/usr/share/help/C/mate-netspeed-applet/index.docbook is in mate-applets-common 1.16.0-1.
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(Do not remove this comment block.)
Maintained by the GNOME Documentation Project
Template version: 2.0 beta
Template last modified Mar 12, 2002
<article id="index" lang="en">
<!-- please do not change the id; for translations, change lang to -->
<!-- appropriate code -->
<title>&applet; Manual V&manrevision;</title>
<abstract role="description">
<para>&applet; is shows how much traffic occurs on a specified network device.</para>
<holder>MATE Documentation Project</holder> </copyright>
<holder>Jörgen Scheibengruber</holder>
<!-- translators: uncomment this:
<holder>ME-THE-TRANSLATOR (Latin translation)</holder>
<publisher role="maintainer">
<publishername> MATE Documentation Project </publishername>
<publishername>GNOME Documentation Project</publishername>
<author role="maintainer">
<firstname>MATE Documentation Project</firstname>
<orgname>MATE Desktop</orgname>
<orgname>GNOME Project</orgname>
<surname>Villavicencio Garrido</surname>
<orgname>GNOME Project</orgname>
<!-- This is appropriate place for other contributors: translators,
maintainers, etc. Commented out by default.
<othercredit role="translator">
<surname>Translator 1</surname>
<orgname>Latin Translation Team</orgname>
<address> <email>translator@gnome.org</email> </address>
<contrib>Latin translation</contrib>
<date>July 2015</date>
<firstname>MATE Documentation Project</firstname>
<surname>Villavicencio Garrido</surname>
<releaseinfo> This manual describes version &appletversion; of &applet;.
To report a bug or make a suggestion regarding the &applet; application or this manual, follow the directions in the <ulink url="help:mate-user-guide/feedback" type="help">MATE Feedback Page</ulink>.
<!-- Translators may also add here feedback address for translations -->
<!-- ============= Document Body ============================= -->
<sect1 id="netspeed_applet-about">
<title>About &applet;</title>
<figure id="netspeed_applet-fig">
<imageobject><imagedata fileref="figures/netspeed_applet.png" format="PNG"/>
<figure id="netspeed_applet-fig2">
<title>Netspeed showing the sum in a 48px panel.</title>
<imageobject><imagedata fileref="figures/eth_sum_48.png" format="PNG"/>
<phrase>Netspeed showing the sum in a 48px panel.</phrase>
<application>&applet;</application> displays the network traffic on a specified device
like eth0, ppp0, plip0, etc. More over it provides information about the configuration
of the network device.
<sect2 id="netspeed-introduction-icons">
<title>Netspeed Icons on Panel</title>
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="2" colsep="1" rowsep="1">
<colspec colname="COLSPEC0" colwidth="50*"/>
<colspec colname="COLSPEC1" colwidth="50*"/>
<row valign="top">
<entry colname="COLSPEC0"><para>Icon</para></entry>
<entry colname="COLSPEC1"><para>Description</para></entry>
<row valign="top">
<imagedata fileref="figures/loopback.png" format="PNG"/>
The Loopback interface.
<row valign="top">
<imagedata fileref="figures/ethernet.png" format="PNG"/>
Ethernet connection.
<row valign="top">
<imagedata fileref="figures/ppp.png" format="PNG"/>
Point to Point Protocol connection.
<row valign="top">
<imagedata fileref="figures/wavelan.png" format="PNG"/>
Wireless connection.
<row valign="top">
<imagedata fileref="figures/plip.png" format="PNG"/>
Parallel Line Internet Protocol connection.
<title>To Add Netspeed to a Panel</title>
<para>To add <application>&applet;</application> to a panel, right-click on the panel, then choose <menuchoice>
<guimenu>Add to Panel</guimenu>
<sect1 id="netspeed_applet-settings">
<figure id="netspeed_applet_settings-fig">
<title>&applet; Settings</title>
<imageobject><imagedata fileref="figures/settings.png" format="PNG"/>
<phrase>&applet; Settings.</phrase>
In this dialog you can change the settings of &applet;:
<itemizedlist mark="bullet">
<guilabel>Network device:</guilabel> Choose the network device that the applet should monitor from the
popdown list of the combobox. Usually all available devices are listed, however you can enter one yourself, too.
<guilabel>Update interval:</guilabel> Enter the time between two updates of the applet.
<guilabel>Label font size:</guilabel> Enter the size of the text displayed in the applet.
<guilabel>Show sum instead of in and out:</guilabel> If you check this box then the applet will show
the sum of the in and out rate. The applet will take only half of the space in the panel in this case.
<guilabel>Show bits/s (b/s) instead of bytes/s (B/s):</guilabel> Check this if you want the applet to
display bits per second instead of bytes/s.
<guilabel>Change icon according to the selected device:</guilabel> Usually the applet will show an icon
representing the type of network device you monitor. So it will show a phone for Point to Point connections
(ppp - modems, etc.), a network card for ethernet (eth), etc.
When this is unchecked, the applet will always show the network card icon, no matter which device you monitor.
<guilabel>Always monitor a connected device, if possible:</guilabel> When your connection is down, &applet; look for a running one for monitoring.
<sect1 id="netspeed_applet-details">
<title>The details dialog</title>
<figure id="netspeed_applet_details-fig">
<title>The details dialog</title>
<imageobject><imagedata fileref="figures/details.png" format="PNG"/>
<phrase>The details dialog</phrase>
This dialog shows you some useful information on the configuration of
your network device.
<itemizedlist mark="bullet">
<guilabel>Internet Address:</guilabel> The IP (Internet Protocol) address of the network device.
<guilabel>Netmask:</guilabel> The netmask which depends on the size of your LAN (Local Area Network).
A usual value is (a class C network).
<guilabel>Hardware Address:</guilabel> Often also referred to as the physical or MAC (Media Access Control)
address. A worldwide unique identifier for your network card.
<guilabel>P-t-P Address:</guilabel> The internet address of the "other side" of your
PPP (Point to Point Protocol) connection.
<guilabel>Bytes in:</guilabel> The amount of bytes that the network device has received since
it has been connected to the network.
<guilabel>Bytes out:</guilabel> The amout of bytes that the network device has sent since
it has been connected to the network.