving deformation
* fields and images size at a coarser (scale > 1) or finer (scale <
* 1) resolution. The SetGridStep() allows tuning the step of the
* resampling grid. Please keep in mind that the whole grid is loaded
* into memory, and that the epipolar lines direction may only vary
* smoothly. When working with large images, a coarse grid-step will
* generally be accurate enough and will preserve the memory resources.
* \sa StreamingWarpImageFilter
* \sa StereoSensorModelToElevationMapFilter
* \ingroup OTBStereo
template <class TInputImage, class TOutputImage >
class ITK_EXPORT StereorectificationDisplacementFieldSource
: public itk::ImageSource<TOutputImage>
/** Standard class typedefs */
typedef StereorectificationDisplacementFieldSource Self;
typedef itk::ImageSource<TOutputImage> Superclass;
typedef itk::SmartPointer<Self> Pointer;
typedef itk::SmartPointer<const Self> ConstPointer;
// Inputs and outputs relative typedefs
typedef TInputImage InputImageType;
typedef typename InputImageType::Pointer InputImagePointerType;
typedef TOutputImage OutputImageType;
typedef typename OutputImageType::Pointer OutputImagePointerType;
// Image related typedefs
typedef typename OutputImageType::SizeType SizeType;
typedef typename OutputImageType::PointType PointType;
typedef typename OutputImageType::SpacingType SpacingType;
typedef typename OutputImageType::RegionType RegionType;
// 3D RS transform
// TODO: Allow tuning precision (i.e. double or float)
typedef otb::GenericRSTransform<double,3,3> RSTransformType;
typedef typename RSTransformType::Pointer RSTransformPointerType;
// 3D points
typedef typename RSTransformType::InputPointType TDPointType;
/** Method for creation through the object factory. */
itkNewMacro( Self );
/** Run-time type information (and related methods). */
itkTypeMacro( StereorectificationDisplacementFieldSource, ImageSource );
/** Get/Set the scale */
/** Get/Set the grid scale */
/** Get/Set left image for stereo-rectification */
/** Get/Set right image for stereo-rectification */
/** Get the size of the rectified image */
/** Get the estimated mean baseline ratio */
/** Return the left deformation field (const version) */
const OutputImageType * GetLeftDisplacementFieldOutput() const;
/** Return the left deformation field */
OutputImageType * GetLeftDisplacementFieldOutput();
/** Return the left deformation field (const version) */
const OutputImageType * GetRightDisplacementFieldOutput() const;
/** Return the left deformation field */
OutputImageType * GetRightDisplacementFieldOutput();
/** Constructor */
StereorectificationDisplacementFieldSource( void );
/** Destructor */
~StereorectificationDisplacementFieldSource( void ) ITK_OVERRIDE {};
/** Generate output images information */
void GenerateOutputInformation() ITK_OVERRIDE;
/** Enlarge output requested region (no streaming) */
void EnlargeOutputRequestedRegion(itk::DataObject * itkNotUsed(output)) ITK_OVERRIDE;
/** Compute the deformation field */
void GenerateData() ITK_OVERRIDE;
/** PrintSelf method */
void PrintSelf( std::ostream& os, itk::Indent indent ) const ITK_OVERRIDE;
StereorectificationDisplacementFieldSource( const Self& ); // purposely
// not
// implemented
void operator=( const Self& ); //purposely not implemented
/** This elevation offset is used to compute the epipolar direction */
double m_ElevationOffset;
/** A scale greater than 1 will lead to zoomed stereo-rectified
* pairs */
double m_Scale;
/** Controls the step of the resampling grid (in pixels). A finer
* step will lead to more memory consumption.
double m_GridStep;
/** Left image */
InputImagePointerType m_LeftImage;
/** Right image */
InputImagePointerType m_RightImage;
/** Left to right transform */
RSTransformPointerType m_LeftToRightTransform;
/** Right to left transform */
RSTransformPointerType m_RightToLeftTransform;
/** Size of the rectified images */
SizeType m_RectifiedImageSize;
/** Output origin in left image (internal use) */
TDPointType m_OutputOriginInLeftImage;
/** This variable contains the estimated mean baseline ratio over
* the image */
double m_MeanBaselineRatio;
/** If set to true, elevation is retrieved through
* DEMHandler::GetHeightAboveEllipsoid(). If false, elevation is
* retrieved from DEMHandler::GetDefaultHeightAboveEllipsoid() */
bool m_UseDEM;
} // End namespace otb
#include "otbStereorectificationDisplacementFieldSource.txx"