/usr/share/julia/base/fft/dct.jl is in julia-common 0.4.7-6.
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# (This is part of the FFTW module.)
export dct, idct, dct!, idct!, plan_dct, plan_idct, plan_dct!, plan_idct!
# Discrete cosine transforms (type II/III) via FFTW's r2r transforms;
# we follow the Matlab convention and adopt a unitary normalization here.
# Unlike Matlab we compute the multidimensional transform by default,
# similar to the Julia fft functions.
type DCTPlan{T<:fftwNumber,K,inplace} <: Plan{T}
r::Array{UnitRange{Int}} # array of indices for rescaling
nrm::Float64 # normalization factor
region::Dims # dimensions being transformed
DCTPlan(plan,r,nrm,region) = new(plan,r,nrm,region)
size(p::DCTPlan) = size(p.plan)
function show{T,K,inplace}(io::IO, p::DCTPlan{T,K,inplace})
print(io, inplace ? "FFTW in-place " : "FFTW ",
K == REDFT10 ? "DCT (DCT-II)" : "IDCT (DCT-III)", " plan for ")
showfftdims(io, p.plan.sz, p.plan.istride, eltype(p))
for (pf, pfr, K, inplace) in ((:plan_dct, :plan_r2r, REDFT10, false),
(:plan_dct!, :plan_r2r!, REDFT10, true),
(:plan_idct, :plan_r2r, REDFT01, false),
(:plan_idct!, :plan_r2r!, REDFT01, true))
@eval function $pf{T<:fftwNumber}(X::StridedArray{T}, region; kws...)
r = [1:n for n in size(X)]
nrm = sqrt(0.5^length(region) * normalization(X,region))
DCTPlan{T,$K,$inplace}($pfr(X, $K, region; kws...), r, nrm,
ntuple(i -> Int(region[i]), length(region)))
.. plan_dct!(A [, dims [, flags [, timelimit]]])
Same as :func:`plan_dct`, but operates in-place on ``A``.
.. plan_idct(A [, dims [, flags [, timelimit]]])
Pre-plan an optimized inverse discrete cosine transform (DCT), similar to
:func:`plan_fft` except producing a function that computes :func:`idct`.
The first two arguments have the same meaning as for :func:`idct`.
.. plan_dct(A [, dims [, flags [, timelimit]]])
Pre-plan an optimized discrete cosine transform (DCT), similar to
:func:`plan_fft` except producing a function that computes :func:`dct`.
The first two arguments have the same meaning as for :func:`dct`.
.. plan_idct!(A [, dims [, flags [, timelimit]]])
Same as :func:`plan_idct`, but operates in-place on ``A``.
function plan_inv{T,K,inplace}(p::DCTPlan{T,K,inplace})
X = Array(T, p.plan.sz)
iK = inv_kind[K]
DCTPlan{T,iK,inplace}(inplace ?
plan_r2r!(X, iK, p.region, flags=p.plan.flags) :
plan_r2r(X, iK, p.region, flags=p.plan.flags),
p.r, p.nrm, p.region)
for f in (:dct, :dct!, :idct, :idct!)
pf = symbol(string("plan_", f))
@eval begin
$f{T<:fftwNumber}(x::AbstractArray{T}) = $pf(x) * x
$f{T<:fftwNumber}(x::AbstractArray{T}, region) = $pf(x, region) * x
$pf(x::AbstractArray; kws...) = $pf(x, 1:ndims(x); kws...)
$f{T<:Real}(x::AbstractArray{T}, region=1:ndims(x)) = $f(fftwfloat(x), region)
$pf{T<:Real}(x::AbstractArray{T}, region; kws...) = $pf(fftwfloat(x), region; kws...)
$pf{T<:Complex}(x::AbstractArray{T}, region; kws...) = $pf(fftwcomplex(x), region; kws...)
.. dct(A [, dims])
Performs a multidimensional type-II discrete cosine transform (DCT)
of the array ``A``, using the unitary normalization of the DCT.
The optional ``dims`` argument specifies an iterable subset of
dimensions (e.g. an integer, range, tuple, or array) to transform
along. Most efficient if the size of ``A`` along the transformed
dimensions is a product of small primes; see :func:`nextprod`. See
also :func:`plan_dct` for even greater efficiency.
.. idct(A [, dims])
Computes the multidimensional inverse discrete cosine transform (DCT)
of the array ``A`` (technically, a type-III DCT with the unitary
The optional ``dims`` argument specifies an iterable subset of
dimensions (e.g. an integer, range, tuple, or array) to transform
along. Most efficient if the size of ``A`` along the transformed
dimensions is a product of small primes; see :func:`nextprod`. See
also :func:`plan_idct` for even greater efficiency.
.. dct!(A [, dims])
Same as :func:`dct!`, except that it operates in-place
on ``A``, which must be an array of real or complex floating-point
.. idct!(A [, dims])
Same as :func:`idct!`, but operates in-place on ``A``.
const sqrthalf = sqrt(0.5)
const sqrt2 = sqrt(2.0)
const onerange = 1:1
function A_mul_B!{T}(y::StridedArray{T}, p::DCTPlan{T,REDFT10},
assert_applicable(p.plan, x, y)
unsafe_execute!(p.plan, x, y)
scale!(y, p.nrm)
r = p.r
for d in p.region
oldr = r[d]
r[d] = onerange
y[r...] *= sqrthalf
r[d] = oldr
return y
# note: idct changes input data
function A_mul_B!{T}(y::StridedArray{T}, p::DCTPlan{T,REDFT01},
assert_applicable(p.plan, x, y)
scale!(x, p.nrm)
r = p.r
for d in p.region
oldr = r[d]
r[d] = onerange
x[r...] *= sqrt2
r[d] = oldr
unsafe_execute!(p.plan, x, y)
return y
*{T}(p::DCTPlan{T,REDFT10,false}, x::StridedArray{T}) =
A_mul_B!(Array(T, p.plan.osz), p, x)
*{T}(p::DCTPlan{T,REDFT01,false}, x::StridedArray{T}) =
A_mul_B!(Array(T, p.plan.osz), p, copy(x)) # need copy to preserve input
*{T,K}(p::DCTPlan{T,K,true}, x::StridedArray{T}) = A_mul_B!(x, p, x)