This file is indexed.

/usr/share/racket/pkgs/plai-lib/info.rkt is in racket-common 6.7-3.

This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o644.

The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.

(module info setup/infotab (#%module-begin (define package-content-state (quote (built "6.7"))) (define collection "plai") (define blurb (quote ("Language levels for the Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation textbook"))) (define homepage "") (define primary-file "main.rkt") (define release-note-files (list (list "PLAI" "HISTORY.txt"))) (define deps (quote ("scheme-lib" "srfi-lite-lib" "base" "gui-lib" "sandbox-lib" "web-server-lib"))) (define build-deps (quote ("at-exp-lib" "eli-tester" "pconvert-lib" "rackunit-lib" "drracket-tool-lib"))) (define pkg-desc "Implementation (no documentation) for teaching languages for _Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation_") (define pkg-authors (quote (jay)))))