/usr/share/perl5/Throwable/Error.pm is in libthrowable-perl 0.200013-1.
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# ABSTRACT: an easy-to-use class for error objects
$Throwable::Error::VERSION = '0.200013';
use Moo 1.000001;
with 'Throwable', 'StackTrace::Auto';
#pod =head1 SYNOPSIS
#pod package MyApp::Error;
#pod # NOTE: Moo can also be used here instead of Moose
#pod use Moose;
#pod extends 'Throwable::Error';
#pod has execution_phase => (
#pod is => 'ro',
#pod isa => 'MyApp::Phase',
#pod default => 'startup',
#pod );
#pod ...and in your app...
#pod MyApp::Error->throw("all communications offline");
#pod # or...
#pod MyApp::Error->throw({
#pod message => "all communications offline",
#pod execution_phase => 'shutdown',
#pod });
#pod =head1 DESCRIPTION
#pod Throwable::Error is a base class for exceptions that will be thrown to signal
#pod errors and abort normal program flow. Throwable::Error is an alternative to
#pod L<Exception::Class|Exception::Class>, the features of which are largely
#pod provided by the Moo object system atop which Throwable::Error is built.
#pod Throwable::Error performs the L<Throwable|Throwable> and L<StackTrace::Auto>
#pod roles. That means you can call C<throw> on it to create and throw an error
#pod object in one call, and that every error object will have a stack trace for its
#pod creation.
#pod =cut
use overload
q{""} => 'as_string',
fallback => 1;
#pod =attr message
#pod This attribute must be defined and must contain a string describing the error
#pod condition. This string will be printed at the top of the stack trace when the
#pod error is stringified.
#pod =cut
has message => (
is => 'ro',
isa => Sub::Quote::quote_sub(q{
die "message must be a string"
unless defined($_[0]) && !ref($_[0]);
required => 1,
#pod =attr stack_trace
#pod This attribute, provided by L<StackTrace::Auto>, will contain a stack trace
#pod object guaranteed to respond to the C<as_string> method. For more information
#pod about the stack trace and associated behavior, consult the L<StackTrace::Auto>
#pod docs.
#pod =method as_string
#pod This method will provide a string representing the error, containing the
#pod error's message followed by the its stack trace.
#pod =cut
sub as_string {
my ($self) = @_;
my $str = $self->message;
$str .= "\n\n" . $self->stack_trace->as_string;
return $str;
around BUILDARGS => sub {
my $orig = shift;
my $self = shift;
return {} unless @_;
return {} if @_ == 1 and ! defined $_[0];
if (@_ == 1 and (!ref $_[0]) and defined $_[0] and length $_[0]) {
return { message => $_[0] };
return $self->$orig(@_);
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
Throwable::Error - an easy-to-use class for error objects
=head1 VERSION
version 0.200013
package MyApp::Error;
# NOTE: Moo can also be used here instead of Moose
use Moose;
extends 'Throwable::Error';
has execution_phase => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'MyApp::Phase',
default => 'startup',
...and in your app...
MyApp::Error->throw("all communications offline");
# or...
message => "all communications offline",
execution_phase => 'shutdown',
Throwable::Error is a base class for exceptions that will be thrown to signal
errors and abort normal program flow. Throwable::Error is an alternative to
L<Exception::Class|Exception::Class>, the features of which are largely
provided by the Moo object system atop which Throwable::Error is built.
Throwable::Error performs the L<Throwable|Throwable> and L<StackTrace::Auto>
roles. That means you can call C<throw> on it to create and throw an error
object in one call, and that every error object will have a stack trace for its
=head2 message
This attribute must be defined and must contain a string describing the error
condition. This string will be printed at the top of the stack trace when the
error is stringified.
=head2 stack_trace
This attribute, provided by L<StackTrace::Auto>, will contain a stack trace
object guaranteed to respond to the C<as_string> method. For more information
about the stack trace and associated behavior, consult the L<StackTrace::Auto>
=head1 METHODS
=head2 as_string
This method will provide a string representing the error, containing the
error's message followed by the its stack trace.
=head1 AUTHORS
=over 4
=item *
Ricardo SIGNES <rjbs@cpan.org>
=item *
Florian Ragwitz <rafl@debian.org>
This software is copyright (c) 2015 by Ricardo SIGNES.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.