/usr/share/tcltk/tklib0.6/widget/panelframe.tcl is in tklib 0.6-3.
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# panelframe.tcl
# Create PanelFrame widgets.
# A PanelFrame is a boxed frame that allows you to place items
# in the label area (liked combined frame+toolbar). It uses the
# highlight colors the default frame color.
# Scrolled widget
# Copyright 2005 Jeffrey Hobbs
# RCS: @(#) $Id: panelframe.tcl,v 1.6 2010/06/01 18:06:52 hobbs Exp $
if 0 {
# Samples
lappend auto_path ~/cvs/tcllib/tklib/modules/widget
package require widget::panelframe
set f [widget::panelframe .pf -text "My Panel"]
set sf [frame $f.f -padx 4 -pady 4]
pack [text $sf.text] -fill both -expand 1
$f setwidget $sf
pack $f -fill both -expand 1 -padx 4 -pady 4
package require widget
namespace eval widget {
variable entry_selbg
variable entry_selfg
if {![info exists entry_selbg]} {
set entry_selbg [widget::tkresource entry -selectbackground]
if {$entry_selbg eq ""} { set entry_selbg "black" }
set entry_selfg [widget::tkresource entry -selectforeground]
if {$entry_selfg eq ""} { set entry_selfg "black" }
snit::macro widget::entry-selectbackground {} [list return $entry_selbg]
snit::macro widget::entry-selectforeground {} [list return $entry_selfg]
variable imgdata {
#define close_width 16
#define close_height 16
static char close_bits[] = {
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x08,
0x38, 0x1c, 0x70, 0x0e,
0xe0, 0x07, 0xc0, 0x03,
0xc0, 0x03, 0xe0, 0x07,
0x70, 0x0e, 0x38, 0x1c,
0x10, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
# We use the same -foreground as the default
image create bitmap ::widget::X -data $imgdata -foreground $entry_selfg
snit::widget widget::panelframe {
hulltype frame ; # not themed
component title
component tframe
#component frame
#component close
delegate option * to hull
delegate method * to hull
widget::propagate {-panelbackground panelBackground Background} \
-default [widget::entry-selectbackground] to {hull title tframe} \
as -background
widget::propagate {-panelforeground panelForeground Foreground} \
-default [widget::entry-selectforeground] to {title} \
as -foreground
# type listof 1..4 int
option -ipad -default 1 -configuremethod C-ipad
# should we use this instead of setwidget?
#option -window -default "" -configuremethod C-window ; # -isa window
# The use of a bold font by default would be better
delegate option -font to title
delegate option -text to title
delegate option -textvariable to title
# Should we have automatic state handling?
#option -state -default normal
if 0 {
# This would be code to have an automated close button
option -closebutton -default 0 -configuremethod C-closebutton
variable items {} ; # items user has added
constructor args {
$hull configure -borderwidth 1 -relief flat \
-background $options(-panelbackground)
install tframe using frame $win.title \
-background $options(-panelbackground)
install title using label $win.title.label -anchor w -bd 0 \
-background $options(-panelbackground) \
-foreground $options(-panelforeground)
# does it need to be a ttk::frame ?
#install frame using ttk::frame $win.frame
foreach {ipadx ipady} [$self _padval $options(-ipad)] { break }
if 0 {
install close using button $tframe.close -image ::widget::X \
-padx 0 -pady 0 -relief flat -overrelief raised \
-bd 1 -highlightthickness 0 \
-background $options(-panelbackground) \
-foreground $options(-panelforeground)
#$close configure -font "Marlett -14" -text \u0072
if {$options(-closebutton)} {
pack $close -side right -padx $ipadx -pady $ipady
grid $tframe -row 0 -column 0 -sticky ew
#grid $frame -row 1 -column 0 -sticky news
grid columnconfigure $win 0 -weight 1
grid rowconfigure $win 1 -weight 1
#grid columnconfigure $frame 0 -weight 1
#grid rowconfigure $frame 0 -weight 1
pack $title -side left -fill x -anchor w -padx $ipadx -pady $ipady
$self configurelist $args
method C-ipad {option value} {
set len [llength $value]
foreach {a b} $value { break }
if {$len == 0 || $len > 2} {
return -code error \
"invalid pad value \"$value\", must be 1 or 2 pixel values"
pack configure $title -padx $ipadx -pady $ipady
set options($option) $value
if 0 {
method C-closebutton {option value} {
if {$value} {
foreach {ipadx ipady} [$self _padval $options(-ipad)] { break }
pack $close -side right -padx $ipadx -pady $ipady
} else {
pack forget $close
set options($option) $value
# We could create and extra frame and return it, but in order to
# not decide whether that is a ttk or regular frame, just force
# the user to use setwidget instead
#method getframe {} { return $frame }
variable setwidget {}
method setwidget {w} {
if {[winfo exists $setwidget]} {
grid remove $setwidget
set setwidget {}
if {[winfo exists $w]} {
grid $w -in $win -row 1 -column 0 -sticky news
set setwidget $w
method add {w args} {
array set opts [list \
-side right \
-fill none \
-expand 0 \
-pad $options(-ipad) \
foreach {key val} $args {
if {[info exists opts($key)]} {
set opts($key) $val
} else {
set msg "unknown option \"$key\", must be one of: "
append msg [join [lsort [array names opts]] {, }]
return -code error $msg
foreach {ipadx ipady} [$self _padval $opts(-pad)] { break }
lappend items $w
pack $w -in $tframe -padx $ipadx -pady $ipady -side $opts(-side) \
-fill $opts(-fill) -expand $opts(-expand)
return $w
method remove {args} {
set destroy [string equal [lindex $args 0] "-destroy"]
if {$destroy} {
set args [lrange $args 1 end]
foreach w $args {
set idx [lsearch -exact $items $w]
if {$idx == -1} {
# ignore unknown
if {$destroy} {
destroy $w
} elseif {[winfo exists $w]} {
pack forget $w
set items [lreplace $items $idx $idx]
method delete {args} {
return [$self remove -destroy $args]
method items {} {
return $items
method _padval {padval} {
set len [llength $padval]
foreach {a b} $padval { break }
if {$len == 0 || $len > 2} {
return -code error \
"invalid pad value \"$padval\", must be 1 or 2 pixel values"
} elseif {$len == 1} {
return [list $a $a]
} elseif {$len == 2} {
return $padval
package provide widget::panelframe 1.1