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<div class="section" id="changes">
<h1>Changes<a class="headerlink" href="#changes" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h1>
<div class="section" id="v1-2-1-2015-07-20">
<h2>v1.2.1 (2015-07-20)<a class="headerlink" href="#v1-2-1-2015-07-20" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
<ul class="simple">
<li>Increase log level of <a class="reference internal" href="api.html#pykka.debug.log_thread_tracebacks" title="pykka.debug.log_thread_tracebacks"><code class="xref py py-func docutils literal"><span class="pre">pykka.debug.log_thread_tracebacks()</span></code></a> debugging
helper from <code class="xref py py-attr docutils literal"><span class="pre">logging.INFO</span></code> to <code class="xref py py-attr docutils literal"><span class="pre">logging.CRITICAL</span></code>.</li>
<li>Fix errors in docs examples. (PR: <a class="reference external" href="https://github.com/jodal/pykka/issues/29">#29</a>, <a class="reference external" href="https://github.com/jodal/pykka/issues/43">#43</a>)</li>
<li>Fix typos in docs.</li>
<li>Various project setup and development improvements.</li>
<div class="section" id="v1-2-0-2013-07-15">
<h2>v1.2.0 (2013-07-15)<a class="headerlink" href="#v1-2-0-2013-07-15" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
<li><p class="first">Enforce that multiple calls to <a class="reference internal" href="api.html#pykka.Future.set" title="pykka.Future.set"><code class="xref py py-meth docutils literal"><span class="pre">pykka.Future.set()</span></code></a> raises an exception.
This was already the case for some implementations. The exception raised is
not specified.</p>
<li><p class="first">Add <a class="reference internal" href="api.html#pykka.Future.set_get_hook" title="pykka.Future.set_get_hook"><code class="xref py py-meth docutils literal"><span class="pre">pykka.Future.set_get_hook()</span></code></a>.</p>
<li><p class="first">Add <code class="xref py py-meth docutils literal"><span class="pre">filter()</span></code>, <a class="reference internal" href="api.html#pykka.Future.join" title="pykka.Future.join"><code class="xref py py-meth docutils literal"><span class="pre">join()</span></code></a>,
<a class="reference internal" href="api.html#pykka.Future.map" title="pykka.Future.map"><code class="xref py py-meth docutils literal"><span class="pre">map()</span></code></a>, and <a class="reference internal" href="api.html#pykka.Future.reduce" title="pykka.Future.reduce"><code class="xref py py-meth docutils literal"><span class="pre">reduce()</span></code></a> as convenience
methods using the new <a class="reference internal" href="api.html#pykka.Future.set_get_hook" title="pykka.Future.set_get_hook"><code class="xref py py-meth docutils literal"><span class="pre">set_get_hook()</span></code></a> method.</p>
<li><p class="first">Add support for running actors based on eventlet greenlets. See
<a class="reference internal" href="api.html#module-pykka.eventlet" title="pykka.eventlet"><code class="xref py py-mod docutils literal"><span class="pre">pykka.eventlet</span></code></a> for details. Thanks to Jakub Stasiak for the
<li><p class="first">Update documentation to reflect that the <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">reply_to</span></code> field on the message is
private to Pykka. Actors should reply to messages simply by returning the
response from <a class="reference internal" href="api.html#pykka.Actor.on_receive" title="pykka.Actor.on_receive"><code class="xref py py-meth docutils literal"><span class="pre">on_receive()</span></code></a>. The internal field is renamed
to <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">pykka_reply_to</span></code> a to avoid collisions with other message fields. It is
also removed from the message before the message is passed to
<a class="reference internal" href="api.html#pykka.Actor.on_receive" title="pykka.Actor.on_receive"><code class="xref py py-meth docutils literal"><span class="pre">on_receive()</span></code></a>. Thanks to Jakub Stasiak.</p>
<li><p class="first">When messages are left in the actor inbox after the actor is stopped, those
messages that are expecting a reply is now rejected by replying with an
<a class="reference internal" href="api.html#pykka.ActorDeadError" title="pykka.ActorDeadError"><code class="xref py py-exc docutils literal"><span class="pre">ActorDeadError</span></code></a> exception. This causes other actors blocking on
the returned <a class="reference internal" href="api.html#pykka.Future" title="pykka.Future"><code class="xref py py-class docutils literal"><span class="pre">Future</span></code></a> without a timeout to raise the exception
instead of waiting forever. Thanks to Jakub Stasiak.</p>
<p>This makes the behavior of messaging an actor around the time it is stopped
more consistent:</p>
<ul class="simple">
<li>Messaging an already dead actor immediately raises
<a class="reference internal" href="api.html#pykka.ActorDeadError" title="pykka.ActorDeadError"><code class="xref py py-exc docutils literal"><span class="pre">ActorDeadError</span></code></a>.</li>
<li>Messaging an alive actor that is stopped before it processes the message
will cause the reply future to raise <a class="reference internal" href="api.html#pykka.ActorDeadError" title="pykka.ActorDeadError"><code class="xref py py-exc docutils literal"><span class="pre">ActorDeadError</span></code></a>.</li>
<p>Similarly, if you ask an actor to stop multiple times, and block on the
responses, all the messages will now get an reply. Previously only the first
message got a reply, potentially making the application wait forever on
replies to the subsequent stop messages.</p>
<li><p class="first">When <a class="reference internal" href="api.html#pykka.ActorRef.ask" title="pykka.ActorRef.ask"><code class="xref py py-meth docutils literal"><span class="pre">ask()</span></code></a> is used to asynchronously message a dead
actor (e.g. <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">block</span></code> set to <code class="xref py py-class docutils literal"><span class="pre">False</span></code>), it will no longer immediately
raise <a class="reference internal" href="api.html#pykka.ActorDeadError" title="pykka.ActorDeadError"><code class="xref py py-exc docutils literal"><span class="pre">ActorDeadError</span></code></a>. Instead, it will return a future and
fail the future with the <a class="reference internal" href="api.html#pykka.ActorDeadError" title="pykka.ActorDeadError"><code class="xref py py-exc docutils literal"><span class="pre">ActorDeadError</span></code></a> exception. This makes
the interface more consistent, as you’ll have one instead of two ways the
call can raise exceptions under normal conditions. If
<a class="reference internal" href="api.html#pykka.ActorRef.ask" title="pykka.ActorRef.ask"><code class="xref py py-meth docutils literal"><span class="pre">ask()</span></code></a> is called synchronously (e.g. <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">block</span></code> set to
<code class="xref py py-class docutils literal"><span class="pre">True</span></code>), the behavior is unchanged.</p>
<li><p class="first">A change to <a class="reference internal" href="api.html#pykka.ActorRef.stop" title="pykka.ActorRef.stop"><code class="xref py py-meth docutils literal"><span class="pre">stop()</span></code></a> reduces the likelyhood of a race
condition when asking an actor to stop multiple times by not checking if the
actor is dead before asking it to stop, but instead just go ahead and leave
it to <a class="reference internal" href="api.html#pykka.ActorRef.tell" title="pykka.ActorRef.tell"><code class="xref py py-meth docutils literal"><span class="pre">tell()</span></code></a> to do the alive-or-dead check a single
time, and as late as possible.</p>
<li><p class="first">Change <a class="reference internal" href="api.html#pykka.ActorRef.is_alive" title="pykka.ActorRef.is_alive"><code class="xref py py-meth docutils literal"><span class="pre">is_alive()</span></code></a> to check the actor’s runnable flag
instead of checking if the actor is registrered in the actor registry.</p>
<div class="section" id="v1-1-0-2013-01-19">
<h2>v1.1.0 (2013-01-19)<a class="headerlink" href="#v1-1-0-2013-01-19" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
<ul class="simple">
<li>An exception raised in <a class="reference internal" href="api.html#pykka.Actor.on_start" title="pykka.Actor.on_start"><code class="xref py py-meth docutils literal"><span class="pre">pykka.Actor.on_start()</span></code></a> didn’t stop the actor
properly. Thanks to Jay Camp for finding and fixing the bug.</li>
<li>Make sure exceptions in <a class="reference internal" href="api.html#pykka.Actor.on_stop" title="pykka.Actor.on_stop"><code class="xref py py-meth docutils literal"><span class="pre">pykka.Actor.on_stop()</span></code></a> and
<a class="reference internal" href="api.html#pykka.Actor.on_failure" title="pykka.Actor.on_failure"><code class="xref py py-meth docutils literal"><span class="pre">pykka.Actor.on_failure()</span></code></a> is logged.</li>
<li>Add <a class="reference internal" href="api.html#pykka.ThreadingActor.use_daemon_thread" title="pykka.ThreadingActor.use_daemon_thread"><code class="xref py py-attr docutils literal"><span class="pre">pykka.ThreadingActor.use_daemon_thread</span></code></a> flag for optionally
running an actor on a daemon thread, so that it doesn’t block the Python
program from exiting. (Fixes: <a class="reference external" href="https://github.com/jodal/pykka/issues/14">#14</a>)</li>
<li>Add <a class="reference internal" href="api.html#pykka.debug.log_thread_tracebacks" title="pykka.debug.log_thread_tracebacks"><code class="xref py py-func docutils literal"><span class="pre">pykka.debug.log_thread_tracebacks()</span></code></a> debugging helper. (Fixes:
<a class="reference external" href="https://github.com/jodal/pykka/issues/17">#17</a>)</li>
<div class="section" id="v1-0-1-2012-12-12">
<h2>v1.0.1 (2012-12-12)<a class="headerlink" href="#v1-0-1-2012-12-12" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
<ul class="simple">
<li>Name the threads of <a class="reference internal" href="api.html#pykka.ThreadingActor" title="pykka.ThreadingActor"><code class="xref py py-class docutils literal"><span class="pre">pykka.ThreadingActor</span></code></a> after the actor class name
instead of “PykkaThreadingActor-N” to ease debugging. (Fixes: <a class="reference external" href="https://github.com/jodal/pykka/issues/12">#12</a>)</li>
<div class="section" id="v1-0-0-2012-10-26">
<h2>v1.0.0 (2012-10-26)<a class="headerlink" href="#v1-0-0-2012-10-26" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
<li><p class="first"><strong>Backwards incompatible:</strong> Removed <code class="xref py py-attr docutils literal"><span class="pre">pykka.VERSION</span></code> and
<code class="xref py py-func docutils literal"><span class="pre">pykka.get_version()</span></code>, which have been deprecated since v0.14. Use
<a class="reference internal" href="api.html#pykka.__version__" title="pykka.__version__"><code class="xref py py-attr docutils literal"><span class="pre">pykka.__version__</span></code></a> instead.</p>
<li><p class="first"><strong>Backwards incompatible:</strong> Removed <code class="xref py py-meth docutils literal"><span class="pre">pykka.ActorRef.send_one_way()</span></code> and
<code class="xref py py-meth docutils literal"><span class="pre">pykka.ActorRef.send_request_reply()</span></code>, which have been deprecated since
v0.14. Use <a class="reference internal" href="api.html#pykka.ActorRef.tell" title="pykka.ActorRef.tell"><code class="xref py py-meth docutils literal"><span class="pre">pykka.ActorRef.tell()</span></code></a> and <a class="reference internal" href="api.html#pykka.ActorRef.ask" title="pykka.ActorRef.ask"><code class="xref py py-meth docutils literal"><span class="pre">pykka.ActorRef.ask()</span></code></a>
<li><p class="first"><strong>Backwards incompatible:</strong> Actors no longer subclass
<a class="reference external" href="/usr/share/doc/python-doc/html/library/threading.html#threading.Thread" title="(in Python v2.7)"><code class="xref py py-class docutils literal"><span class="pre">threading.Thread</span></code></a> or <code class="xref py py-class docutils literal"><span class="pre">gevent.Greenlet</span></code>. Instead they <em>have</em> a
thread or greenlet that executes the actor’s main loop.</p>
<p>This is backwards incompatible because you no longer have access to
fields/methods of the thread/greenlet that runs the actor through
fields/methods on the actor itself. This was never advertised in Pykka’s docs
or examples, but the fields/methods have always been available.</p>
<p>As a positive side effect, this fixes an issue on Python 3.x, that was
introduced in Pykka 0.16, where <a class="reference internal" href="api.html#pykka.ThreadingActor" title="pykka.ThreadingActor"><code class="xref py py-class docutils literal"><span class="pre">pykka.ThreadingActor</span></code></a> would
accidentally override the method <code class="xref py py-meth docutils literal"><span class="pre">threading.Thread._stop()</span></code>.</p>
<li><p class="first"><strong>Backwards incompatible:</strong> Actors that override <code class="xref py py-meth docutils literal"><span class="pre">__init__()</span></code> <em>must</em> call the method they override. If not, the
actor will no longer be properly initialized. Valid ways to call the
overridden <code class="xref py py-meth docutils literal"><span class="pre">__init__()</span></code> method include:</p>
<div class="highlight-default"><div class="highlight"><pre><span></span><span class="nb">super</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">MyActorSubclass</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="bp">self</span><span class="p">)</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">__init__</span><span class="p">()</span>
<span class="c1"># or</span>
<span class="n">pykka</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">ThreadingActor</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">__init__</span><span class="p">()</span>
<span class="c1"># or</span>
<span class="n">pykka</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">gevent</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">GeventActor</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">__init__</span><span class="p">()</span>
<li><p class="first">Make <code class="xref py py-meth docutils literal"><span class="pre">pykka.Actor.__init__()</span></code> accept any arguments and
keyword arguments by default. This allows you to use <a class="reference external" href="/usr/share/doc/python-doc/html/library/functions.html#super" title="(in Python v2.7)"><code class="xref py py-func docutils literal"><span class="pre">super()</span></code></a> in
<code class="xref py py-meth docutils literal"><span class="pre">__init__()</span></code> like this:</p>
<div class="highlight-default"><div class="highlight"><pre><span></span><span class="nb">super</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">MyActorSubclass</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="bp">self</span><span class="p">)</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">__init__</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="mi">1</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="mi">2</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="mi">3</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">foo</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="s1">'bar'</span><span class="p">)</span>
<p>Without this fix, the above use of <a class="reference external" href="/usr/share/doc/python-doc/html/library/functions.html#super" title="(in Python v2.7)"><code class="xref py py-func docutils literal"><span class="pre">super()</span></code></a> would cause an exception
because the default implementation of <code class="xref py py-meth docutils literal"><span class="pre">__init__()</span></code> in
<a class="reference internal" href="api.html#pykka.Actor" title="pykka.Actor"><code class="xref py py-class docutils literal"><span class="pre">pykka.Actor</span></code></a> would not accept the arguments.</p>
<li><p class="first">Allow all public classes and functions to be imported directly from the
<a class="reference internal" href="api.html#module-pykka" title="pykka"><code class="xref py py-mod docutils literal"><span class="pre">pykka</span></code></a> module. E.g. <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">from</span> <span class="pre">pykka.actor</span> <span class="pre">import</span> <span class="pre">ThreadingActor</span></code> can now
be written as <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">from</span> <span class="pre">pykka</span> <span class="pre">import</span> <span class="pre">ThreadingActor</span></code>. The exception is
<a class="reference internal" href="api.html#module-pykka.gevent" title="pykka.gevent"><code class="xref py py-mod docutils literal"><span class="pre">pykka.gevent</span></code></a>, which still needs to be imported from its own package
due to its additional dependency on gevent.</p>
<div class="section" id="v0-16-2012-09-19">
<h2>v0.16 (2012-09-19)<a class="headerlink" href="#v0-16-2012-09-19" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
<ul class="simple">
<li>Let actors access themselves through a proxy. See the
<a class="reference internal" href="api.html#pykka.ActorProxy" title="pykka.ActorProxy"><code class="xref py py-class docutils literal"><span class="pre">pykka.ActorProxy</span></code></a> documentation for use cases and usage examples.
(Fixes: <a class="reference external" href="https://github.com/jodal/pykka/issues/9">#9</a>)</li>
<li>Give proxies direct access to the actor instances for inspecting available
attributes. This access is only used for reading, and works since both
threading and gevent based actors share memory with other actors. This
reduces the creation cost for proxies, which is mostly visible in test suites
that are starting and stopping lots of actors. For the Mopidy test suite the
run time was reduced by about 33%. This change also makes self-proxying
<li>Fix bug where <a class="reference internal" href="api.html#pykka.Actor.stop" title="pykka.Actor.stop"><code class="xref py py-meth docutils literal"><span class="pre">pykka.Actor.stop()</span></code></a> called by an actor on itself did not
process the remaining messages in the inbox before the actor stopped. The
behavior now matches the documentation.</li>
<div class="section" id="v0-15-2012-08-11">
<h2>v0.15 (2012-08-11)<a class="headerlink" href="#v0-15-2012-08-11" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
<ul class="simple">
<li>Change the argument of <a class="reference internal" href="api.html#pykka.Future.set_exception" title="pykka.Future.set_exception"><code class="xref py py-meth docutils literal"><span class="pre">pykka.Future.set_exception()</span></code></a> from an exception
instance to a <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">exc_info</span></code> three-tuple. Passing just an exception instance to
the method still works, but it is deprecated and may be unsupported in a
future release.</li>
<li>Due to the above change, <a class="reference internal" href="api.html#pykka.Future.get" title="pykka.Future.get"><code class="xref py py-meth docutils literal"><span class="pre">pykka.Future.get()</span></code></a> will now reraise exceptions
with complete traceback from the point when the exception was first raised,
and not just a traceback from when it was reraised by <code class="xref py py-meth docutils literal"><span class="pre">get()</span></code>. (Fixes:
<a class="reference external" href="https://github.com/jodal/pykka/issues/10">#10</a>)</li>
<div class="section" id="v0-14-2012-04-22">
<h2>v0.14 (2012-04-22)<a class="headerlink" href="#v0-14-2012-04-22" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
<ul class="simple">
<li>Add <a class="reference internal" href="api.html#pykka.__version__" title="pykka.__version__"><code class="xref py py-attr docutils literal"><span class="pre">pykka.__version__</span></code></a> to conform with <span class="target" id="index-0"></span><a class="pep reference external" href="https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0396"><strong>PEP 396</strong></a>. This deprecates
<code class="xref py py-attr docutils literal"><span class="pre">pykka.VERSION</span></code> and <code class="xref py py-meth docutils literal"><span class="pre">pykka.get_version()</span></code>.</li>
<li>Add <a class="reference internal" href="api.html#pykka.ActorRef.tell" title="pykka.ActorRef.tell"><code class="xref py py-meth docutils literal"><span class="pre">pykka.ActorRef.tell()</span></code></a> method in favor of now deprecated
<code class="xref py py-meth docutils literal"><span class="pre">pykka.ActorRef.send_one_way()</span></code>.</li>
<li>Add <a class="reference internal" href="api.html#pykka.ActorRef.ask" title="pykka.ActorRef.ask"><code class="xref py py-meth docutils literal"><span class="pre">pykka.ActorRef.ask()</span></code></a> method in favor of now deprecated
<code class="xref py py-meth docutils literal"><span class="pre">pykka.ActorRef.send_request_reply()</span></code>.</li>
<li><a class="reference internal" href="api.html#pykka.ThreadingFuture" title="pykka.ThreadingFuture"><code class="xref py py-class docutils literal"><span class="pre">ThreadingFuture.set()</span></code></a> no longer makes
a copy of the object set on the future. The setter is urged to either only
pass immutable objects through futures or copy the object himself before
setting it on the future. This is a less safe default, but it removes
unecessary overhead in speed and memory usage for users of immutable data
structures. For example, the Mopidy test suite of about 1000 tests, many
which are using Pykka, is still passing after this change, but the test suite
runs approximately 20% faster.</li>
<div class="section" id="v0-13-2011-09-24">
<h2>v0.13 (2011-09-24)<a class="headerlink" href="#v0-13-2011-09-24" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
<ul class="simple">
<li>10x speedup of traversible attribute access by reusing proxies.</li>
<li>1.1x speedup of callable attribute access by reusing proxies.</li>
<div class="section" id="v0-12-4-2011-07-30">
<h2>v0.12.4 (2011-07-30)<a class="headerlink" href="#v0-12-4-2011-07-30" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
<ul class="simple">
<li>Change and document order in which <a class="reference internal" href="api.html#pykka.ActorRegistry.stop_all" title="pykka.ActorRegistry.stop_all"><code class="xref py py-meth docutils literal"><span class="pre">pykka.ActorRegistry.stop_all()</span></code></a> stops
actors. The new order is the reverse of the order the actors were started in.
This should make <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">stop_all</span></code> work for programs with simple dependency graphs
in between the actors. For applications with more complex dependency graphs,
the developer still needs to pay attention to the shutdown sequence. (Fixes:
<a class="reference external" href="https://github.com/jodal/pykka/issues/8">#8</a>)</li>
<div class="section" id="v0-12-3-2011-06-25">
<h2>v0.12.3 (2011-06-25)<a class="headerlink" href="#v0-12-3-2011-06-25" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
<ul class="simple">
<li>If an actor that was stopped from <a class="reference internal" href="api.html#pykka.Actor.on_start" title="pykka.Actor.on_start"><code class="xref py py-meth docutils literal"><span class="pre">pykka.Actor.on_start()</span></code></a>, it would
unregister properly, but start the receive loop and forever block on
receiving incoming messages that would never arrive. This left the thread
alive and isolated, ultimately blocking clean shutdown of the program. The
fix ensures that the receive loop is never executed if the actor is stopped
before the receive loop is started.</li>
<li>Set the thread name of any <a class="reference internal" href="api.html#pykka.ThreadingActor" title="pykka.ThreadingActor"><code class="xref py py-class docutils literal"><span class="pre">pykka.ThreadingActor</span></code></a> to
<code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">PykkaActorThread-N</span></code> instead of the default <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">Thread-N</span></code>. This eases
debugging by clearly labeling actor threads in e.g. the output of
<a class="reference external" href="/usr/share/doc/python-doc/html/library/threading.html#threading.enumerate" title="(in Python v2.7)"><code class="xref py py-func docutils literal"><span class="pre">threading.enumerate()</span></code></a>.</li>
<li>Add utility method <a class="reference internal" href="api.html#pykka.ActorRegistry.broadcast" title="pykka.ActorRegistry.broadcast"><code class="xref py py-meth docutils literal"><span class="pre">pykka.ActorRegistry.broadcast()</span></code></a> which broadcasts a
message to all registered actors or to a given class of registred actors.
(Fixes: <a class="reference external" href="https://github.com/jodal/pykka/issues/7">#7</a>)</li>
<li>Allow multiple calls to <a class="reference internal" href="api.html#pykka.ActorRegistry.unregister" title="pykka.ActorRegistry.unregister"><code class="xref py py-meth docutils literal"><span class="pre">pykka.ActorRegistry.unregister()</span></code></a> with the same
<code class="xref py py-class docutils literal"><span class="pre">pykka.actor.ActorRef</span></code> as argument without throwing a
<code class="xref py py-exc docutils literal"><span class="pre">ValueError</span></code>. (Fixes: <a class="reference external" href="https://github.com/jodal/pykka/issues/5">#5</a>)</li>
<li>Make the <a class="reference internal" href="api.html#pykka.ActorProxy" title="pykka.ActorProxy"><code class="xref py py-class docutils literal"><span class="pre">pykka.ActorProxy</span></code></a>‘s reference to its <a class="reference internal" href="api.html#pykka.ActorRef" title="pykka.ActorRef"><code class="xref py py-class docutils literal"><span class="pre">pykka.ActorRef</span></code></a>
public as <a class="reference internal" href="api.html#pykka.ActorProxy.actor_ref" title="pykka.ActorProxy.actor_ref"><code class="xref py py-attr docutils literal"><span class="pre">pykka.ActorProxy.actor_ref</span></code></a>. The <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">ActorRef</span></code> instance was
already exposed as a public field by the actor itself using the same name,
but making it public directly on the proxy makes it possible to do e.g.
<code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">proxy.actor_ref.is_alive()</span></code> without waiting for a potentially dead actor
to return an <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">ActorRef</span></code> instance you can use. (Fixes: <a class="reference external" href="https://github.com/jodal/pykka/issues/3">#3</a>)</li>
<div class="section" id="v0-12-2-2011-05-05">
<h2>v0.12.2 (2011-05-05)<a class="headerlink" href="#v0-12-2-2011-05-05" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
<ul class="simple">
<li>Actors are now registered in <code class="xref py py-class docutils literal"><span class="pre">pykka.registry.ActorRegistry</span></code> before
they are started. This fixes a race condition where an actor tried to stop
and unregister itself before it was registered, causing an exception in
<code class="xref py py-meth docutils literal"><span class="pre">ActorRegistry.unregister()</span></code>.</li>
<div class="section" id="v0-12-1-2011-04-25">
<h2>v0.12.1 (2011-04-25)<a class="headerlink" href="#v0-12-1-2011-04-25" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
<ul class="simple">
<li>Stop all running actors on <code class="xref py py-exc docutils literal"><span class="pre">BaseException</span></code> instead of just
<code class="xref py py-exc docutils literal"><span class="pre">KeyboardInterrupt</span></code>, so that <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">sys.exit(1)</span></code> will work.</li>
<div class="section" id="v0-12-2011-03-30">
<h2>v0.12 (2011-03-30)<a class="headerlink" href="#v0-12-2011-03-30" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
<ul class="simple">
<li>First stable release, as Pykka now is used by the <a class="reference external" href="http://www.mopidy.com/">Mopidy</a> project. From now on, a changelog will be
maintained and we will strive for backwards compatability.</li>
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<li><a class="reference internal" href="#v1-2-1-2015-07-20">v1.2.1 (2015-07-20)</a></li>
<li><a class="reference internal" href="#v1-2-0-2013-07-15">v1.2.0 (2013-07-15)</a></li>
<li><a class="reference internal" href="#v1-1-0-2013-01-19">v1.1.0 (2013-01-19)</a></li>
<li><a class="reference internal" href="#v1-0-1-2012-12-12">v1.0.1 (2012-12-12)</a></li>
<li><a class="reference internal" href="#v1-0-0-2012-10-26">v1.0.0 (2012-10-26)</a></li>
<li><a class="reference internal" href="#v0-16-2012-09-19">v0.16 (2012-09-19)</a></li>
<li><a class="reference internal" href="#v0-15-2012-08-11">v0.15 (2012-08-11)</a></li>
<li><a class="reference internal" href="#v0-14-2012-04-22">v0.14 (2012-04-22)</a></li>
<li><a class="reference internal" href="#v0-13-2011-09-24">v0.13 (2011-09-24)</a></li>
<li><a class="reference internal" href="#v0-12-4-2011-07-30">v0.12.4 (2011-07-30)</a></li>
<li><a class="reference internal" href="#v0-12-3-2011-06-25">v0.12.3 (2011-06-25)</a></li>
<li><a class="reference internal" href="#v0-12-2-2011-05-05">v0.12.2 (2011-05-05)</a></li>
<li><a class="reference internal" href="#v0-12-1-2011-04-25">v0.12.1 (2011-04-25)</a></li>
<li><a class="reference internal" href="#v0-12-2011-03-30">v0.12 (2011-03-30)</a></li>
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