/usr/share/tcltk/tklib0.6/widget/dateentry.tcl is in tklib 0.6-3.
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# dateentry.tcl -
# dateentry widget
# This widget provides an entry with a visual calendar for
# choosing a date. It is mostly a gathering compoments.
# The basics for the entry were taken from the "MenuEntry widget"
# of the widget package in the tklib.
# The visual calendar is taken from http://wiki.tcl.tk/1816.
# So many thanks to Richard Suchenwirth for visual calendar
# and to Jeff Hobbs for the widget package in tklib.
# See the example at the bottom.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: dateentry.tcl,v 1.7 2011/12/13 21:28:00 haertel Exp $
# Creation and Options - widget::dateentry $path ...
# -command -default {}
# -dateformat -default "%m/%d/%Y"
# -font -default {Helvetica 9}
# -background -default white
# -textvariable -default {} -configuremethod C-textvariable
# Following are passed to widget::calendar component:
# -firstday
# -highlightcolor
# -language
# Methods
# $widget post - display calendar dropdown
# $widget unpost - remove calendar dropdown
# All other methods to entry
# Bindings
package require widget
package require widget::calendar
namespace eval ::widget {
# http://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/mini/
# ?Mini? is a set of 144 GIF icons available for free use for any purpose.
variable dateentry_gifdata {
# http://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/silk/
# ?Silk? is a smooth, free icon set,
variable dateentry_gifdata {
proc ::widget::createdateentryLayout {} {
variable dateentry
if {[info exists dateentry]} { return }
set dateentry 1
variable dateentry_pngdata
variable dateentry_gifdata
set img ::widget::img_dateentry
image create photo $img -format GIF -data $dateentry_gifdata
namespace eval ::ttk [list set dateimg $img] ; # namespace resolved
namespace eval ::ttk {
# Create -padding for space on left and right of icon
set pad [expr {[image width $dateimg] + 6}]
style theme settings "default" {
style layout dateentry {
Entry.field -children {
dateentry.icon -side left
Entry.padding -children {
# center icon in padded cell
style element create dateentry.icon image $dateimg \
-sticky "" -padding [list $pad 0 0 0]
if 0 {
# Some mappings would be required per-theme to adapt to theme
# changes
foreach theme [style theme names] {
style theme settings $theme {
# Could have disabled, pressed, ... state images
#style map dateentry -image [list disabled $img]
snit::widgetadaptor widget::dateentry {
delegate option * to hull
delegate method * to hull
option -command -default {}
option -dateformat -default "%m/%d/%Y" -configuremethod C-passtocalendar
option -font -default {Helvetica 9} -configuremethod C-passtocalendar
option -textvariable -default {}
option -language -default en -configuremethod C-passtocalendar
delegate option -highlightcolor to calendar
delegate option -shadecolor to calendar
delegate option -firstday to calendar
delegate option -showpast to calendar
component dropbox
component calendar
variable waitVar
variable formattedDate
variable rawDate
variable startOnMonday 1
constructor args {
installhull using ttk::entry -style dateentry
bindtags $win [linsert [bindtags $win] 1 TDateEntry]
$self MakeCalendar
$self configurelist $args
set now [clock seconds]
set x [clock format $now -format "%d/%m%/%Y"]
set rawDate [clock scan "$x 00:00:00" -format "%d/%m%/%Y %H:%M:%S"]
set formattedDate [clock format $rawDate -format $options(-dateformat)]
$hull configure -state normal
$hull delete 0 end
$hull insert end $formattedDate
$hull configure -state readonly
method C-passtocalendar {option value} {
set options($option) $value
$calendar configure $option $value
method MakeCalendar {args} {
set dropbox $win.__drop
destroy $dropbox
toplevel $dropbox -takefocus 0
wm withdraw $dropbox
if {[tk windowingsystem] ne "aqua"} {
wm overrideredirect $dropbox 1
wm transient $dropbox [winfo toplevel $win]
wm group $dropbox [winfo parent $win]
} else {
tk::unsupported::MacWindowStyle style $dropbox \
help {noActivates hideOnSuspend}
wm resizable $dropbox 0 0
# Unpost on Escape or whenever user clicks outside the dropdown
bind $dropbox <Escape> [list $win unpost]
bind $dropbox <ButtonPress> [subst -nocommands {
if {[string first "$dropbox" [winfo containing %X %Y]] != 0} {
$win unpost
bindtags $dropbox [linsert [bindtags $dropbox] 1 TDateEntryPopdown]
set calendar $dropbox.calendar
widget::calendar $calendar \
-textvariable [myvar formattedDate] \
-dateformat $options(-dateformat) \
-font $options(-font) \
-language $options(-language)\
-borderwidth 1 -relief solid \
-enablecmdonkey 0 -command [mymethod DateChosen]
bind $calendar <Map> [list focus -force $calendar]
pack $calendar -expand 1 -fill both
return $dropbox
method post { args } {
# XXX should we reset date on each display?
if {![winfo exists $dropbox]} { $self MakeCalendar }
set waitVar 0
foreach {x y} [$self PostPosition] { break }
wm geometry $dropbox "+$x+$y"
wm deiconify $dropbox
raise $dropbox
if {[tk windowingsystem] ne "aqua"} {
tkwait visibility $dropbox
focus -force $calendar
tkwait variable [myvar waitVar]
$self unpost
method unpost {args} {
if {[winfo exists $dropbox]} {
wm withdraw $dropbox
grab release $dropbox ; # just in case
method PostPosition {} {
# PostPosition --
# Returns the x and y coordinates where the menu
# should be posted, based on the dateentry and menu size
# and -direction option.
# TODO: adjust menu width to be at least as wide as the button
# for -direction above, below.
set x [winfo rootx $win]
set y [winfo rooty $win]
set dir "below" ; #[$win cget -direction]
set bw [winfo width $win]
set bh [winfo height $win]
set mw [winfo reqwidth $dropbox]
set mh [winfo reqheight $dropbox]
set sw [expr {[winfo screenwidth $dropbox] - $bw - $mw}]
set sh [expr {[winfo screenheight $dropbox] - $bh - $mh}]
switch -- $dir {
above { if {$y >= $mh} { incr y -$mh } { incr y $bh } }
below { if {$y <= $sh} { incr y $bh } { incr y -$mh } }
left { if {$x >= $mw} { incr x -$mw } { incr x $bw } }
right { if {$x <= $sw} { incr x $bw } { incr x -$mw } }
return [list $x $y]
# DateChosen --
# Called from the calendar when a date was selected.
# Formats the date, calls the callback -command if specified and
# then updates the entry.
method DateChosen { args } {
upvar 0 $options(-textvariable) date
set waitVar 1
set date $formattedDate
set rawDate [clock scan $formattedDate -format $options(-dateformat)]
if { $options(-command) ne "" } {
uplevel \#0 $options(-command) $formattedDate $rawDate
$self unpost
$hull configure -state normal
$hull delete 0 end
$hull insert end $formattedDate
$hull configure -state readonly
# Bindings for menu portion.
# This is a variant of the ttk menubutton.tcl bindings.
# See menubutton.tcl for detailed behavior info.
bind TDateEntry <Enter> { %W state active }
bind TDateEntry <Leave> { %W state !active }
bind TDateEntry <<Invoke>> { %W post }
bind TDateEntry <Control-space> { %W post }
bind TDateEntry <Escape> { %W unpost }
bind TDateEntry <ButtonPress-1> { %W state pressed ; %W post }
bind TDateEntry <ButtonRelease-1> { %W state !pressed }
# These are to get around issues on aqua (see ttk::combobox bindings)
bind TDateEntryPopdown <Map> { ttk::globalGrab %W }
bind TDateEntryPopdown <Unmap> { ttk::releaseGrab %W }
package provide widget::dateentry 0.96
if { [info script] eq $argv0 } {
set auto_path [linsert $auto_path 0 [file dirname [info script]]]
package require widget::dateentry
destroy {*}[winfo children .]
proc getDate { args } {
puts [info level 0]
puts "DATE $::DATE"
update idle
# Samples
# package require widget::dateentry
set ::DATE ""
set start [widget::dateentry .s -textvariable ::DATE \
-dateformat "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M" \
-command [list getDate .s]]
set end [widget::dateentry .e \
-command [list getDate .e] \
-highlightcolor dimgrey \
-font {Courier 10} \
-firstday sunday]
grid [label .sl -text "Start:"] $start -padx 4 -pady 4
grid [label .el -text "End:" ] $end -padx 4 -pady 4
puts [$end get]