/usr/share/tcltk/tcllib1.18/doctools2idx/container.tcl is in tcllib 1.18-dfsg-3.
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# Implementation of docidx objects for Tcl. v2.
# Copyright (c) 2009 Andreas Kupries <andreas_kupries@sourceforge.net>
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: container.tcl,v 1.3 2009/08/11 22:52:47 andreas_kupries Exp $
# Each object manages one index, with methods to add and remove keys
# and references, singly, or in bulk. The bulk methods accept various
# forms of textual serializations, among them text using the docidx
# markup language.
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Requisites
package require Tcl 8.4
package require doctools::idx::structure
package require snit
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## API
snit::type ::doctools::idx {
# Concepts:
# - An index consists of a (possibly empty) set of keys,
# - Each key in the set is identified by its name.
# - Each key has a (possibly empty) set of references.
# - Each reference is identified by its target, specified as
# either url or symbolic filename, depending on the type of
# reference (url, or manpage).
# - A reference can be in the sets of more than one key.
# - A reference outside of the sets of all keys is not possible
# however.
# - A reference carries not only its identifying target, but also
# a descriptive label (*). This label is however not unique per
# reference, but only per a pair of key and reference in that
# key.
# - The type of a reference (url, or manpage) is however bound to
# the reference itself.
# - (*) For keys the identifying feature is identical to its
# label.
# Note: url and manpage references share a namespace for their
# identifiers. This should be no problem with manpage identifiers
# being symbolic filenames and as such they should never look like
# urls.
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Options
## None
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Methods
# Default constructor.
# Default destructor.
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
method invalidate {} {
array unset myidx *
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
method title {{text {}}} {
if {[llength [info level 0]] == 6} {
set mytitle $text
return $mytitle
method label {{text {}}} {
if {[llength [info level 0]] == 6} {
set mylabel $text
return $mylabel
method exporter {{object {}}} {
# TODO :: unlink/link change notification callbacks on the
# config/include components so that we can invalidate our
# cache when the settings change.
if {[llength [info level 0]] == 6} {
set myexporter $object
return $myexporter
method importer {{object {}}} {
if {[llength [info level 0]] == 6} {
set myimporter $object
return $myimporter
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Direct manipulation of the index contents.
method {key add} {key} {
# Ignore addition of an already known key
if {[info exists mykey($key)]} return
set mykey($key) {}
array unset myidx *
method {key remove} {key} {
# Ignore removal of a key already gone
if {![info exists mykey($key)]} return
set references $mykey($key)
unset mykey($key)
foreach name $references {
# Remove key from the list of users for all references it
# contains.
set pos [lsearch -exact $myrefuse($name) $key]
set myrefuse($name) [lreplace $myrefuse($name) $pos $pos]
if {[llength $myrefuse($name)]} continue
# Last use of this reference is gone, delete it.
unset myrefuse($name)
unset myref($name)
array unset myidx *
method keys {} {
return [array names mykey]
method {key references} {key} {
if {![info exists mykey($key)]} {
return -code error "Unknown key '$key'"
return $mykey($key)
method {reference add} {reftype key name label} {
if {![info exists mykey($key)]} {
return -code error "Unknown key '$key'"
if {[info exists myref($name)] && ([lindex $myref($name) 0] ne $reftype)} {
return -code error "Cannot add $reftype reference '$name', is a [lindex $myref($name) 0] reference already"
if {($reftype ne "url") && ($reftype ne "manpage")} {
return -code error "Bad reference type '$reftype'"
set myref($name) [list $reftype $label]
if {![info exists myrefuse($name)]} {
set myrefuse($name) {}
if {![info exists mylink([list $name $key])]} {
# reference was not used by the key yet.
lappend mykey($key) $name
lappend myrefuse($name) $key
set mylink([list $name $key]) .
array unset myidx *
method {reference remove} {name} {
# Ignore removal of already unknown reference
if {![info exists myrefuse($name)]} return
foreach key $myrefuse($name) {
unset mylink([list $name $key])
set pos [lsearch -exact $mykey($key) $name]
set mykey($key) [lreplace $mykey($key) $pos $pos]
unset myref($name)
unset myrefuse($name)
array unset myidx *
method {reference label} {name} {
if {![info exists myref($name)]} {
return -code error "Unknown reference '$name'"
return [lindex $myref($name) 1]
method {reference type} {name} {
if {![info exists myref($name)]} {
return -code error "Unknown reference '$name'"
return [lindex $myref($name) 0]
method {reference keys} {name} {
if {![info exists myrefuse($name)]} {
return -code error "Unknown reference '$name'"
return $myrefuse($name)
method references {} {
return [array names myrefuse]
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Public methods. Bulk loading and merging.
method {deserialize =} {data {format {}}} {
# Default format is the regular index serialization
if {$format eq {}} {
set format serial
if {$format ne "serial"} {
set data [$self Import $format $data]
# doctools::idx::structure verify-as-canonical $data
# ImportSerial verifies.
$self ImportSerial $data
method {deserialize +=} {data {format {}}} {
# Default format is the regular index serialization
if {$format eq {}} {
set format serial
if {$format ne "serial"} {
set data [$self Import $format $data]
# doctools::idx::structure verify-as-canonical $data
# merge or ImportSerial verify the structure.
set data [doctools::idx::structure merge [$self serialize] $data]
# doctools::idx::structure verify-as-canonical $data
# ImportSerial verifies.
$self ImportSerial $data
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
method serialize {{format {}}} {
# Default format is the regular index serialization
if {$format eq {}} {
set format serial
# First check the cache for a remebered representation of the
# index for the chosen format, and return it, if such is
# known.
if {[info exists myidx($format)]} {
return $myidx($format)
# If there is no cached representation we have to generate it
# from it from our internal representation.
if {$format eq "serial"} {
return [$self GenerateSerial]
} else {
return [$self Generate $format]
return -code error "Internal error, reached unreachable location"
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Internal methods
method GenerateSerial {} {
# We can generate the list serialization easily from the
# internal representation.
# Scan and reorder ...
set keywords {}
foreach kw [lsort -dict [array names mykey]] {
# Sort the references in a keyword by their _labels_.
set tmp {}
foreach rid $mykey($kw) { lappend tmp [list $rid [lindex $myref($rid) 1]] }
set refs {}
foreach item [lsort -dict -index 1 $tmp] {
lappend refs [lindex $item 0]
lappend keywords $kw $refs
set references {}
foreach rid [lsort -dict [array names myrefuse]] {
lappend references $rid $myref($rid)
# Construct result
set serial [list doctools::idx \
[list \
label $mylabel \
keywords $keywords \
references $references \
title $mytitle]]
# This is just present to assert that the code above creates
# correct serializations.
doctools::idx::structure verify-as-canonical $serial
set myidx(serial) $serial
return $serial
method Generate {format} {
if {$myexporter eq {}} {
return -code error "Unable to export from \"$format\", no exporter configured"
set res [$myexporter export object $self $format]
set myidx($format) $res
return $res
method ImportSerial {serial} {
doctools::idx::structure verify $serial iscanonical
array unset myidx *
array unset mykey *
array unset myrefuse *
array unset myref *
array unset mylink *
# Unpack the serialization.
array set idx $serial
array set idx $idx(doctools::idx)
unset idx(doctools::idx)
# We are setting the relevant variables directly instead of
# going through the accessor methods.
# I. Label and title
# II. Keys and references
# III. Back index references -> keys.
set mytitle $idx(title)
set mylabel $idx(label)
array set mykey $idx(keywords)
array set myref $idx(references)
foreach k [array names mykey] {
foreach r $mykey($k) {
lappend myrefuse($r) $k
set mylink([list $r $k]) .
# Extend cache (only if canonical, as we return only canonical
# data).
if {$iscanonical} {
set myidx(serial) $serial
method Import {format data} {
if {$myimporter eq {}} {
return -code error "Unable to import from \"$format\", no importer configured"
return [$myimporter import text $data $format]
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## State
# References to export/import managers extending the
# (de)serialization abilities of the index.
variable myexporter {}
variable myimporter {}
# Internal representation of the index.
variable mytitle {} ; #
variable mylabel {} ; #
variable mykey -array {} ; # key -> list of references
variable myref -array {} ; # reference -> (type, label)
variable myrefuse -array {} ; # reference -> list of keys using the reference
variable mylink -array {} ; # reference x key -> exists if the reference is used by key.
# Array serving as cache holding alternative representations of
# the index generated via 'serialize', i.e. data export.
variable myidx -array {}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Ready
package provide doctools::idx 2