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import Base: -, *
using Base.Test
# A custom Quaternion type with minimal defined interface and methods.
# Used to test scale and scale! methods to show non-commutativity.
immutable Quaternion{T<:Real} <: Number
Quaternion(s::Real, v1::Real, v2::Real, v3::Real) = Quaternion(promote(s, v1, v2, v3)...)
Base.abs2(q::Quaternion) = q.s*q.s + q.v1*q.v1 + q.v2*q.v2 + q.v3*q.v3
Base.abs(q::Quaternion) = sqrt(abs2(q))
Base.real{T}(::Type{Quaternion{T}}) = T
Base.conj(q::Quaternion) = Quaternion(q.s, -q.v1, -q.v2, -q.v3)
(-)(ql::Quaternion, qr::Quaternion) =
Quaternion(ql.s - qr.s, ql.v1 - qr.v1, ql.v2 - qr.v2, ql.v3 - qr.v3)
(*)(q::Quaternion, w::Quaternion) = Quaternion(q.s*w.s - q.v1*w.v1 - q.v2*w.v2 - q.v3*w.v3,
q.s*w.v1 + q.v1*w.s + q.v2*w.v3 - q.v3*w.v2,
q.s*w.v2 - q.v1*w.v3 + q.v2*w.s + q.v3*w.v1,
q.s*w.v3 + q.v1*w.v2 - q.v2*w.v1 + q.v3*w.s)
debug = false
n = 5 # should be odd
for elty in (Int, Rational{BigInt}, Float32, Float64, BigFloat, Complex{Float32}, Complex{Float64}, Complex{BigFloat})
if elty <: Int
A = rand(-n:n, n, n) + 10I
elseif elty <: Rational
A = Rational{BigInt}[rand(-n:n)/rand(1:n) for i = 1:n, j = 1:n] + 10I
elseif elty <: Real
A = convert(Matrix{elty}, randn(n,n)) + 10I
A = convert(Matrix{elty}, complex(randn(n,n), randn(n,n)))
debug && println("element type: $elty")
@test_approx_eq logdet(A) log(det(A))
if elty <: Real
@test_approx_eq logabsdet(A)[1] log(abs(det(A)))
@test logabsdet(A)[2] == sign(abs(det(A)))
@test_throws DomainError logdet(convert(Matrix{elty}, -eye(n)))
@test logabsdet(convert(Matrix{elty}, -eye(n)))[2] == -1
# test diff, throw ArgumentError for invalid dimension argument
let X = [3 9 5;
7 4 2;
2 1 10]
@test diff(X,1) == [4 -5 -3; -5 -3 8]
@test diff(X,2) == [6 -4; -3 -2; -1 9]
@test_throws ArgumentError diff(X,3)
@test_throws ArgumentError diff(X,-1)
x = float([1:12;])
y = [5.5; 6.3; 7.6; 8.8; 10.9; 11.79; 13.48; 15.02; 17.77; 20.81; 22.0; 22.99]
@test_approx_eq linreg(x,y) [2.5559090909090867, 1.6960139860139862]
# test diag
let A = eye(4)
@test diag(A) == ones(4)
@test diag(sub(A, 1:3, 1:3)) == ones(3)
# test generic axpy
x = ['a','b','c','d','e']
y = ['a','b','c','d','e']
α = 'f'
@test_throws DimensionMismatch Base.LinAlg.axpy!(α,x,['g'])
@test_throws BoundsError Base.LinAlg.axpy!(α,x,collect(-1:5),y,collect(1:7))
@test_throws BoundsError Base.LinAlg.axpy!(α,x,collect(1:7),y,collect(-1:5))
@test_throws BoundsError Base.LinAlg.axpy!(α,x,collect(1:7),y,collect(1:7))
@test_throws DimensionMismatch Base.LinAlg.axpy!(α,x,collect(1:3),y,collect(1:5))
@test_throws ArgumentError diag(rand(10))
@test !issym(ones(5,3))
@test !ishermitian(ones(5,3))
@test cross(ones(3),ones(3)) == zeros(3)
@test trace(Bidiagonal(ones(5),zeros(4),true)) == 5
# 2-argument version of scale
a = reshape([1.:6;], (2,3))
@test scale(a, 5.) == a*5
@test scale(5., a) == a*5
@test scale(a, [1.; 2.; 3.]) == a.*[1 2 3]
@test scale([1.; 2.], a) == a.*[1; 2]
@test scale(a, [1; 2; 3]) == a.*[1 2 3]
@test scale([1; 2], a) == a.*[1; 2]
@test scale(eye(Int, 2), 0.5) == 0.5*eye(2)
@test scale([1; 2], sub(a, :, :)) == a.*[1; 2]
@test scale(sub([1; 2], :), a) == a.*[1; 2]
@test_throws DimensionMismatch scale(a, ones(2))
@test_throws DimensionMismatch scale(ones(3), a)
# 2-argument version of scale!
@test scale!(copy(a), 5.) == a*5
@test scale!(5., copy(a)) == a*5
b = randn(Base.LinAlg.SCAL_CUTOFF) # make sure we try BLAS path
@test scale!(copy(b), 5.) == b*5
@test scale!(copy(a), [1.; 2.; 3.]) == a.*[1 2 3]
@test scale!([1.; 2.], copy(a)) == a.*[1; 2]
@test scale!(copy(a), [1; 2; 3]) == a.*[1 2 3]
@test scale!([1; 2], copy(a)) == a.*[1; 2]
@test_throws DimensionMismatch scale!(a, ones(2))
@test_throws DimensionMismatch scale!(ones(3), a)
# 3-argument version of scale!
@test scale!(similar(a), 5., a) == a*5
@test scale!(similar(a), a, 5.) == a*5
@test scale!(similar(a), a, [1.; 2.; 3.]) == a.*[1 2 3]
@test scale!(similar(a), [1.; 2.], a) == a.*[1; 2]
@test scale!(similar(a), a, [1; 2; 3]) == a.*[1 2 3]
@test scale!(similar(a), [1; 2], a) == a.*[1; 2]
@test_throws DimensionMismatch scale!(similar(a), a, ones(2))
@test_throws DimensionMismatch scale!(similar(a), ones(3), a)
@test_throws DimensionMismatch scale!(Array(Float64, 3, 2), a, ones(3))
# scale real matrix by complex type
@test_throws InexactError scale!([1.0], 2.0im)
@test isequal(scale([1.0], 2.0im), Complex{Float64}[2.0im])
@test isequal(scale(2.0im, [1.0]), Complex{Float64}[2.0im])
@test isequal(scale(Float32[1.0], 2.0f0im), Complex{Float32}[2.0im])
@test isequal(scale(Float32[1.0], 2.0im), Complex{Float64}[2.0im])
@test isequal(scale(Float64[1.0], 2.0f0im), Complex{Float64}[2.0im])
@test isequal(scale(Float32[1.0], big(2.0)im), Complex{BigFloat}[2.0im])
@test isequal(scale(Float64[1.0], big(2.0)im), Complex{BigFloat}[2.0im])
@test isequal(scale(BigFloat[1.0], 2.0im), Complex{BigFloat}[2.0im])
@test isequal(scale(BigFloat[1.0], 2.0f0im), Complex{BigFloat}[2.0im])
# test scale and scale! for non-commutative multiplication
q = Quaternion(0.44567, 0.755871, 0.882548, 0.423612)
qmat = [Quaternion(0.015007, 0.355067, 0.418645, 0.318373)]
#@test scale!(q, copy(qmat)) != scale!(copy(qmat), q) #uncomment if #14425 gets backported
## Test * because it doesn't dispatch to scale!
@test q*qmat != qmat*q
@test conj(q*qmat) ≈ conj(qmat)*conj(q)
# test ops on Numbers
for elty in [Float32,Float64,Complex64,Complex128]
a = rand(elty)
@test trace(a) == a
@test rank(zero(elty)) == 0
@test rank(one(elty)) == 1
@test !isfinite(cond(zero(elty)))
@test cond(a) == one(elty)
@test cond(a,1) == one(elty)
@test issym(a)
@test ishermitian(one(elty))
@test det(a) == a
@test qr(big([0 1; 0 0]))[2] == [0 1; 0 0]
@test norm([2.4e-322, 4.4e-323]) ≈ 2.47e-322
@test norm([2.4e-322, 4.4e-323], 3) ≈ 2.4e-322
@test_throws ArgumentError norm(ones(5,5),5)
# test generic vecnorm for arrays of arrays
let x = Vector{Int}[[1,2], [3,4]]
@test norm(x) ≈ sqrt(30)
@test norm(x, 1) ≈ sqrt(5) + 5
@test norm(x, 3) ≈ cbrt(sqrt(125)+125)
# test that LinAlg.axpy! works for element type without commutative multiplication
α = ones(Int, 2, 2)
x = fill([1 0; 1 1], 3)
y = fill(zeros(Int, 2, 2), 3)
@test LinAlg.axpy!(α, x, deepcopy(y)) == x .* Matrix{Int}[α]
@test LinAlg.axpy!(α, x, deepcopy(y)) != Matrix{Int}[α] .* x
# test that LinAlg.axpy! works for x and y of different dimensions
α = 5
x = 2:5
y = ones(Int, 2, 4)
rx = [1 4]
ry = [2 8]
@test LinAlg.axpy!(α, x, rx, y, ry) == [1 1 1 1; 11 1 1 26]