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using Base.Test
debug = false #Turn on for more debugging info
#Pauli σ-matrices
for σ in map(Hermitian, Any[ eye(2), [0 1; 1 0], [0 -im; im 0], [1 0; 0 -1] ])
@test ishermitian(σ)
# Hermitian matrix exponential/log
let A1 = randn(4,4) + im*randn(4,4)
A2 = A1 + A1'
@test expm(A2) ≈ expm(Hermitian(A2))
@test logm(A2) ≈ logm(Hermitian(A2))
A3 = A1 * A1' # posdef
@test expm(A3) ≈ expm(Hermitian(A3))
@test logm(A3) ≈ logm(Hermitian(A3))
let A1 = randn(4,4)
A3 = A1 * A1'
A4 = A1 + A1.'
@test expm(A4) ≈ expm(Symmetric(A4))
@test logm(A3) ≈ logm(Symmetric(A3))
@test logm(A3) ≈ logm(Hermitian(A3))
let n=10
areal = randn(n,n)/2
aimg = randn(n,n)/2
debug && println("symmetric eigendecomposition")
for eltya in (Float32, Float64, Complex64, Complex128, BigFloat, Int)
a = eltya == Int ? rand(1:7, n, n) : convert(Matrix{eltya}, eltya <: Complex ? complex(areal, aimg) : areal)
asym = a'+a # symmetric indefinite
ε = εa = eps(abs(float(one(eltya))))
x = randn(n)
y = randn(n)
b = randn(n,n)/2
x = eltya == Int ? rand(1:7, n) : convert(Vector{eltya}, eltya <: Complex ? complex(x, zeros(n)) : x)
y = eltya == Int ? rand(1:7, n) : convert(Vector{eltya}, eltya <: Complex ? complex(y, zeros(n)) : y)
b = eltya == Int ? rand(1:7, n, n) : convert(Matrix{eltya}, eltya <: Complex ? complex(b, zeros(n,n)) : b)
debug && println("\ntype of a: ", eltya, "\n")
# full
@test asym == full(Hermitian(asym))
@test trace(asym) == trace(Hermitian(asym))
# issym, ishermitian
if eltya <: Real
@test issym(Symmetric(asym))
@test ishermitian(Symmetric(asym))
if eltya <: Complex
@test ishermitian(Symmetric(b + b'))
#transpose, ctranspose
if eltya <: Real
@test transpose(Symmetric(asym)) == asym
@test transpose(Hermitian(asym)) == transpose(asym)
@test ctranspose(Symmetric(asym)) == Symmetric(conj(asym))
@test ctranspose(Hermitian(asym)) == asym
for di in -n:n
@test triu(Symmetric(a+a.'),di) == triu(a+a.',di)
@test tril(Symmetric(a+a.'),di) == tril(a+a.',di)
@test triu(Hermitian(asym),di) == triu(asym,di)
@test tril(Hermitian(asym),di) == tril(asym,di)
@test triu(Symmetric(a+a.',:L),di) == triu(a+a.',di)
@test tril(Symmetric(a+a.',:L),di) == tril(a+a.',di)
@test triu(Hermitian(asym,:L),di) == triu(asym,di)
@test tril(Hermitian(asym,:L),di) == tril(asym,di)
eltya == BigFloat && continue # Revisit when implemented in julia
d, v = eig(asym)
@test asym*v[:,1] ≈ d[1]*v[:,1]
@test v*Diagonal(d)*v' ≈ asym
@test isequal(eigvals(asym[1]), eigvals(asym[1:1,1:1]))
@test abs(eigfact(Hermitian(asym), 1:2)[:vectors]'v[:,1:2]) ≈ eye(eltya, 2)
eig(Hermitian(asym), 1:2) # same result, but checks that method works
@test abs(eigfact(Hermitian(asym), d[1] - 1, (d[2] + d[3])/2)[:vectors]'v[:,1:2]) ≈ eye(eltya, 2)
eig(Hermitian(asym), d[1] - 1, (d[2] + d[3])/2) # same result, but checks that method works
@test eigvals(Hermitian(asym), 1:2) ≈ d[1:2]
@test eigvals(Hermitian(asym), d[1] - 1, (d[2] + d[3])/2) ≈ d[1:2]
@test full(eigfact(asym)) ≈ asym
# relation to svdvals
@test sum(sort(abs(eigvals(Hermitian(asym))))) == sum(sort(svdvals(Hermitian(asym))))
# cond
@test cond(Hermitian(asym)) ≈ cond(asym)
# rank
let A = a[:,1:5]*a[:,1:5]'
@test rank(A) == rank(Hermitian(A))
# mat * vec
if eltya <: Complex
@test Hermitian(asym)*x+y ≈ asym*x+y
if eltya <: Real && eltya != Int
@test Symmetric(asym)*x+y ≈ asym*x+y
C = zeros(eltya,n,n)
# mat * mat
if eltya <: Complex
@test Hermitian(asym) * a ≈ asym * a
@test a * Hermitian(asym) ≈ a * asym
@test Hermitian(asym) * Hermitian(asym) ≈ asym*asym
@test_throws DimensionMismatch Hermitian(asym) * ones(eltya,n+1)
@test C ≈ a*asym
if eltya <: Real && eltya != Int
@test Symmetric(asym) * Symmetric(asym) ≈ asym*asym
@test Symmetric(asym) * a ≈ asym * a
@test a * Symmetric(asym) ≈ a * asym
@test_throws DimensionMismatch Symmetric(asym) * ones(eltya,n+1)
@test C ≈ a*asym
# solver
@test Hermitian(asym)\x ≈ asym\x
if eltya <: Real
@test Symmetric(asym)\x ≈ asym\x
@test inv(Hermitian(asym)) ≈ inv(asym)
if eltya <: Real && eltya != Int
@test inv(Symmetric(asym)) ≈ inv(asym)
# conversion
@test Symmetric(asym) == convert(Symmetric,Symmetric(asym))
if eltya <: Real && eltya != Int
typs = [Float16,Float32,Float64]
for typ in typs
@test Symmetric(convert(Matrix{typ},asym)) == convert(Symmetric{typ,Matrix{typ}},Symmetric(asym))
if eltya <: Complex && eltya != Int
typs = [Complex64,Complex128]
for typ in typs
@test Hermitian(convert(Matrix{typ},asym)) == convert(Hermitian{typ,Matrix{typ}},Hermitian(asym))
if eltya <: Real
@test Symmetric(asym)[1:2,1:2] == asym[1:2,1:2]
@test Hermitian(asym)[1:2,1:2] == asym[1:2,1:2]
#Issue #7647: test xsyevr, xheevr, xstevr drivers
for Mi7647 in (Symmetric(diagm(1.0:3.0)),
SymTridiagonal([1.0:3.0;], zeros(2)))
debug && println("Eigenvalues in interval for $(typeof(Mi7647))")
@test eigmin(Mi7647) == eigvals(Mi7647, 0.5, 1.5)[1] == 1.0
@test eigmax(Mi7647) == eigvals(Mi7647, 2.5, 3.5)[1] == 3.0
@test eigvals(Mi7647) == eigvals(Mi7647, 0.5, 3.5) == [1.0:3.0;]
#Issue #7933
let A7933 = [1 2; 3 4]
B7933 = copy(A7933)
C7933 = full(Symmetric(A7933))
@test A7933 == B7933
# Issues #8057 and #8058
for f in (eigfact, eigvals, eig)
for A in (Symmetric([0 1; 1 0]), Hermitian([0 im; -im 0]))
@test_throws ArgumentError f(A, 3, 2)
@test_throws ArgumentError f(A, 1:4)
#Issue 10671
let A = [1.0+im 2.0; 2.0 0.0]
@test !ishermitian(A)
@test_throws ArgumentError Hermitian(A)
# 17780
let a = randn(2,2)
a = a'a
b = complex(a,a)
c = Symmetric(b)
@test conj(c) == conj(Array(c))
cc = copy(c)
@test conj!(c) == conj(Array(cc))
c = Hermitian(b + b')
@test conj(c) == conj(Array(c))
cc = copy(c)
@test conj!(c) == conj(Array(c))