/usr/bin/sync_to_snapshot is in libvm-ec2-perl 1.28-2.
This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o755.
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# An example of creating a data snapshots
# Steps:
# 1. Provision a new server.
# 2. Create new data volume, attach and mount it.
# 3. Rsync the indicated data over
# 4. Unmount the volume, detach it.
# 5. Save the snapshot.
# 6. Delete the volume
# 7. Terminate the server.
use strict;
use VM::EC2;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Find;
use File::Basename 'basename';
use constant GB => 1_073_741_824;
$SIG{INT}=$SIG{TERM}= sub {cleanup(); exit 0};
my $Program_name = basename($0);
$Program_name =~ s/\.pl$//;
GetOptions('snapshot=s' => \$Snapshot_name,
'filesystem=s' => \$Filesystem,
'image=s' => \$Image,
'username=s' => \$Username,
'type=s' => \$Type,
'access_key=s' => \$Access_key,
'secret_key=s' => \$Secret_key) or die <<USAGE;
Usage: $Program_name [options] files/directories to copy...
Rsync the indicated files and directories to Amazon EC2 and store
in a named EBS snapshot. Snapshot will be incrementally updated
if it already exists. The Version tag will be updated.
This will use the default EC2 endpoint URL unless environment variable
EC2_URL is set.
--snapshot Snapshot name (required)
--access_key EC2 access key
--secret_key EC2 secret key
--image Server AMI ID (defaults to ami-ccf405a5, Ubuntu Maverick 32bit)
--type Server type (defaults to m1.small)
--username Username for logging into instance ("ubuntu")
--filesystem Type of filesystem to create (bfs,cramfs,ext*,minix,ntfs,vfat,msdos).
Anything with a /sbin/mkfs.* executable on the server side will work.
Defaults to ext4.
Options can be abbreviated.
#setup defaults
$ENV{EC2_ACCESS_KEY} = $Access_key if defined $Access_key;
$ENV{EC2_SECRET_KEY} = $Secret_key if defined $Secret_key;
$Filesystem ||= 'ext4';
$Image ||= 'ami-ccf405a5';
$Type ||= 'm1.small';
$Username ||= 'ubuntu';
$Snapshot_name or die "Please provide a snapshot name. Run $Program_name --help for help.\n";
my @locations = @ARGV;
# These are variables that contain EC2 objects that need to be destroyed
# when script is done.
my ($ec2,$KeyPair,$KeyFile,$Group,$Volume,$Instance);
eval {
$ec2 = VM::EC2->new() or die "Can't create new VM::EC2";
# find how large a volume we'll need.
print STDERR "Calculating needed size of staging volume...\n";
my $bytes_needed = 0;
find(sub {$bytes_needed += -s $_},@locations);
# add 15% overhead for filesystem
$bytes_needed *= 1.15;
# and convert to GB
my $gb = int(0.5+$bytes_needed/GB);
$gb = 1 if $gb < 1;
die "Required volume exceeds EC2 1TB limit"
if $gb > 1024;
# Provision the volume
print STDERR "Provisioning a $gb GB volume...\n";
my($volume,$needs_mkfs,$needs_resize) = provision_volume($gb,$Snapshot_name);
$Volume = $volume;
# Create a temporary key for ssh'ing
print STDERR "Creating a temporary ssh key...\n";
my $keypairname = "${Program_name}_$$";
$KeyFile = File::Spec->catfile(File::Spec->tmpdir,"$keypairname.pem");
$KeyPair = $ec2->create_key_pair($keypairname);
my $private_key = $KeyPair->privateKey;
open my $k,'>',$KeyFile or die "Couldn't create $KeyFile: $!";
chmod 0600,$KeyFile or die "Couldn't chmod $KeyFile: $!";
print $k $private_key;
close $k;
# Create a temporary security group for ssh'ing
print STDERR "Creating a temporary security group with ssh enabled...\n";
$Group = $ec2->create_security_group(-name => "${Program_name}_$$",
-description => "Temporary security group created by $Program_name"
) or die $ec2->error_str;
$Group->authorize_incoming(-protocol => 'tcp',
-port => 'ssh');
$Group->update or die $ec2->error_str;
# Provision an instance in the same availability zone
print STDERR "Provisioning staging instance...\n";
my $zone = $Volume->availabilityZone;
$Instance = $ec2->run_instances(-image_id => $Image,
-zone => $zone,
-key_name => $KeyPair,
-instance_type => $Type,
-security_group_id => $Group) or die $ec2->error_str;
$Instance->add_tag(Name => "Staging instance for snapshot $Snapshot_name created by $Program_name");
# wait until the instance is running and the ssh daemon is responding...
print STDERR "Waiting for instance to come up. This may take a while...\n";
$Instance->current_status eq 'running' or die "Instance $Instance, status = ",$Instance->current_status;
wait_for_ssh_daemon(); # we may die on this step
my $device = eval{unused_device()} or die "Couldn't find suitable device to attach";
# attach and initialize volume
print STDERR "Attaching staging volume...\n";
my $s = $Instance->attach_volume($Volume=>$device) or die "Couldn't attach $Volume to $Instance via $device";
$ec2->wait_for_attachments($s) or die "Couldn't attach $Volume to $Instance via $device";
$s->current_status eq 'attached' or die "Couldn't attach $Volume to $Instance via $device";
if ($needs_resize) {
die "Sorry, but can only resize ext volumes " unless $Filesystem =~ /^ext/;
print STDERR "Resizing previously-snapshotted volume to $gb GB...\n";
ssh("sudo /sbin/resize2fs $device");
} elsif ($needs_mkfs) {
print STDERR "Making $Filesystem filesystem on staging volume...\n";
ssh("sudo /sbin/mkfs.$Filesystem $device");
# do the rsync
print STDERR "Mounting staging volume...\n";
ssh("sudo mkdir -p /mnt/transfer; sudo mount $device /mnt/transfer; sudo chown $Username /mnt/transfer");
print STDERR "Beginning rsync...\n";
my $Host = $Instance->dnsName;
system "rsync -Ravz -e'ssh -o \"StrictHostKeyChecking no\" -i $KeyFile -l $Username' @locations $Host:/mnt/transfer";
ssh('sudo umount /mnt/transfer');
# snapshot stuff
my $version = 1;
if (my $snap = $Volume->from_snapshot) {
$version = $snap->tags->{Version} || 0;
print STDERR "Creating snapshot $Snapshot_name version $version...\n";
my $snap = $Volume->create_snapshot($Snapshot_name);
$snap->add_tags(Version => $version);
$snap->add_tags(Name => $Snapshot_name);
print "Created snap $snap\n";
warn $@ if $@;
exit 0;
sub ssh {
my @cmd = @_;
$Instance or die "Remote instance not set up correctly";
my $host = $Instance->dnsName;
my $pid = open my $kid,"-|"; #this does a fork
die "Couldn't fork: $!" unless defined $pid;
if ($pid) {
my @results;
while (<$kid>) {
push @results,$_;
close $kid;
die "ssh failed with status ",$?>>8 unless $?==0;
if (wantarray) {
return @results;
} else {
return join '',@results;
# in child
exec '/usr/bin/ssh','-o','CheckHostIP no','-o','StrictHostKeyChecking no','-i',$KeyFile,'-l',$Username,$host,@cmd;
sub unused_device {
my %devices = map {$_=>1} ssh('ls /dev/*d[a-z][0-9]*');
my $base = $devices{'/dev/sda1'} ? '/dev/sd'
:$devices{'/dev/xvda1'} ? '/dev/xvd'
:die "can't figure out whether to use /dev/sd or /dev/xvd";
for my $major ('f'..'p') {
for my $minor (1..15) {
my $candidate = $base.$major.$minor;
return $candidate unless $devices{$candidate};
sub provision_volume {
my ($size,$snapshot_name) = @_;
my @zones = $ec2->describe_availability_zones({state=>'available'});
my $zone = $zones[rand @zones];
my @snaps = sort {$b->startTime cmp $a->startTime} $ec2->describe_snapshots(-owner => $ec2->account_id,
-filter => {description=>$snapshot_name});
my ($vol,$needs_mkfs,$needs_resize);
if (@snaps) {
my $snap = $snaps[0];
print STDERR "Reusing existing snapshot $snap...\n";
my $s = $size > $snap->volumeSize ? $size : $snap->volumeSize;
$vol = $snap->create_volume(-availability_zone=>$zone,
-size => $s);
$needs_resize = $snap->volumeSize < $s;
} else {
$vol = $ec2->create_volume(-availability_zone=>$zone,
-size =>$size);
return unless $vol;
$vol->add_tag(Name=>"Staging volume for snapshot $snapshot_name created by $Program_name");
return ($vol,$needs_mkfs,$needs_resize);
sub wait_for_ssh_daemon {
open STDERR,">/dev/null"; # inhibit error messages temporarily
eval {
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub {die 'timeout'};
alarm(60); # do not wait more than one minute
while (!eval{ssh('echo running')}) {sleep 2; }
if ($@ =~ /timeout/) {
die "Timed out while waiting for ssh daemon to come up";
sub cleanup {
return unless $ec2;
print STDERR "Deleting temporary keypair...\n";
$ec2->delete_key_pair($KeyPair) if $KeyPair;
unlink $KeyFile if -e $KeyFile;
print STDERR "Deleting staging volume...\n";
$ec2->delete_volume($Volume) if $Volume;
print STDERR "Terminating staging instance...\n";
$Instance->terminate() if $Instance;
if ($Group) {
print STDERR "Waiting for staging instance to terminate...\n";
print STDERR "Deleting temporary security group...\n";
undef $KeyPair;
undef $Instance;
undef $Volume;
undef $KeyFile;
undef $Group;