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using Base.Test
debug = false
n= 10 #Size of matrix to test
debug && println("Test interconversion between special matrix types")
let a=[1.0:n;]
for newtype in [Diagonal, Bidiagonal, SymTridiagonal, Tridiagonal, LowerTriangular, UpperTriangular, Matrix]
debug && println("newtype is $(newtype)")
@test full(convert(newtype, A)) == full(A)
for newtype in [Base.LinAlg.UnitUpperTriangular, Base.LinAlg.UnitLowerTriangular]
@test_throws ArgumentError convert(newtype, A)
@test full(convert(newtype, Diagonal(ones(n)))) == eye(n)
for isupper in (true, false)
debug && println("isupper is $(isupper)")
A=Bidiagonal(a, [1.0:n-1;], isupper)
for newtype in [Bidiagonal, Tridiagonal, isupper ? UpperTriangular : LowerTriangular, Matrix]
debug && println("newtype is $(newtype)")
@test full(convert(newtype, A)) == full(A)
@test full(newtype(A)) == full(A)
@test_throws ArgumentError convert(SymTridiagonal, A)
A=Bidiagonal(a, zeros(n-1), isupper) #morally Diagonal
for newtype in [Diagonal, Bidiagonal, SymTridiagonal, Tridiagonal, isupper ? UpperTriangular : LowerTriangular, Matrix]
debug && println("newtype is $(newtype)")
@test full(convert(newtype, A)) == full(A)
@test full(newtype(A)) == full(A)
A = SymTridiagonal(a, [1.0:n-1;])
for newtype in [Tridiagonal, Matrix]
@test full(convert(newtype, A)) == full(A)
for newtype in [Diagonal, Bidiagonal]
@test_throws ArgumentError convert(newtype,A)
A = SymTridiagonal(a, zeros(n-1))
@test full(convert(Bidiagonal,A)) == full(A)
A = Tridiagonal(zeros(n-1), [1.0:n;], zeros(n-1)) #morally Diagonal
for newtype in [Diagonal, Bidiagonal, SymTridiagonal, Matrix]
@test full(convert(newtype, A)) == full(A)
A = Tridiagonal(ones(n-1), [1.0:n;], ones(n-1)) #not morally Diagonal
for newtype in [SymTridiagonal, Matrix]
@test full(convert(newtype, A)) == full(A)
for newtype in [Diagonal, Bidiagonal]
@test_throws ArgumentError convert(newtype,A)
A = Tridiagonal(zeros(n-1), [1.0:n;], ones(n-1)) #not morally Diagonal
@test full(convert(Bidiagonal, A)) == full(A)
A = UpperTriangular(Tridiagonal(zeros(n-1), [1.0:n;], ones(n-1)))
@test full(convert(Bidiagonal, A)) == full(A)
A = Tridiagonal(ones(n-1), [1.0:n;], zeros(n-1)) #not morally Diagonal
@test full(convert(Bidiagonal, A)) == full(A)
A = LowerTriangular(Tridiagonal(ones(n-1), [1.0:n;], zeros(n-1)))
@test full(convert(Bidiagonal, A)) == full(A)
@test_throws ArgumentError convert(SymTridiagonal,A)
A = LowerTriangular(full(Diagonal(a))) #morally Diagonal
for newtype in [Diagonal, Bidiagonal, SymTridiagonal, LowerTriangular, Matrix]
@test full(convert(newtype, A)) == full(A)
A = UpperTriangular(full(Diagonal(a))) #morally Diagonal
for newtype in [Diagonal, Bidiagonal, SymTridiagonal, UpperTriangular, Matrix]
@test full(convert(newtype, A)) == full(A)
A = UpperTriangular(triu(rand(n,n)))
for newtype in [Diagonal, Bidiagonal, Tridiagonal, SymTridiagonal]
@test_throws ArgumentError convert(newtype,A)
A = Diagonal(a)
for newtype in [UpperTriangular, LowerTriangular]
@test full(convert(newtype,A)) == full(A)
# Binary ops among special types
let a=[1.0:n;]
Spectypes = [Diagonal, Bidiagonal, Tridiagonal, Matrix]
for (idx, type1) in enumerate(Spectypes)
for type2 in Spectypes
B = convert(type1,A)
C = convert(type2,A)
@test_approx_eq full(B + C) full(A + A)
@test_approx_eq full(B - C) full(A - A)
B = SymTridiagonal(a, ones(n-1))
for Spectype in [Diagonal, Bidiagonal, Tridiagonal, Matrix]
@test_approx_eq full(B + convert(Spectype,A)) full(B + A)
@test_approx_eq full(convert(Spectype,A) + B) full(B + A)
@test_approx_eq full(B - convert(Spectype,A)) full(B - A)
@test_approx_eq full(convert(Spectype,A) - B) full(A - B)
C = rand(n,n)
for TriType in [Base.LinAlg.UnitLowerTriangular, Base.LinAlg.UnitUpperTriangular, UpperTriangular, LowerTriangular]
D = TriType(C)
for Spectype in [Diagonal, Bidiagonal, Tridiagonal, Matrix]
@test full(D + convert(Spectype,A)) ≈ full(D + A)
@test full(convert(Spectype,A) + D) ≈ full(A + D)
@test full(D - convert(Spectype,A)) ≈ full(D - A)
@test full(convert(Spectype,A) - D) ≈ full(A - D)
#Triangular Types and QR
for typ in [UpperTriangular,LowerTriangular,Base.LinAlg.UnitUpperTriangular,Base.LinAlg.UnitLowerTriangular]
a = rand(n,n)
atri = typ(a)
b = rand(n,n)
qrb = qrfact(b,Val{true})
@test Base.LinAlg.A_mul_Bc(atri,qrb[:Q]) ≈ full(atri) * qrb[:Q]'
@test Base.LinAlg.A_mul_Bc!(copy(atri),qrb[:Q]) ≈ full(atri) * qrb[:Q]'
qrb = qrfact(b,Val{false})
@test Base.LinAlg.A_mul_Bc(atri,qrb[:Q]) ≈ full(atri) * qrb[:Q]'
@test Base.LinAlg.A_mul_Bc!(copy(atri),qrb[:Q]) ≈ full(atri) * qrb[:Q]'