/usr/include/OTB-5.8/otbLineSegmentDetector.h is in libotb-dev 5.8.0+dfsg-3.
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Program: ORFEO Toolbox
Language: C++
Date: $Date$
Version: $Revision$
Copyright (c) Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales. All rights reserved.
See OTBCopyright.txt for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information.
#ifndef otbLineSegmentDetector_h
#define otbLineSegmentDetector_h
#include "otbImage.h"
#include "otbVectorDataSource.h"
#include "otbVectorData.h"
#include "itkUnaryFunctorImageFilter.h"
#include "itkGradientRecursiveGaussianImageFilter.h"
#include "itkGradientImageFilter.h"
namespace otb
namespace Functor
/** \class MagnitudeFunctor
* \brief This functor computes the magnitude of a covariant vector.
* \ingroup OTBEdge
template <class TInputPixel, class TOutputPixel>
class MagnitudeFunctor
inline TOutputPixel operator ()(const TInputPixel& input)
return static_cast<TOutputPixel>(2 * vcl_sqrt(input[0] * input[0] + input[1] * input[1]));
/** \class OrientationFunctor
* \brief This functor computes the orientation of a covariant vector<br>
* Orientation values lies between -Pi and Pi.
* \ingroup OTBEdge
template <class TInputPixel, class TOutputPixel>
class OrientationFunctor
inline TOutputPixel operator ()(const TInputPixel& input)
return static_cast<TOutputPixel>(vcl_atan2(input[0], -input[1]));
} // end namespace Functor
/** \class LineSegmentDetector
* \brief this class implement a fast line detector with false detection control using
* the a contrario method
* The implementation is based on the online version of the lsd
* documentation and code lsd 1.5. The OTB version use a 3x3 filter
* to compute the gradient(vs. 2x2 in the original implementation)
* and implements the density control, the NOTINIT status and the
* incremental rectangle optimisation.
* \sa StreamingLineSegmentDetector (streamed version)
* \ingroup FeatureExtraction
* See Publication :
* " LSD: A line segment detector ", R. Grompone, J.Jackubowicz, J-M.Morel, G.Randall
* And Website :
* http://www.ipol.im/pub/algo/gjmr_line_segment_detector/
* \ingroup OTBEdge
template <class TInputImage, class TPrecision = double>
class ITK_EXPORT LineSegmentDetector :
public VectorDataSource< otb::VectorData<TPrecision> >
/** typedef for the classes standards. */
typedef LineSegmentDetector Self;
typedef VectorDataSource< VectorData<TPrecision> > Superclass;
typedef itk::SmartPointer<Self> Pointer;
typedef itk::SmartPointer<const Self> ConstPointer;
/** Method for management of the object factory. */
/** Return the name of the class. */
itkTypeMacro(LineSegmentDetector, VectorDataSource);
/** Definition of the input image */
typedef TInputImage InputImageType;
typedef typename InputImageType::PixelType InputPixelType;
typedef typename InputImageType::IndexType InputIndexType;
typedef typename InputImageType::SizeType SizeType;
typedef typename InputImageType::RegionType RegionType;
typedef typename InputImageType::SpacingType SpacingType;
typedef typename InputImageType::PointType OriginType;
/** Definition of the output vector data. */
typedef VectorData<TPrecision> VectorDataType;
typedef typename VectorDataType::DataNodeType DataNodeType;
typedef typename VectorDataType::LineType LineType;
typedef typename VectorDataType::PointType PointType;
typedef typename LineType::VertexType VertexType;
/** Definition of temporary image ised to store LABELS*/
typedef Image<TPrecision, 2> OutputImageType;
typedef typename OutputImageType::PixelType OutputPixelType;
typedef typename OutputImageType::IndexType OutputIndexType;
typedef typename OutputImageType::SizeType OutputSizeType;
/** Histogram to store the coordinate of ordered pixels*/
typedef std::vector<OutputIndexType> IndexVectorType;
typedef typename IndexVectorType::iterator IndexVectorIteratorType;
typedef std::vector<IndexVectorType> CoordinateHistogramType;
typedef typename CoordinateHistogramType::iterator CoordinateHistogramIteratorType;
/** typedef structure to store REGION*/
typedef std::vector<IndexVectorType> VectorOfIndexVectorType;
typedef std::vector<float> DirectionVectorType;
typedef typename DirectionVectorType::iterator DirectionVectorIteratorType;
/** */
typedef itk::GradientRecursiveGaussianImageFilter<OutputImageType> GradientFilterType;
typedef typename GradientFilterType::Pointer GradientFilterPointerType;
typedef typename GradientFilterType::OutputImageType GradientOutputImageType;
typedef itk::UnaryFunctorImageFilter<GradientOutputImageType, OutputImageType,
Functor::MagnitudeFunctor<typename GradientOutputImageType::PixelType,
TPrecision> > MagnitudeFilterType;
typedef typename MagnitudeFilterType::Pointer MagnitudeFilterPointerType;
typedef typename MagnitudeFilterType::OutputImageType::PixelType MagnitudePixelType;
typedef typename MagnitudeFilterType::OutputImageType MagnitudeImageType;
typedef typename MagnitudeImageType::Pointer MagnitudeImagePointerType;
typedef itk::UnaryFunctorImageFilter<GradientOutputImageType, OutputImageType,
Functor::OrientationFunctor<typename GradientOutputImageType::PixelType,
TPrecision> > OrientationFilterType;
typedef typename OrientationFilterType::Pointer OrientationFilterPointerType;
typedef typename OrientationFilterType::OutputImageType OutputImageDirType;
typedef typename OutputImageDirType::RegionType OutputImageDirRegionType;
/** Create an image to store the label USED(255), NOTINI(127) or NOTUSED (0)*/
typedef otb::Image<unsigned char, 2> LabelImageType;
typedef typename LabelImageType::Pointer LabelImagePointerType;
/** Vector to store the rectangle characteization center, width, orientation , ( begin , end ) of the central line*/
typedef std::vector<double> RectangleType;
typedef typename RectangleType::iterator RectangleIteratorType;
typedef std::vector<RectangleType> RectangleListType;
typedef typename RectangleListType::iterator RectangleListTypeIterator;
/** Set/Get the input image of this process object. */
using Superclass::SetInput;
virtual void SetInput(const InputImageType *input);
virtual const InputImageType * GetInput(void);
/** Custom Get methods to access intermediate data*/
LabelImagePointerType GetMap()
return m_UsedPointImage;
MagnitudeImagePointerType GetGradMod()
return m_MagnitudeFilter->GetOutput();
typename OutputImageDirType::Pointer GetGradOri()
return m_OrientationFilter->GetOutput();
~LineSegmentDetector() ITK_OVERRIDE {}
void GenerateInputRequestedRegion() ITK_OVERRIDE;
/** Generate Data method*/
void GenerateData() ITK_OVERRIDE;
/** Sort the image and store the coordinates in a histogram
* this method is used to determine the seeds where to begin the search segments
* Points with large gradient modulus are more able to belong to a segment
virtual CoordinateHistogramType SortImageByModulusValue(MagnitudeImagePointerType modulusImage);
/** */
virtual void LineSegmentDetection(CoordinateHistogramType& CoordinateHistogram);
/** Return true if the pixel status is NOTUSED*/
virtual bool IsNotUsed(InputIndexType& index) const;
/** Return true if the pixel status is USED*/
virtual bool IsUsed(InputIndexType& index) const;
/** Return true if the pixel status is NOTINI*/
virtual bool IsNotIni(InputIndexType& index) const;
/** Set Pixel flag to USED*/
virtual void SetPixelToUsed(InputIndexType index);
/** Set Pixel flag to NOTINI*/
virtual void SetPixelToNotIni(InputIndexType index);
/** Set Pixels flag to NOTINI*/
virtual void SetRegionToNotIni(IndexVectorType region);
/** search for a segment which begins from a seed "index "*/
virtual bool GrowRegion(InputIndexType index, IndexVectorType ®ion, double ®ionAngle);
/** Define if two are aligned */
virtual bool IsAligned(double Angle, double regionAngle, double prec) const;
/** For each region of the region List it builds a rectangle */
virtual int ComputeRectangles();
/** */
virtual RectangleType Region2Rectangle(IndexVectorType region, double regionAngle);
/** */
virtual double ComputeRegionOrientation(IndexVectorType region, double x, double y, double angleRegion) const;
/** */
virtual double angle_diff(double a, double b) const;
/** Compute the Number Of False Alarm for a rectangle*/
virtual double ComputeRectNFA(const RectangleType& rec) const;
/** */
virtual double ImproveRectangle(RectangleType& rectangle) const;
/** NFA For a rectangle*/
virtual double NFA(int n, int k, double p, double logNT) const;
/** Create a copy of a rectangle*/
virtual void CopyRectangle(RectangleType& rDst, RectangleType& rSrc) const;
/** Printself method*/
void PrintSelf(std::ostream& os, itk::Indent indent) const ITK_OVERRIDE;
LineSegmentDetector(const Self &); //purposely not implemented
void operator =(const Self&); //purposely not implemented
VectorOfIndexVectorType m_RegionList;
DirectionVectorType m_DirectionVector;
LabelImagePointerType m_UsedPointImage;
RectangleListType m_RectangleList;
double m_Threshold;
double m_Prec;
double m_DirectionsAllowed;
unsigned int m_MinimumRegionSize;
/** Gradient filter */
GradientFilterPointerType m_GradientFilter;
/** Magnitude filter */
MagnitudeFilterPointerType m_MagnitudeFilter;
/** Orientation filter */
OrientationFilterPointerType m_OrientationFilter;
} // end namespace otb
#include "otbLineSegmentDetector.txx"