/usr/include/openturns/swig/BayesDistribution_doc.i is in libopenturns-dev 1.7-3.
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"Bayes distribution.
Helper class for defining the distribution of the random vector :math:`(\\\\vect{X},\\\\vect{Y})` where :math:`\\\\vect{Y}` follows the distribution :math:`\\\\mathcal{L}_{\\\\vect{Y}}` and :math:`\\\\vect{X}|\\\\vect{\\\\Theta}` follows the distribution :math:`\\\\mathcal{L}_{\\\\vect{X}|\\\\vect{\\\\Theta}}` where :math:`\\\\vect{\\\\Theta}=g(\\\\vect{Y})` with :math:`g` a given function of input dimension the dimension of :math:`\\\\mathcal{L}_{\\\\vect{Y}}` and output dimension the dimension of :math:`\\\\vect{\\\\Theta}`.
Available constructors:
BayesDistribution(*conditionedDist, conditioningDist, linkFunction*)
BayesDistribution(*conditionedDist, conditioningDist*)
conditionedDist : :class:`~openturns.Distribution`, the distribution of :math:`\\\\vect{X}|\\\\vect{\\\\Theta}`, whose parameters will be overwritten by :math:`g(\\\\vect{Y})`.
In the `BayesDistribution()` constructor, `conditionedDist` is taken equal to :math:`\\\\vect{X} | \\\\vect{\\\\Theta} \\\\sim` :class:`~openturns.Uniform` :math:`(\\\\vect{\\\\Theta})`.
conditioningDist : :class:`~openturns.Distribution`, the distribution of :math:`\\\\vect{Y}`, specified with its parameters.
In the `BayesDistribution()` constructor, `conditioningDist` is taken equal to :math:`\\\\vect{Y} \\\\sim Uniform(-1,1)`.
linkFunction : :class:`~openturns.NumericalMathFunction`, the function :math:`g: \\\\Rset^p \\\\rightarrow \\\\Rset^q`, where :math:`p` is the dimension of `conditioningDist` and :math:`q` is the dimension of :math:`\\\\vect{\\\\Theta}`.
In the `BayesDistribution()` constructor, `linkFunction` is taken equal to :math:`g: \\\\Rset \\\\rightarrow \\\\Rset^2`, :math:`g(y)=(y,y+1)`.
In the `BayesDistribution(conditionedDist, conditioningDist)` constructor, we need :math:`p=q` and `linkFunction` is taken equal to :math:`g(\\\\vect{y})=\\\\vect{y}`.
Its probability density function is defined as:
.. math::
f_{(\\\\vect{X}, \\\\vect{Y})}(\\\\vect{x}, \\\\vect{y}) = f_{\\\\vect{X}|\\\\vect{\\\\Theta}=g(\\\\vect{y})}(\\\\vect{x}|g(\\\\vect{y})) f_{\\\\vect{Y}}( \\\\vect{y})
with :math:`f_{\\\\vect{X}|\\\\vect{\\\\Theta}=g(\\\\vect{y})}` the PDF of the distribution of :math:`\\\\vect{X}|\\\\vect{\\\\Theta}`, where :math:`\\\\vect{\\\\Theta}` has been replaced by :math:`g(\\\\vect{y})`, :math:`f_{\\\\vect{Y}}` the PDF of :math:`\\\\vect{Y}` and :math:`g` the linking function.
With the default constructor, the resulting random vector :math:`(X,Y)` is uniformly distributed on the parallelogram which vertices are :math:`(-1,-1); (0,-1); (2,1); (1,1)`.
Create a distribution:
>>> import openturns as ot
>>> conditioningDist = ot.Normal(0.0, 1.0)
>>> g = ot.NumericalMathFunction(['y'], ['y', '0.1+y^2'])
>>> conditionedDist = ot.Normal()
>>> finalDist = ot.ConditionalDistribution(conditionedDist, conditioningDist, g)
Draw a sample:
>>> sample = finalDist.getSample(10)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
%feature("docstring") OT::BayesDistribution::getConditionedDistribution
"Accessor to the distribution's conditioned distribution parameter `conditionedDistribution`.
conditionedDistribution : :class:`~openturns.Distribution`, the distribution of :math:`\\\\vect{X}|\\\\vect{\\\\Theta}`, whose parameters will be overwritten by :math:`g(\\\\vect{Y})`.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
%feature("docstring") OT::BayesDistribution::getConditioningDistribution
"Accessor to the distribution's conditioned distribution parameter `conditioningDistribution`.
conditioningDistribution : :class:`~openturns.Distribution`, the distribution of :math:`\\\\vect{Y}`, specified with its parameters.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
%feature("docstring") OT::BayesDistribution::getLinkFunction
"Accessor to the distribution's conditioned distribution parameter `linkFunction`.
linkFunction : :class:`~openturns.NumericalMathFunction`, the function :math:`g: \\\\Rset^p \\\\rightarrow \\\\Rset^q`, where :math:`p` is the dimension of `conditioningDist` and :math:`q` is the dimension of :math:`\\\\vect{\\\\Theta}`.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
%feature("docstring") OT::BayesDistribution::setConditionedDistribution
"Accessor to the distribution's conditioned distribution parameter `conditionedDistribution`.
conditionedDistribution : :class:`~openturns.Distribution`, the distribution of :math:`\\\\vect{X}|\\\\vect{\\\\Theta}`, whose parameters will be overwritten by :math:`g(\\\\vect{Y})`.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
%feature("docstring") OT::BayesDistribution::setConditioningDistribution
"Accessor to the distribution's conditioned distribution parameter `conditioningDistribution`.
conditioningDistribution : :class:`~openturns.Distribution`, the distribution of :math:`\\\\vect{Y}`, specified with its parameters.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
%feature("docstring") OT::BayesDistribution::setLinkFunction
"Accessor to the distribution's conditioned distribution parameter `linkFunction`.
linkFunction : :class:`~openturns.NumericalMathFunction`, the function :math:`g: \\\\Rset^p \\\\rightarrow \\\\Rset^q`, where :math:`p` is the dimension of `conditioningDist` and :math:`q` is the dimension of :math:`\\\\vect{\\\\Theta}`.