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# Argus Client Software. Tools to read, analyze and manage Argus data.
# Copyright (c) 2000-2016 QoSient, LLC
# All Rights Reserved
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
# radark.pl - Report on dark address space accesses.
# This script takes as input an argus data stream (either file
# or live stream) and generates a scanner report.
# The strategy is to detect single host dark address accesses
# report on the internal hosts that are discovered and respond.
# The technique uses racluster to identify a current dark address
# space, using "no response" indications and specific ICMP
# unreachable events, and then use the list of dark address
# 'accessors' to generate a scanners list.
# Who really cares about scanners, really, but we are interested
# in what they discover, so we try to realize if there were any
# internal responders to the scans, and more importantly, did
# an internal machine provide any user data to the scanner.
# The process involves clustering all the data to eliminate
# spurious traffic that the probe may have been unable to
# classify and correct for any direction issues.
# Then the traffic is processed through a series of filters
# designed to identify dark address space traffic. From this
# traffic, the set of scanners is formulated, and processed
# to generate a list of searchers, the number of hosts discovered,
# and what hosts responded to the the scan with data.
# $Id: //depot/argus/clients/examples/radark/radark.pl#6 $
# $DateTime: 2016/06/01 15:17:28 $
# $Change: 3148 $
use POSIX;
use strict;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5 md5_hex md5_base64);
my %attr = (PrintError=>0, RaiseError=>0);
my $scanthresh = 0;
my $localaddr = "";
my $multisig = "";
my $verbose = 0;
my $force = 0;
my $percent = 0;
my $filter = 0;
my $hashindex = "";
my @arglist = ();
my $args = "";
ARG: while (my $arg = shift(@ARGV)) {
chomp $arg;
for ($arg) {
/^-L/ && do { $localaddr = shift (@ARGV); $hashindex .= $arg; next ARG; };
/^-m/ && do { $multisig = shift (@ARGV); $hashindex .= $arg; next ARG; };
/^-N/ && do { $scanthresh = shift (@ARGV); next ARG; };
/^-v/ && do { $verbose++; next ARG; };
/^-f/ && do { $force++; $hashindex .= $arg; next ARG; };
/^-p/ && do { $percent++; next ARG; };
/^-$/ && do { $filter++; };
/^--$/ && do { $filter++; };
$hashindex .= $arg;
$arglist[@arglist + 0] = $arg;
if ($localaddr eq "") {
if ($filter) { $arglist[@arglist + 0] = "and net $localaddr"; }
else { $arglist[@arglist + 0] = " -- net $localaddr"; }
my $hash = md5_hex($hashindex);
my $RADATA = "radark.$hash";
RaScanProcessArgusData ();
RaScanGenerateScannerList ();
RaScanGenerateScannerReport ();
RaScanCleanup ();
sub RaScanProcessArgusData {
stat ("$RADATA");
if ( ! -d _ ) {
`mkdir -p $RADATA`;
stat ("$RADATA/racluster.out");
if ( ! -f _ || $force) {
if ($verbose) {print "conditioning data\n"};
if ($verbose) {print "cmd: racluster -w - @arglist | ra -E $RADATA/racluster.out -w $RADATA/raunreach.out - unreach\n"};
`racluster -nnw - @arglist | ra -nnE $RADATA/racluster.out -w $RADATA/raunreach.out - unreach`;
} else {
if ($verbose) {print "using existing $RADATA/racluster.out data\n";}
my %wildcardports = ();
my $lastaddr = "";
my $lastproto = "";
my $lastport = "";
my $searcher = "";
our (%addrs, %daddrs, %sdata, %adata, %probes, $thisaddr);
my ($data, $startime, $srcid, $dur, $saddr, $daddr, $trans, $proto, $dport);
my ($hosts, $srvhosts, $filter, $timerange, $resp);
sub RaScanGenerateScannerList {
# Lets manage the radarkaddress.out file. These are the internal hosts
# we get from looking at unreachables. We'll create the darkaddress.out
# file, and if there is one above us, we'll update that as well.
stat ("$RADATA/darkaddress.out");
if ( ! -f _ || $force) {
if ($verbose) {print "generating unreachable address list.\n"};
if ($verbose) {print "cmd: racluster -nnM norep -m saddr daddr -r $RADATA/rareach.out -w - -- \\\n (not icmp) and (not src net $localaddr and dst net $localaddr) \\\n | racluster -nnm saddr -w $RADATA/darkaddress.out\n"};
`racluster -nnM norep -m saddr daddr -r $RADATA/raunreach.out -w - -- \\\(not icmp\\\) and \\\(not src net $localaddr and dst net $localaddr\\\) | racluster -nnm saddr -w $RADATA/darkaddress.out`;
} else {
if ($verbose) {print "using existing $RADATA/lightnet.txt data\n"};
# Now lets tally the potential scan data to find remote hosts that touch more than one
# dark net address:port pair, i.e. icmp unreachable or no response to stimulation on
# a specific scan strategy. First lets build the list of active addresses, this will
# allow us to realize the darknet addresses, which will be our trigger for a scan. By
# adding ports to this list as well we'll get the whole thing.
stat ("$RADATA/lightnet.out");
if ( ! -f _ || $force) {
if ($verbose) {print "generating active network data.\n"};
if ($verbose) {print "cmd: racluster -nnM norep rmon -m smac saddr daddr -r $RADATA/racluster.out -w - - appbytes gt 0 \\\n | racluster -nnm smac saddr -w $RADATA/lightnet.out - src net $localaddr and not dst net $localaddr and src pkts gt 0\n"};
`racluster -nnM norep rmon -m smac saddr daddr -r $RADATA/racluster.out -w - - appbytes gt 0 | racluster -nnm smac saddr -w $RADATA/lightnet.out - src net $localaddr and not dst net $localaddr and src pkts gt 0`;
} else {
if ($verbose) {print "using existing $RADATA/lightnet.txt data\n"};
stat ("$RADATA/lightnet.txt");
if ( ! -f _ || $force) {
if ($verbose) {print "generating active network entities.\n"};
if ($verbose) {print "cmd: ra -nns saddr -r $RADATA/lightnet.out > $RADATA/lightnet.txt\n"};
`ra -nns saddr -r $RADATA/lightnet.out > $RADATA/lightnet.txt`;
} else {
if ($verbose) {print "using existing $RADATA/lightnet.txt data\n"};
# Now lets generate a scanners list. These are the hosts that touch something that
# is not active. This will give us the candiate scanner list with the number of
# host:proto:port that it touches. We'll want those that hit more than one.
# So, algorithm is, grab any traffic where the destination addres is local, but
# not active.
stat ("$RADATA/darkscanners.out");
if ( ! -f _ || $force) {
if ($verbose) { print ("creating darkscanners list\n"); }
if ($verbose) { print ("cmd: rafilteraddr -nnm daddr -vf $RADATA/lightnet.txt -R $RADATA/racluster.out -w - - not src net $localaddr and dst net $localaddr | \\\n racluster -nnm smac saddr -w $RADATA/darkscanners.out;\n")};
`rafilteraddr -nnm daddr -vf $RADATA/lightnet.txt -R $RADATA/raunreach.out $RADATA/racluster.out -w - - not src net $localaddr and dst net $localaddr | racluster -nnm smac saddr -w $RADATA/darkscanners.out`;
stat ("$RADATA/darkscanners.out");
if ( -f _ ) {
if ($verbose) { print ("cmd: ra -nnL-1 -r $RADATA/darkscanners.out -s saddr > $RADATA/darkscanners.txt\n")};
`ra -nnL-1 -r $RADATA/darkscanners.out -s saddr > $RADATA/darkscanners.txt`;
} else {
if ($verbose) { print "using existing $RADATA/darkscanners.out data\n"; }
stat ("$RADATA/scanreport.out");
if ( ! -f _ || $force) {
stat ("$RADATA/darkscanners.txt");
if ( -f _ ) {
if ($verbose) { print ("creating scan report file\n"); }
`rafilteraddr -nnm saddr -f $RADATA/darkscanners.txt -r $RADATA/racluster.out -w - | racluster -nnM norep -m smac dmac saddr daddr -w - | racluster -nnm smac saddr -w - | rasort -nnm trans -w $RADATA/scanreport.out`;
} else {
if ($verbose) { print "using existing $RADATA/scanreport.out data\n"; }
# last generate the time range for this report
stat ("$RADATA/timerange.out");
if ( ! -f _ || $force) {
if ($verbose) {print "generating time range\n"};
`ratimerange -nnr $RADATA/racluster.out > $RADATA/timerange.out`;
open(SESAME, "$RADATA/timerange.out");
while ($data = <SESAME>) {
chomp $data;
$timerange = $data;
sub RaScanGenerateScannerReport {
if ($verbose) { print "generating report\n"; }
# Now build the scanner list for the report.
stat ("$RADATA/scanreport.out");
if ( -f _ || $force) {
my @args = "ra -nnL-1 -r $RADATA/scanreport.out -s saddr dur trans -c , ";
my $iter = 0;
my $cnt = 0;
open(SESAME, "@args |");
while ($data = <SESAME>) {
($saddr, $dur, $trans) = split (/,/, $data);
if ($trans > $scanthresh) {
$addrs{$saddr} = "$trans,$dur";
print "Scanner Report $timerange\n";
if (($searcher = scalar(keys(%addrs))) > 0 ) {
for $thisaddr ( sort ordinally keys(%addrs) ) {
($trans, $dur, $daddr, $resp) = split (/,/, $addrs{$thisaddr});
printf " %15.15s scanned %8d hosts in %16.16s secs discovered %6d hosts with %6d responders\n", $thisaddr, $trans, $dur, $daddr, $resp;
} else {
printf " No Scanners Found\n";
sub RaScanCleanup {
if ($verbose) { print "cleaning up\n"; }
sub ordinally {
$addrs{$b} <=> $addrs{$a};
sub subliminally {
my @a_fields = split /,/, @{$daddrs{$thisaddr}{$a}}[0];
my @b_fields = split /,/, @{$daddrs{$thisaddr}{$b}}[0];
$b_fields[2] <=> $a_fields[2];
sub numerically {
$wildcardports{$lastaddr}{$lastproto}{$a} <=> $wildcardports{$lastaddr}{$lastproto}{$b}
$a <=> $b
sub usage {
printf "radark -L localaddr(cidr) -R data [-N threshold] [-m signum] [-vfp]\n";