/usr/include/oce/VrmlData_IndexedFaceSet.hxx is in liboce-visualization-dev 0.17.2-2.
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// Created by: Alexander GRIGORIEV
// Copyright (c) 2006-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
// This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
// by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
// OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
// distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
// Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
// commercial license or contractual agreement.
#ifndef VrmlData_IndexedFaceSet_HeaderFile
#define VrmlData_IndexedFaceSet_HeaderFile
#include <VrmlData_Faceted.hxx>
#include <VrmlData_Coordinate.hxx>
#include <VrmlData_Normal.hxx>
#include <VrmlData_Color.hxx>
#include <VrmlData_TextureCoordinate.hxx>
#include <gp_XYZ.hxx>
#include <Quantity_Color.hxx>
* Implementation of IndexedFaceSet node
class VrmlData_IndexedFaceSet : public VrmlData_Faceted
// ---------- PUBLIC METHODS ----------
* Empty constructor
inline VrmlData_IndexedFaceSet ()
: myArrPolygons (0L),
myArrNormalInd (0L),
myArrColorInd (0L),
myArrTextureInd (0L),
myNbPolygons (0),
myNbNormals (0),
myNbColors (0),
myNbTextures (0),
myNormalPerVertex (Standard_True),
myColorPerVertex (Standard_True)
* Constructor
inline VrmlData_IndexedFaceSet (const VrmlData_Scene& theScene,
const char * theName,
const Standard_Boolean isCCW =Standard_True,
const Standard_Boolean isSolid =Standard_True,
const Standard_Boolean isConvex=Standard_True,
const Standard_Real theCreaseAngle = 0.)
: VrmlData_Faceted (theScene, theName, isCCW, isSolid, isConvex,
myArrPolygons (0L),
myArrNormalInd (0L),
myArrColorInd (0L),
myArrTextureInd (0L),
myNbPolygons (0),
myNbNormals (0),
myNbColors (0),
myNbTextures (0),
myNormalPerVertex (Standard_True),
myColorPerVertex (Standard_True)
* Query the Normals.
inline const Handle(VrmlData_Normal)&
Normals () const { return myNormals; }
* Query the Colors.
inline const Handle(VrmlData_Color)&
Colors () const { return myColors; }
* Query the Texture Coordinates.
inline const Handle(VrmlData_TextureCoordinate)&
TextureCoords () const { return myTxCoords; }
// ========================================================================
// =========================== TRIANGULATION GRID =========================
* Query the Coordinates.
inline const Handle(VrmlData_Coordinate)&
Coordinates () const { return myCoords; }
* Query the array of polygons
inline size_t Polygons (const Standard_Integer**& arrPolygons) const
{ arrPolygons = myArrPolygons; return myNbPolygons; }
* Query one polygon.
* @param iFace
* rank of the polygon [0 .. N-1]
* @param outIndice
* <tt>[out]</tt> array of vertex indice
* @return
* number of vertice in the polygon - the dimension of outIndice array
inline Standard_Integer
Polygon (const Standard_Integer iFace,
const Standard_Integer *& outIndice)
{ return * (outIndice = myArrPolygons[iFace])++; }
* Set the nodes
inline void SetCoordinates (const Handle(VrmlData_Coordinate)& theCoord)
{ myCoords = theCoord; }
* Set the polygons
inline void SetPolygons (const Standard_Size nPolygons,
const Standard_Integer ** thePolygons)
{ myNbPolygons = nPolygons; myArrPolygons = thePolygons; }
// ========================================================================
// ================================ NORMALS ===============================
* Query the array of normal indice
* @param arrNormalInd
* <tt>[out]</tt> array of normalIndex as it is described in VRML2.0 spec
* @return
* Number of integers in the array arrNormalInd.
inline size_t ArrayNormalInd (const Standard_Integer**& arrNormalInd) const
{ arrNormalInd = myArrNormalInd; return myNbNormals; }
* Query normals indice for one face. This method should be called after
* checking myArrNormalInd != NULL, otherwise exception will be thrown.
* @param iFace
* rank of the face [0 .. N-1]
* @param outIndice
* <tt>[out]</tt> array of normals indice
* @return
* number of indice in the array - the dimension of outIndice array
inline Standard_Integer
IndiceNormals (const Standard_Integer iFace,
const Standard_Integer *& outIndice)
{ return * (outIndice = myArrNormalInd[iFace])++; }
* Query a normal for one node in the given element. The normal is
* interpreted according to fields myNormals, myArrNormalInd,
* myNormalPerVertex, as defined in VRML 2.0.
* @param iFace
* rank of the polygon [0 .. N-1]
* @param iVertex
* rank of the vertex in the polygon [0 .. M-1]. This parameter is ignored
* if (myNormalPerVertex == False)
* @return
* Normal vector; if the normal is indefinite then returns (0., 0., 0.)
Standard_EXPORT gp_XYZ
GetNormal (const Standard_Integer iFace,
const Standard_Integer iVertex);
* Set the normals array of indice
inline void SetNormalInd (const Standard_Size nIndice,
const Standard_Integer ** theIndice)
{ myNbNormals = nIndice; myArrNormalInd = theIndice; }
* Set the normals node
inline void SetNormals (const Handle(VrmlData_Normal)& theNormals)
{ myNormals = theNormals; }
* Set the boolean value "normalPerVertex"
inline void SetNormalPerVertex (const Standard_Boolean isNormalPerVertex)
{ myNormalPerVertex = isNormalPerVertex; }
// ========================================================================
// ================================ COLORS ================================
* Query the array of color indice
* @param arrColorInd
* <tt>[out]</tt> array of colorIndex as it is described in VRML2.0 spec
* @return
* Number of integers in the array arrColorInd.
inline size_t ArrayColorInd (const Standard_Integer**& arrColorInd) const
{ arrColorInd = myArrColorInd; return myNbColors; }
* Query a color for one node in the given element. The color is
* interpreted according to fields myColors, myArrColorInd,
* myColorPerVertex, as defined in VRML 2.0.
* @param iFace
* rank of the polygon [0 .. N-1]
* @param iVertex
* rank of the vertex in the polygon [0 .. M-1]. This parameter is ignored
* if (myColorPerVertex == False)
* @return
* Color value (RGB); if the color is indefinite then returns (0., 0., 0.)
Standard_EXPORT Quantity_Color
GetColor (const Standard_Integer iFace,
const Standard_Integer iVertex);
* Set the colors array of indice
inline void SetColorInd (const Standard_Size nIndice,
const Standard_Integer ** theIndice)
{ myNbColors = nIndice; myArrColorInd = theIndice; }
* Set the Color node
inline void SetColors (const Handle(VrmlData_Color)& theColors)
{ myColors = theColors; }
* Set the boolean value "colorPerVertex"
inline void SetColorPerVertex (const Standard_Boolean isColorPerVertex)
{ myColorPerVertex = isColorPerVertex; }
// ========================================================================
// ========================== TEXTURE COIRDINATES =========================
* Query the array of texture coordinate indice
* @param arrTextureCoordInd
* <tt>[out]</tt> array of texCoordIndex as it is described in VRML2.0 spec
* @return
* Number of integers in the array texCoordIndex.
inline size_t ArrayTextureCoordInd
(const Standard_Integer**& arrTextureCoordInd) const
{ arrTextureCoordInd = myArrTextureInd; return myNbTextures; }
* Set the TexCoordiante array of indice
inline void SetTextureCoordInd (const Standard_Size nIndice,
const Standard_Integer ** theIndice)
{ myNbTextures = nIndice; myArrTextureInd = theIndice; }
* Set the Texture Coordinate node
inline void SetTextureCoords(const Handle(VrmlData_TextureCoordinate)& tc)
{ myTxCoords = tc; }
* Query the shape. This method checks the flag myIsModified; if True it
* should rebuild the shape presentation.
Standard_EXPORT virtual const Handle(TopoDS_TShape)& TShape ();
* Create a copy of this node.
* If the parameter is null, a new copied node is created. Otherwise new node
* is not created, but rather the given one is modified.
Standard_EXPORT virtual Handle(VrmlData_Node)
Clone (const Handle(VrmlData_Node)& theOther)const;
* Read the Node from input stream.
Standard_EXPORT virtual VrmlData_ErrorStatus
Read (VrmlData_InBuffer& theBuffer);
* Write the Node to output stream.
Standard_EXPORT virtual VrmlData_ErrorStatus
Write (const char * thePrefix) const;
* Returns True if the node is default, so that it should not be written.
Standard_EXPORT virtual Standard_Boolean
IsDefault () const;
// ---------- PROTECTED METHODS ----------
// /**
// * If the normals are not defined, here we compute them from the polygons.
// * @param theArray
// * Array of float values having length:<ul>
// * <li>if myNormalPerVertex==TRUE : 3 * myCoords->Length()</li>
// * <li>if myNormalPerVertex==FALSE: 9 * number_of_triangles </li>
// * </ul>
// */
// Standard_EXPORT void
// computeNormals (Standard_ShortReal * theArray);
// ---------- PRIVATE FIELDS ----------
Handle(VrmlData_Coordinate) myCoords;
Handle(VrmlData_Normal) myNormals;
Handle(VrmlData_Color) myColors;
Handle(VrmlData_TextureCoordinate) myTxCoords;
const Standard_Integer ** myArrPolygons;
const Standard_Integer ** myArrNormalInd;
const Standard_Integer ** myArrColorInd;
const Standard_Integer ** myArrTextureInd;
Standard_Size myNbPolygons;
Standard_Size myNbNormals;
Standard_Size myNbColors;
Standard_Size myNbTextures;
Standard_Boolean myNormalPerVertex;
Standard_Boolean myColorPerVertex;
// Declaration of CASCADE RTTI
DEFINE_STANDARD_RTTI (VrmlData_IndexedFaceSet)
// Definition of HANDLE object using Standard_DefineHandle.hxx
DEFINE_STANDARD_HANDLE (VrmlData_IndexedFaceSet, VrmlData_Faceted)