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(Do not remove this comment block.)
Maintained by the MATE Documentation Project
Template version: 2.0 beta
Template last modified Feb 12, 2002
<!-- =============Document Header ============================= -->
<article id="index" lang="en">
<!-- please do not change the id; for translations, change lang to -->
<!-- appropriate code -->
<title>&appname; Manual</title>
<abstract role="description">
<para>&appname; enables you to quickly mount or unmount various
types of drives and file systems from a panel.</para>
<holder>MATE Documentation Project</holder>
<holder>Trent Lloyd</holder>
<holder>Sun Microsystems</holder>
<holder>John Fleck</holder>
<holder>Dan Mueth</holder>
<!-- translators: uncomment this:
<holder>ME-THE-TRANSLATOR (Latin translation)</holder>
<publisher role="maintainer">
<publishername> MATE Documentation Project </publishername>
<publishername> GNOME Documentation Project </publishername>
<!-- This file contains link to license for the documentation (GNU FDL), and
other legal stuff such as "NO WARRANTY" statement. Please do not change
any of this. -->
<firstname>MATE Documentation Team</firstname>
<orgname>MATE Desktop</orgname>
<orgname>GNOME Documentation Project</orgname>
<surname>GNOME Documentation Team</surname>
<affiliation><orgname>Sun Microsystems</orgname></affiliation>
<firstname>John </firstname>
<surname> Fleck</surname>
<orgname>GNOME Documentation Project</orgname>
<address> <email>jfleck@inkstain.net</email> </address>
<firstname>Dan </firstname>
<surname> Mueth</surname>
<orgname>GNOME Documentation Project</orgname>
<address> <email>muet@alumni.uchicago.edu</email> </address>
<!-- This is appropriate place for other contributors: translators,
maintainers, etc. Commented out by default.
<othercredit role="translator">
<surname>Translator 1</surname>
<orgname>Latin Translation Team</orgname>
<address> <email>translator@gnome.org</email> </address>
<contrib>Latin translation</contrib>
<releaseinfo revision="1.10.2" role="review"/>
<revnumber>&appname; Applet Manual V&manrevision;</revnumber>
<para role="author">MATE Documentation Team</para>
<para role="publisher">MATE Documentation Project</para>
<revnumber>&appname; Applet Manual V2.11</revnumber>
<para role="author">Trent Lloyd</para>
<para role="publisher">GNOME Documentation Project</para>
<revnumber>&appname; Applet Manual V2.10</revnumber>
<date>February 2004</date>
<para role="author">Sun GNOME Documentation Team</para>
<para role="publisher">GNOME Documentation Project</para>
<revnumber>Disk Mounter Applet Manual V2.0</revnumber>
<date>March 2002</date>
<para role="author">John Fleck
<para role="publisher">GNOME Documentation Project</para>
<revnumber>Drive Mount Applet Manual</revnumber>
<date>April 2000</date>
<para role="author">Dan Mueth
<para role="publisher">GNOME Documentation Project</para>
<releaseinfo>This manual describes version &appversion; of &appname;.
<para>To report a bug or make a suggestion regarding the &app; or
this manual, follow the directions in the
<ulink url="help:mate-user-guide/feedback" type="help">MATE Feedback Page</ulink>.
<!-- Translators may also add here feedback address for translations -->
<indexterm zone="index">
<primary>Disk Mounter</primary>
<!-- ============= Introduction ================================ -->
<sect1 id="drivemountapplet-intro">
<figure id="drivemountapplet-fig">
fileref="figures/drivemount-applet_example.png" format="PNG"/>
<phrase>The &appname;.</phrase>
The &app; enables you to quickly mount and unmount various types of drives and file systems.
For the &app; to work properly, your system administrator must configure your system appropriately. For more information about the necessary system administration tasks, see <ulink url="man:fstab" type="man"><citerefentry><refentrytitle>fstab</refentrytitle><manvolnum>5</manvolnum></citerefentry></ulink>.
<sect2 id="drivemount-intro-add">
<title>To Add &appname; to a Panel</title>
<para>To add &app; to a panel, right-click on the panel, then choose
<guimenuitem>Add to Panel</guimenuitem>. Select &app; in the
<application>Add to the panel</application> dialog, then click
<sect2 id="drivemount-intro-mount">
<title>Manually Mounting and Unmounting File Systems</title>
Many file systems on Linux and UNIX systems must be manually mounted and unmounted.
When a file system is mounted, you can read and write to the file system. When you finish working with a file system, you should unmount the file system.
You must unmount removable drives, such as floppy disks and Zip disks, before you remove the media, because Linux and UNIX systems do not always write the changes immediately. Such systems typically buffer the changes to the disk, to improve the speed of the system.
Partitions on fixed drives, such as your hard drive, are typically mounted automatically when your computer boots, and unmounted when your computer shuts down. Removable media must be mounted and unmounted manually, for example by using the &app;.
Some systems may also automatically mount some removable media (such as USB and IEEE1394 disks), these devices may also come up in the &app; so that you can unmount them when you are finished, and provide a visual indication that they are present.
<!-- ============= Usage ================================ -->
<sect1 id="drivemount-usage">
<sect2 id="drivemount-usage-tooltip">
<title>To Display the Name and Mount Status of a Drive</title>
To display the name and mount status of a drive, move the mouse pointer to the drive icon in the panel. A tooltip displays the name and mount status of the drive.
<imagedata fileref="figures/drivemount-applet_status.png" format="PNG" />
<sect2 id="drivemount-usage-mount">
<title>To Mount, Unmount or Eject a Drive</title>
To mount drive, click on the drive icon in the panel and then select the <guimenuitem>Mount Drive</guimenuitem> option.
<imagedata fileref="figures/drivemount-applet_mount.png" format="PNG" />
To unmount a drive, click on the drive icon in the panel and then select the <guimenuitem>Unmount Drive</guimenuitem> option, or if the device is a CD-ROM Drive, it may be labelled <guimenuitem>Eject Drive</guimenuitem>
<imagedata fileref="figures/drivemount-applet_eject.png" format="PNG" />
<sect2 id="drivemount-usage-browse">
<title>To Browse the Contents of a Drive</title>
To use a file manager to browse the contents of a drive, click on the drive icon in the panel, then choose <guimenuitem>Open Drive</guimenuitem>.
<imagedata fileref="figures/drivemount-applet_open.png" format="PNG" />
You can only browse the contents of a mounted drive.