/usr/lib/ocaml/deriving/pickle_class.ml is in libderiving-ocsigen-ocaml-dev 0.7.1-1.
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open Pa_deriving_common
open Utils
module Description : Defs.ClassDescription = struct
let classname = "Pickle"
let runtimename = "Deriving_Pickle"
let default_module = Some "Defaults"
let alpha = None
let allow_private = false
let predefs = [
["int"], ["Deriving_Pickle";"int"];
["bool"], ["Deriving_Pickle";"bool"];
["unit"], ["Deriving_Pickle";"unit"];
["char"], ["Deriving_Pickle";"char"];
["int32"], ["Deriving_Pickle";"int32"];
["Int32";"t"], ["Deriving_Pickle";"int32"];
["int64"], ["Deriving_Pickle";"int64"];
["Int64";"t"], ["Deriving_Pickle";"int64"];
["nativeint"], ["Deriving_Pickle";"nativeint"];
["float"], ["Deriving_Pickle";"float"];
["num"], ["Deriving_num";"num"];
["string"], ["Deriving_Pickle";"string"];
["list"], ["Deriving_Pickle";"list"];
["ref"], ["Deriving_Pickle";"ref"];
["option"], ["Deriving_Pickle";"option"];
let depends = [Typeable_class.depends; Eq_class.depends]
module Builder(Generator : Defs.Generator) = struct
open Generator.Loc
open Camlp4.PreCast
open Description
module Helpers = Generator.AstHelpers
let bind, seq =
let bindop = ">>=" and seqop = ">>" in
<:expr< $lid:bindop$ >>, <:expr< $lid:seqop$ >>
let wrap ctxt ~picklers ~unpickler =
let unpickler = <:expr< let module R = Utils(Typeable) in $unpickler$ >> in
let pickle = <:expr<
let module W = Utils(Typeable)(Eq) in
let pickle = function $list:picklers$ in pickle >> in
[ <:str_item< open $uid:runtimename$.Write >>;
<:str_item< let pickle = $pickle$ >>;
<:str_item< open $uid:runtimename$.Read >>;
<:str_item< let unpickle = $unpickler$ >> ]
let generator = (object(self)
inherit Generator.generator
method proxy () =
None, [ <:ident< pickle >>;
<:ident< unpickle >>;
<:ident< to_buffer >>;
<:ident< to_string >>;
<:ident< to_channel >>;
<:ident< from_stream >>;
<:ident< from_string >>;
<:ident< from_channel >>;
method tuple ctxt tys =
let ntys = List.length tys in
let ids, tpatt,texpr = Helpers.tuple ~param:"id" ntys in
let picklers =
let eidlist = Helpers.expr_list (List.map (fun id -> <:expr< $lid:id$ >>) ids) in
let inner =
(fun id ty expr ->
<:expr< $bind$ ($self#call_expr ctxt ty "pickle"$ $lid:id$)
(fun $lid:id$ -> $expr$) >>)
ids tys
<:expr< W.store_repr this ($uid:runtimename$.Repr.make $eidlist$) >> in
[ <:match_case< ($tpatt$ as obj) -> W.allocate obj (fun this -> $inner$) >>]
and unpickler =
let msg = "unexpected object encountered unpickling "
^ string_of_int ntys ^ "-tuple" in
let pidlist = Helpers.patt_list (List.map (fun id -> <:patt< $lid:id$ >>) ids) in
let inner =
(fun id ty expr ->
<:expr< $bind$ ($self#call_expr ctxt ty "unpickle"$ $lid:id$)
(fun $lid:id$ -> $expr$) >>)
ids tys
<:expr< return $texpr$ >> in
<:expr< R.tuple
| $pidlist$ -> $inner$
| _ -> raise ($uid:runtimename$.UnpicklingError $str:msg$)) >> in
wrap ctxt ~picklers ~unpickler
method case_pickle ctxt (name, params') n =
let nparams = List.length params' in
let ids = List.mapn (fun _ n -> Printf.sprintf "id%d" n) params' in
let svalue = Helpers.expr_list (List.map (fun id -> <:expr< $lid:id$>>) ids) in
let repr =
<:expr< $uid:runtimename$.Repr.make ~constructor:$`int:n$ $svalue$ >> in
let expr = <:expr< W.store_repr thisid $repr$ >> in
match params' with
| [] ->
<:match_case< $uid:name$ as obj -> W.allocate obj (fun thisid -> $expr$) >>
| _ ->
let vs, tpatt, _ = Helpers.tuple ~param:"v" nparams in
let bind_param p (id, v) expr =
<:expr< $bind$ ($self#call_expr ctxt p "pickle"$ $lid:v$)
(fun $lid:id$ -> $expr$)>> in
let expr = List.fold_right2 bind_param params' (List.zip ids vs) expr in
<:match_case< $uid:name$ $tpatt$ as obj ->
W.allocate obj (fun thisid -> $expr$) >>
method case_unpickle ctxt (name, params') n =
match params' with
| [] -> <:match_case< $`int:n$, [] -> return $uid:name$ >>
| _ ->
let nparams = List.length params' in
let ids, _, texpr = Helpers.tuple ~param:"id" nparams in
let ms = List.mapn (fun _ n -> Printf.sprintf "M%d" n) params' in
let bind_param t (id, m) (pat, exp) =
<:patt< $lid:id$ :: $pat$ >>,
<:expr< let module $uid:m$ = $self#expr ctxt t$ in
$bind$ ($uid:m$.unpickle $lid:id$)
(fun $lid:id$ -> $exp$) >> in
let patt, expr =
List.fold_right2 bind_param params' (List.zip ids ms)
(<:patt< [] >>, <:expr< return ($uid:name$ $texpr$) >>) in
<:match_case< $`int:n$, $patt$ -> $expr$ >>
method sum ?eq ctxt tname params constraints summands =
let picklers = List.mapn (self#case_pickle ctxt) summands in
let unpickler = <:expr<
fun id ->
let f = function
$list:List.mapn (self#case_unpickle ctxt) summands$
| n,_ -> raise ($uid:runtimename$.UnpicklingError
($str:"Unexpected tag when unpickling " ^ tname ^ ": "$
^ string_of_int n)) in
R.sum f id >> in
wrap ctxt ~picklers ~unpickler
method record_pickler ctxt fields =
let ids = List.map (fun (id,_,_) -> <:expr< $lid:id$ >>) fields in
let expr =
<:expr< (W.store_repr this ($uid:runtimename$.Repr.make $Helpers.expr_list ids$)) >> in
let bind_field (id,t,_) e =
<:expr< $bind$ ($self#call_poly_expr ctxt t "pickle"$ $lid:id$)
(fun $lid:id$ -> $e$) >> in
let inner = List.fold_right bind_field fields expr in
($Helpers.record_pattern fields$ as obj) -> W.allocate obj (fun this -> $inner$) >>
method record_unpickle ctxt tname fields =
let msg = "unexpected object encountered unpickling " ^ tname in
let assignments =
(fun (id,_,_) exp ->
<:expr< this.Mutable.$lid:id$ <- $lid:id$; $exp$ >>)
<:expr< return self >> in
let bind_field (id,t,_) exp =
<:expr< $bind$ ($self#call_poly_expr ctxt t "unpickle"$ $lid:id$)
(fun $lid:id$ -> $exp$) >> in
let inner = List.fold_right bind_field fields assignments in
let idpat = Helpers.patt_list (List.map (fun (id,_,_) -> <:patt< $lid:id$ >>) fields) in
let record =
<:expr< R.record
(fun self -> function
| $idpat$ -> let this = (Obj.magic self : Mutable.t) in $inner$
| _ -> raise ($uid:runtimename$.UnpicklingError $str:msg$))
$`int:List.length fields$ >> in
let mutable_type =
Generator.instantiate_modargs_repr ctxt
(Type.Record (List.map (fun (n,p,_) -> (n,p,`Mutable)) fields)) in
<:expr< let module Mutable = struct
type $Ast.TyDcl (_loc, "t", [], Helpers.Untranslate.repr mutable_type, [])$
end in $record$ >>
method record ?eq ctxt tname params constraints (fields : Pa_deriving_common.Type.field list) =
wrap ctxt
~picklers:[self#record_pickler ctxt fields]
~unpickler:(self#record_unpickle ctxt tname fields)
method polycase_pickle ctxt = function
| Type.Tag (name, []) -> <:match_case<
(`$name$ as obj) ->
W.allocate obj
(fun thisid ->
W.store_repr thisid
($uid:runtimename$.Repr.make ~constructor:$`int:tag_hash name$ [])) >>
| Type.Tag (name, ts) -> <:match_case<
(`$name$ v1 as obj) ->
W.allocate obj
(fun thisid ->
$bind$ ($self#call_expr ctxt (`Tuple ts) "pickle"$ v1)
(fun mid ->
(W.store_repr thisid
($uid:runtimename$.Repr.make ~constructor:$`int:tag_hash name$ [mid])))) >>
| Type.Extends t ->
let patt, guard, cast = Generator.cast_pattern ctxt t in
($patt$) when $guard$ ->
($self#call_expr ctxt t "pickle"$ $cast$) >>
method polycase_unpickler ctxt tname tags =
let do_tag = function
| (name, []) ->
<:match_case< $`int:(tag_hash name)$, [] -> return `$name$ >>
| (name, ts) ->
<:match_case< $`int:(tag_hash name)$, [x] ->
$bind$ ($self#call_expr ctxt (`Tuple ts) "unpickle"$ x)
(fun o -> return (`$name$ o)) >> in
let do_extensions tys =
(* Try each extension in turn. If we get an UnknownTag failure,
try the next one. This is
* safe because any two extensions that define the same tag
must be compatible at that point
* fast because we can tell on the first integer comparison
whether we've picked the right path or not.
let fail =
<:expr< raise ($uid:runtimename$.UnknownTag
(n, ($str:"Unexpected tag encountered during unpickling of "
^ tname$))) >> in
let try_extension ty expr =
let module M = $(self#expr ctxt ty)$ in
try $expr$
with $uid:runtimename$.UnknownTag _ ->
(M.unpickle id :> a $uid:runtimename$.Read.m) >> in
<:match_case< n,_ -> $List.fold_right try_extension tys fail$ >> in
let tags, extensions = either_partition
(function Type.Tag (name,t) -> Left (name,t) | Type.Extends t -> Right t) tags in
let tag_cases = List.map do_tag tags in
let extension_case = do_extensions extensions in
<:expr< fun id -> R.sum (function $list:tag_cases @ [extension_case]$) id >>
method variant ctxt tname params constraints (_, tags) =
let wildcard = <:match_case< _ -> assert false >> in
wrap ctxt
~picklers:(List.map (self#polycase_pickle ctxt) tags @ [ wildcard ])
~unpickler:(self#polycase_unpickler ctxt tname tags)
end :> Generator.generator)
let generate = Generator.generate generator
let generate_sigs = Generator.generate_sigs generator
include Base.RegisterClass(Description)(Builder)